What’s in a name? Or a word?

Celebrated my friend’s birthday on Monday. I wore my birth name’s design. Victoria.

(obviously never forget that I was born Victoria A. She Victoria B.)

Did you know that? I don’t see why you would, but I was Victoria until kindergarten. For about two or three years of my life I was officially a c.

A cunt.

Let’s just let that linger a bit.

Oh my god, I’m laughing so hard of myself. At myself. With myself. And all of the above. Because that’s just ridiculous. I still am one.

Ok, I’m done now I swear. On my Victoria Beckham suit.

Anyways, my parents apparently changed it at the age of two or three to Viktoria..! Because everyone just assumed that this Norwegian brown eyed girl was called the Norwegian equivalent to the English name, Victoria. They just saw life as much easier if they’d just change it..! That easy, haha, they changed it. I mean, what a hassle am I right? Explaining to everyone that you’re a c…

Little did they know I wouldn’t have much explainin’ to do as I got older. People would know straight away I was a c.

Seriously, no more cunt-jokes. And don’t you dare get surprised by me using it. It’s been made an ugly word for a non-ugly thing. Maybe one of the few things everyone need in life. I mean, where would any of us be without them? We wouldn’t..! Sure, the world, I mean the planet and all the animals, plants and fishiies sharing it’s surface would’ve been better off without them.

But, still. We’d be fucked. At the same time as we couldn’t. Not without life. And c’s.

We shouldn’t go make it ugly by being offended by using it. It’s a beautiful thing. Let’s take it back and make it beautiful.

For us.

Just us.

Here’s a grapefruit.

And I do love my new name.

  12 comments for “What’s in a name? Or a word?

  1. 11/10/2017 at 12:04

    I love your name. Great blog ❤

    • Viktoria
      12/10/2017 at 05:03

      🙂 Thank you Alyssa!

  2. Floor
    12/10/2017 at 17:03

    When I saw the title of your blog, I was so surprised. We’re having philosophy classes at school right now and the teacher made us think about our names. We had to ask our parents why they chose our name and why they think it’s beautiful. We also had to search for the meaning of our name. My name, for example, means goddess of the flowers and spring. And all of the thinking made me realize, how a name is like a prediction of our lives.
    Great philosophers said that the essence of something is in the word or the name itself. Your name can say so many things about you, it’s incredible. And it is also strange how I was just realising all of this, the same time you wrote this blog. It’s magical in a way.
    Have a very nice and wonderful day Viktoria. Your name is beautiful. It comes from the goddess of victory and victoria is the Latin word for ‘victory’ or ‘conquer’.
    I’ve been looking for the conqueror, but you don’t seem to come my way <3 We are the warriors of love yay. I love you!

    • Viktoria
      13/10/2017 at 06:47

      I know! I am victorious! Being a goddess of flowers and spring isn’t too bad either. Much love, have a great weekend you goddess!

  3. Stella
    12/10/2017 at 19:57

    Words can be very powerful. The C word I have only ever heard used in a bad way so it will take a very long time for me to feel comfortable with its use as a good word to describe our beautiful grapefruit!!!
    My mum named me Stella meaning star and after me came my sister Lucia (we call her Lucy), meaning graceful, light. My mum said that together we would be star light!! I thought that was such a lovely idea!! We are not twins by the way. Floors response is really lovely! Your name suits you. 🌸

    • Viktoria
      13/10/2017 at 06:49

      Aaaah, star light <3 <3 <3
      I know, same for me. C word is very stigmatized as being a bad word. It'll take time for me too 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend Star-Stella!

  4. Jc
    13/10/2017 at 02:06

    Over here in Australia we call our mates cunts, and the people that we don’t know, we call mate.

    I’ve noticed that when people tend to hang out with Aussies in real life or online, the word cunt becomes so desensitised because it’s such a great cuntish word to say.

    This is how we great our friends in Australia.
    “Scarnon cunt”

    • Viktoria
      13/10/2017 at 06:45

      You do? haha! In a positive way? 😀

      • Jc
        14/10/2017 at 02:11

        It’s more about the tone you say it in and how you use it in a conversation.

        Here’s an example on how to use the word cunt in an acceptable form.

        Even Australian Google recommends us different ways to use the word cunt. https://i.imgur.com/4wnj8NA.jpg

        It’s just a great word.

        • Viktoria
          17/10/2017 at 09:20

          yes, that’s what I’m saying. Context.

    • Stella
      14/10/2017 at 21:06

      Fellow Aussie (and Viktoria), some people in Australia do greet their mates using the C word In a ‘positive’ way. 🙂The people I hang out with don’t use it at all and so it’s meaning for me has not been desensitised. And don’t get me wrong, I am not being a prude here, I have been known to explete some very colourful language when I feel the need to but never the C word. In my experience the C word has only ever been used negatively and in anger and I can think of lots of other words to use instead of it if I had to. 🙂 Yes, using it between mates in Australia is acceptable however you would have to be a very brave person to use the C word on a stranger!!

      • Viktoria
        17/10/2017 at 09:25

        Haha, I see that. People might misunderstand your friendly approach..! And same here, so many great bad words to use that does not involve a woman’s body part. So many other words like this too. Like faggot.

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