WTF wordpress?


When I opened this post and started writing the whole layout has changed..! I don’t do well with changes. Really don’t.

And it’s so confusing. So confusing. Not like any other writing-thing I’ve ever seen. The help-bar is gone. Probably not, but to my not-so-keen-electronic-eye it is.

Thing is! I was gonna tell you that Im getting painted today! My favorite artist in Bergen reached out to me asking if I’d be interested in sitting for her. And, self-proclaimed Yes’er that I am -of course I said yes. I’m excited! I’ve stood on stage, in front of cameras, but never still like this. I expect it to be intense. And intimate. And a little scary. Just the way I like it.

Have to go! I’m interesting and somebody thinks so. Bye

New nakeddress by the way. Wearing it on Wednesday for my birthday. Embarrassingly excited.

  9 comments for “WTF wordpress?

  1. Mahikan
    31/01/2019 at 08:13

    Gratulerer med dagen, Viktoria. Jeg håper det var bra.
    Hvilken artist er det?

    du har vakre øyne, så jeg ser frem til tolkningen.

    Jeg beklager om min norsk er dårlig.

  2. Peter
    02/02/2019 at 17:06

    I sincerely hope it has/will Viktoria.
    Your mission statement is so inspirational and aspirational and I am sure you know the future direction you have to take with it.
    I do not know whose fault it was and I am not particularly bothered (I really meant you no disrespect and I am sorry if you read that into my comments, I am prepared to admit that may have been my fault) but having been conjured up on this fret riven orb 58 years ago, I have never been sworn at by somebody else (not to my face anyway) and have no need of doing so to somebody else. and I am too old to start doing so any time soon.
    When you swear at a contributor, you loose your moral high ground, you loose your authority. There are much gentler ways of policing your blog.
    As I am being so dictatorial and patronising, maybe you should be more tolerant of those who’s vision of life is illuminated by a different prism’d hue. Although it may not be your view, you might find it interesting to find out why their view differs, rather than wishing them gone. Neither you or we know what mental ‘place’ they are in and wouldn’t it be terrible if rejection caused them to do something drastic.
    Also, of course, you are missing out on any other beautiful things they might want to share about their lives and make both you and your readers the poorer.

    I hope your ‘sitting’ for the painting went well and you enjoyed it and that maybe the results will one-day be shown on this blog.

    Talking of ‘paint’, I heard of a new paint being tested by the artistic community called ‘Black 3’ which is so dark that is hides shadow in daylight. I do not know if this is going to be usable on fabric but what a truly magical garment could be made if so. It could make a person a walking ‘singularity’ (to light obviously, not gravity). I assure you it is a genuine research project.

    In light of my comments, I don’t expect to be popular and although I would never weaponize my presence, I am fully prepared to end my engagement with your blog if that is what you desire.

    I wish you well,

    Peter <3 <3 (It's as simple as this).
    I fold myself up, and up, and, up a bit more, and then I'm go n e . *

    • Viktoria
      04/02/2019 at 17:14

      Are you talking about your comment only, or the one from the other guy as well?

      To make it clear: I love connecting with other people and learning from others. But I haven’t got time nor do I wish to be friends with everybody.
      This is my blog. Which I write mostly for myself. I’m not looking for your point of view on my life and the way I live it.
      Swearing is something I do when I feel strongly about something.
      Moral high ground? Authority? That’s like the opposite of what I stand for. I don’t care how I look in an argument. But I’m not gonna waste time explaining a sexist condescending guy why I don’t need his opinions on my page.

      • Peter
        06/02/2019 at 12:21

        * . < Thanks Viktoria for your patient reply.
        I shall respond; I have selected my threads and I think I know the pattern but due to a prolonged bout of Labyrinthitis I am not up to powering the frame.
        That's a downside of getting older, things start falling off!
        Kindest regards,
        Peter <3 <3

      • Peter
        07/02/2019 at 18:04

        Hello Viktoria. In answer to your question, I was referring to your comments to the other guy and a few other commenters in the past (‘military marathon man’ and a person who did not appreciate all of the effort involved in producing your garments and that ‘the quality is remembered when the price is forgotten’).
        If I may, I would like to share something with you that does not judge you or tell you how to live your life but instead shows ME in a bad light.
        Draw whatever conclusions you like about me.
        Some forty years ago I started working with a sales representative whose technical skill was very well regarded by his customers but who had had a very unhappy childhood of rejection and very strict discipline.
        We, his colleagues, believe this lack of childhood love resulted in him not relating to females in a very healthy and respectful way. And although we regularly had to endure very unpleasant crudity, we could all understand that far from being a perpetrator, he was in fact a victim of his terrible childhood experiences.
        Twenty years ago, our company was ‘cast to the four winds’; many of us were made redundant but he was kept on and forced to adopt ‘digital technologies’.
        Sadly the tremendous stress of suddenly loosing ‘us’, his ‘support network’ (surrogate family really) and being forced into an alien mode of working resulted in him having a nervous breakdown, very severe depression and finally Sectioning.
        He skimmed along ‘the bottom’ for about two years and started to improve gradually. He made small trips out to see his old customers and those old work colleagues who were still accessible of which I was one.
        He had already been to see me a couple of times and on his last visit he said he wanted to find a female partner to share his life with, he felt so lonely and isolated and wanted to build a fresh, hopeful life.
        Knowing his ‘mode of operation’ for the last twenty years, I stepped in quite firmly with a discussion about how he would have to amend his ways and views before he considered this course.
        About two weeks later, without warning, he took his own life.
        The question haunts me even now, these seventeen years later; was I responsible either partly or wholly for the action he took? Was I?
        I know I was a fool and should have been much more respectful of the ‘duty of care’ I had to him.
        Now I have to live with the consequences; the guilt of not knowing, or ever being able to find out.

        • Viktoria
          14/02/2019 at 10:49

          Sad for you.

        • Viktoria
          14/02/2019 at 10:56

          You didn’t do anything though? We’re not responsible for each other’s lives and actions. I’d try to get over it, no use.

          • Peter
            14/02/2019 at 12:31

            Thanks Viktoria. I have never told anybody else. Sometimes it weighs heavily upon me and other times it doesn’t. In many ways we were all set up for the situation by my friends history I suppose.
            I think of it like an iron nail driven into a tree trunk and the bark has grown over it. It is still there, it irritates and it reminds me at times. Maybe it does some good sometimes though.
            Many people must find themselves in the same situation I am sure.

            Peter <3 <3

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