Two things I love. Freelancing and cilantro.

I’m so tired.

I did go out for drinks yesterday, though. Sunday is the best day to go out for drinks if you have the opportunity. I had a quiet weekend you see, tacos and movies style, classic. And that always leaves me with this.. itch. And when I itch, Imma scratch.

I also really need to get out of the house since my working space is in my living room. My entire life is basically lived in 70 square meter.

I’m so fucking happy I can freelance. Not that there’s much pride in freelancing. We almost never have money. And when we do we spend it all on new equipment, food and wine. Maybe some fresh pantyhoes. (is it hoes? really?). Unless you’re really famous and sought after. But they’re like a different species.

Anyway. I’m supposed to work now. I’m going to. I’ve already done a little bit. I ironed my fabric. Gonna do some more just now. That’s a South African thing btw. Doesn’t matter what timespan we’re talking about. Everything is in “just now”. I might be there in five minutes. Maybe in two hours! Who knows?? I’m here, I’m suddenly there -I’m everywhere! But seriously, I’ll be there just now. That’s all you have to know.

So here I sit. Eating a sweaty cheesy toast covered in butter and cilantro.

Trying to avoid my constructions waiting -screaming for my attention on the floor.

I love cilantro. Put it on everything. I’m never able to keep them alive though. I even got a tip how to. What did I do?


That’s how much I care about living things; I buy it. Den I kill it. Embarrassing.

Anyway. I’ll eat it. Even when it looks sad and depressed like this.

I’m sorry for this post. I’ll go “back” to work now. Have a lovely day!

  6 comments for “Two things I love. Freelancing and cilantro.

  1. Yovani
    06/02/2017 at 11:24

    Congrats on freelancing and I really do like cilantro as well no joke and spinach but both always end up between my teeth also I hope one day I’ll have enough money to offord a piece of your clothing lol have a good one!

    • Viktoria
      06/02/2017 at 12:34

      I hope so too one day! 😀

  2. 06/02/2017 at 19:08

    Cilantro is great. And if i could i would give you all my money to help me with clothing stuff.

    • Viktoria
      07/02/2017 at 07:58

      <3 haha, it's morning and it's fine. I didn't eat that much really :) and a particular Haribo winegum is my absolute favorite! Starmix <3

  3. James Croft
    06/02/2017 at 20:43

    Ok, I’m going to have to try that. The splash of green on an other wise very yellow cheese on toast really perks it up!

    Also in British English we call it Coriander, because we like having our own names for stuff. 😉

    • Viktoria
      07/02/2017 at 08:08

      haha, English people..! love it. We also call it Koriander, but in English coriander is the name of the seeds, not the leaves! Not that it changes the fact that that’s what you call it.!

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