Was going to post this when I got home from London on Monday, but didn’t have time actually to sit down properly. But today I’m taking time. In case anybody wondered what really happened the night of the 5th of august 2018.
I’ve had my share of fuck ups when it comes to traveling by plane, but I usually have some sort of understanding as to how and why it happened. This one’s just.. so unnecessary. Because of my prior fuck ups (one being buzzed with the first one therefore late, other one looking at the arrival time instead of take off.. I think we can all relate to those two), I really made sure I read the receipts thoroughly and carefully. I really did. Especially as I knew I was in a particularly high risk fuck up situation cause I booked two flights, two trips, at one time. Both to London. Both for two people. Both at the same dates – one month apart. I’ve been known to live on the edge. This obviously proved to be too much of a challenge for me, and I can see now for the first time in my life why people have assistants for these kind of things.
I mistook the airports.
Vegard knew it the moment we arrived Gatwick and couldn’t find SAS. Fucking Norwegian.
I stared and stared at my flight detail, GLARED at them to make sure I didn’t get it wrong. I prefer landing at Gatwick and I know my second trip to London its’ arrival and departure at Gatwick, but somehow I missed the fact that this flight had its’ departure from Heathrow.
I’m stunned.
Yes, we arrived at Gatwick, but it really shouldn’t be that hard to see that we departed from a different airport. I’m so surprised to the point in which I’m almost impressed by my excelling level of brain disassociation. A skill I must have picked up somewhere along the way of this mission to survive in a world with so many aggressive impressions. Have I developed some sort of lettering adhd? Or is my brain just too busy? I am an extremely efficient person, that I know. Tell me to have it done by the end of the week -I’ll have it done by tonight. Even if I’m totally overworked -I’ll take on two more tasks just to prove myself I can do it. It’s a great skill, makes me that much more relaxed the days and hours I don’t do anything but take care of myself. Which again restores balance in my grey gardens. But it just doesn’t work in paperwork-world. You have to read the fine-prints and I never do. –Oh, it’s fine..! That’s seriously my motto in life. if I’m not dying or having a panic attack, it’ll be fine..! Will sort itself out. We’ll find a solution. This time that solution cost my poor husband over 1000 pounds. Which, to me is.. I mean, money is money. It comes and goes, ebbs and flows. I could never be devastated over money. But energy-wise.. We were absolutely knackered. So it hit us like those airport doors that supposedly’s meant to open as you approach but not always manage to do as the person in front of you was a little bit too close to you or too hesitant themselves, and I always have high anxiety over. Boom. You’re not coming any further you little bitch.
We got an airport hotel after going back to Victoria station and piccadillyed ourselves to our righteous airport and the flight next day went smoothly. So it was all good. Not as good as the shower I had when I got home, but all. good.
PLUS! I’m that much closer to my project coming to life, so it’s aaaaaaaall good!!!
Sew you later! <3
Imagine getting hyped up cos your going home and then realizing you went to the wrong place! Its like getting a ‘cat’ for your birthday but then realize your brother meant a lion.
Atleast you did not have to hassle for a new ticket 🙂
Thanks for the explanation Viktoria. I think, like the rest of us, you are suffering what is called ‘Future Shock’. We are really not meant to live in a complex world (what more do we ultimately achieve than a caveman/woman anyway)??
I take the view that I cannot be bothered to fly anywhere now or catch a train; just too much hassle (there is probably a reason why planes resemble flying Calvary Crosses).
When you hit the ‘big time’ I would like to see you (and the other one) standing proudly, arm raised, hand clamped on a heaven stretched bow rope on the bow of a wind and wave shouldered long ship as you come ashore on an English foam washed shore. Now that’s the way to travel!!!
(I wonder if you can charter a long ship)??
Also remember, as we say in the UK “Her er bare der bare et annet sted (er ikke Google Translate undrende ull)”.
I wonder if I read that somewhere or made it up?
Of course, you could always fly ‘Yorkshire Airlines’ ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR9Zdgv2Kag
It’s cheap!!
Ha Ha.
<3 <3
Oh no, I am doing it now…(a customer came in just at a crucial time). Sorry.
Det er bare her, men på et annet sted. (There is only here but in a different place).
Just off to Pontefract to catch my plane!
Got various flights/airlines booked to Gothenburg, Toronto and Reykjavik between now and the beginning of December. I did the right thing and let my wife organise it, me I’m bound to create a clusterf**k doing it. Pays to know your strengths, organising flights isn’t one of them.
Oh god I do that sort of thing all the time!
It’s like soap. Well, the idiom about soap. The harder you try to hold it the easier it slips from your grasp. The more you think about something the more… what was I saying?
You ever go shopping, and there’s one thing you REALLY need, the thing you went for shopping for, Sure there’s other stuff to get too but you’re after the one thing. Go shopping, buy the stuff, done, perfect, wonderful. FORGET THE THING.
Don’t you get that flush of heat that comes with the sinking realisation that you’ve fucked up. The worst!
Hi Viktoria it’s been a while your not a fuck
Your actually gorgeous af also your an Inspiration and anytime you got an extra ticket to any flight I’m there just let me know ❤️👌❤️🙌🏻 #goals