Got up at six today, not that that’s alarmingly early these days, but I actually got a really good nights sleep.

Probably mostly from exhaustion. But there’s not much I wouldn’t do for a good nights sleep nowadays.. Plus I’m also reading in bed now before dozing off. A great way to go. To sleep.

Reading Victoria.


I am a queen.

Last night I put the last buttons in all ma holes and packed my suitcases for today.

Followed by a rare moment my husband caught on camera.

This face.

It’s unbelievable how much help I’ve gotten from the people in my life. I feel so very lucky. I am lucky. But I feel especially humble today. I’ll either cry or put a wall up.. Either one is fine, equally tiring. The one only postponing the other.

Wish me luck, meet you on the other side! So much love for the uplifting words here and on IG, know that it means so very much to me <3

drop mic, I’m out.

no? too far?


  1. Stella
    10/03/2017 at 07:58

    On point Viktoria!! So much love back too ❤️ your posts are always wonderful to read. Your words seem to reach people in special ways. I am sure your designs will also. I love the connection you make between emotions and clothing (in an earlier post).
    Your husband has captured a wonderful moment and thank you for sharing.
    Wishing you lots of wonderfulness and I look forwards to seeing you on the other side 🌟

    • Viktoria
      15/03/2017 at 10:21


  2. 10/03/2017 at 09:53

    ååå, han fanget et fint øyeblikk. du ser veldig stolt ut. og spent ut. dette blir bra! dette blir dødsbra. jeg er veldig spent på å se i kveld. masse, masse, masse lykke til! dette klarer du.

    • Viktoria
      15/03/2017 at 10:20


  3. James Croft
    10/03/2017 at 20:03

    GO for it! 🙂

    • Viktoria
      15/03/2017 at 10:20


  4. 11/03/2017 at 21:03

    I really am so so happy for you! Youre doing so great! I hope it was everything you hoped for ❤

    • Viktoria
      15/03/2017 at 10:20

      Everything and more <3

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