To whom it may concern behind the rack of protein shakes. Yes, you. With the attitude.

I’ve set foot in two gym’s in my life. One in my old town when I was around fifteen and briefly tried to work out to get skinnier. I quickly found out I wasn’t one to lift and squeeze all day, I had better things to do, and quit after a year or so to venture out on new paths towards thigh gaps, arms that went in on both sides of the elbow and destruction.

Second gym I’ve seen was the one I went to last winter.  Just down the road from here is a small gym. Went there for a couple of months before the wind softened and ice melted. It’s a dump. Outdated and mostly enjoyable for the senior groups I saw on numerous occasions sitting around a table eating fruit and cookies after sessions in one of the outdated rooms I can imagine. They seemed very happy. It was cute. But the ladies working there were total assholes. Rude and wouldn’t let me wear a sleeveless top. Are you fucking kidding me? Sometimes they didn’t even say Hi. It was mostly five people there and I’d walk right past them entering. I know you see me!

And now this one. The one I joined today due to shitty weather. This is a big new one! Lots of treadmills on the second floor pointing outwards, big windows, all kinds of offers like swimming pool, hot yoga, squash, endless of sessions for everything.. Not that I’ll ever use any of it. I’ll just pay a ridiculous amount of money to use a treadmill overlooking a road and a carpark.

I also had to pay 450 NOK for a session with a personal trainer. Which I politely asked the lady if I could skip since I wouldn’t really be needing it. She smirked and laughed at me while she, in a very condescending manner, said that “No, no -you’ll want to do that, you do. You don’t turn that down” whilst glancing at her partner who smirked back. Smirked!!! It wasn’t even an option! I had to pay money for a session with a personal trainer I have NO interest whatsoever to meet with. I actually thought about asking her if she could make an exception due to mental illness. But decided not to since I don’t owe her an explanation on why I wouldn’t be needing one, it’s my business. But hey, don’t ask me why.. Just assume I think I know everything and feel that I’m too good for your pathetic little trainers, that I’m above that shit. Assume that, go ahead.

I don’t want one ’cause I just wanna run. I just enjoy running and it quiets the voices harassing me every day without running. I don’t wanna be aware of how I run, how to improve it or hear how I can get leaner and stronger arms, I don’t need to.

I’ll just pretend I died and not answer him when he suggests time and date.

I felt totally belittled and stupid for even being there.

Why the FUCK, can someone please tell me, do people working at the gym think they’re better than the rest of us? Why? Do they think they’re the only one’s with knowledge of the human body? Last time I checked it takes a year, A SINGLE teeny-tiny year, to become a personal trainer. You don’t know shit about the human body and mind compared to at least a hundred other occupations. And people, normal people, are at the gym for crying out loud – most of us scared shitless to even be there because of assholes like you. We’re here to work out.. Break a sweat. Pause the lives we lead for others. It’s a beautiful thing putting off time to yourself, focusing on becoming stronger. Cheer us on, please. I wanna see a look on your face that fucking screams “I am so proud of you for deciding to come in here today! Have a GREAT FUCKING WORKOUT!! YOU.. -YOU LEGEND!!!!”

  27 comments for “To whom it may concern behind the rack of protein shakes. Yes, you. With the attitude.

  1. Alyssa Summers
    08/02/2018 at 19:20

    Punch them in the fucking throat. ( i wouldnt actually do that, but ill think about it a few times) wow if they want more people to come to the gym they woud be welcoming and not pushy . Ugh. I have gym junkies in my life who act like that even outside the gym, high and mighty. Quite irritating.
    Anyways i hope they dont do anything like that to you any further, being pushy i mean.

    • Viktoria
      09/02/2018 at 09:20

      Right?? I’ll keep that mental pic in my mind. Haha, Alyssa you’re the sweetest. Let’s hate on them together. Or even better -feel sorry for them! That’s the worst. I’d rather have someone hate me than pity me! So let’s 😉

  2. Flavia
    08/02/2018 at 22:40


    • Viktoria
      09/02/2018 at 09:21

      Halleluja! It’s an epidemic. Affects us all. Those shits.

      • Favia
        10/02/2018 at 03:58

        Those assholes! !! People that dont have content usually works their body to kinda fill the lack of inteligence

        • Viktoria
          15/02/2018 at 11:13

          I think so too. They also use every bit of power they have. But you know, it was in the contract, so she probably couldn’t do much. But she could try. At least understand maybe..?

  3. Linda
    09/02/2018 at 10:35

    Why do you think they forced you to buy a session with a trainer? You could easilly refuse their offer. It is a usual procedure for the begginers that prevent them from getting hurt/doing wrong exercises, also showing all the gym facilities and advising you a training programm that fits you. Also there are rules in the gym, which all the visitors must follow, why whine about something that you can fix? Tell them what you don’t like and if they don’t listen to you – don’t go there, it’s not the only one in the city.

    • Viktoria
      09/02/2018 at 14:53

      Great advice. Linda. I didn’t realize how a gym works.
      I couldn’t refuse, it was part of the deal getting a membership. And no, I can’t go anywhere else. If you don’t like my whining, why are you here?

      • Linda
        10/02/2018 at 14:03

        You are a strong, independent-thinking and a smart woman and i enjoy reading some of your thoughts! But i wish you had more courage to stand out and tell your ideas not only on the website, but in person to their faces! It would be easier for you if you made it clear for them – either they are acting like real assholes, or there was just a little misunderstanding and all of you laugh and become friendly.

        • Viktoria
          15/02/2018 at 11:16

          There’s no point of “standing” up and argue with someone about their personality though.. She’s an asshole and there’s no point telling here that. Then I’m the asshole. I’m very happy about telling someone else though, that’s venting 🙂 And she probably couldn’t do anything about the situation, since it’s in the contract. It’s such a weird rule though.. Is it even legal, making someone pay for something they don’t want?

  4. Pete from Detroit
    09/02/2018 at 11:36

    I think it’s what we call in the U.S. a over evaluated sense of self worth. Tell her if the talks to you like that again she better make a dental appointment first ’cause she’s going to missin’ teeth after you jump over the counter and punch her out. I’m only kidding, nice mental image though.

    • Viktoria
      09/02/2018 at 14:53


  5. The Better Cat
    09/02/2018 at 20:06

    Here is the idea, you secretly train elsewhere and become equivalent to Ronda Rousey, then storm the place like Godzilla.

    • Viktoria
      17/02/2018 at 11:05


  6. Pri Alanis
    10/02/2018 at 03:11

    Unfortunately gym idiots are everywhere in the world.
    It’s strange that you have to pay a personal trainer. Here we only pay one if we want or need, always have one or two instructors are monitoring everyone.
    I’m from Brazil, and also here there idiots like these, but I entered to a gym on last week and I think that I was lucky, because I found a gym exclusively female here in my city, and all people that work there are very kind and supportive.
    PS: I’m sorry for my bad english.

    • Viktoria
      15/02/2018 at 11:11

      Wow, that’s cool! I don’t mind men though, but I get it, very chill with women only.

  7. 10/02/2018 at 19:58

    Hah yeah it’s so bizarre, like when they shame people who are not in the best shape… but they are AT THE GYM! Encourage don’t belittle.

    I’ve found, at least as I’ve got older and less concerned about these things, that the best thing to do when someone has a shitty attitude is to loudly, call them out on their bullshit. Takes a bit of bravery sure but it’s incredible fun to watch these snidey little people shrivel when you draw attention to them; HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME, YOUR ATTITUDE IS DISGUSTING, I WOULD LIKE YOU TO APOLOGISE!


    • Viktoria
      15/02/2018 at 11:22

      I don’t see the point in telling someone what I think about them though.. She doesn’t have to be nice to me. People are who they are and I don’t have to like her. I just don’t look at her. She’s a bad egg and we don’t have to be friendly. And what would I accomplish of her giving me a cringed apology for being a bitch? I don’t think that’s brave. I would be horrified if a stranger told me they thought I was a bad person, I’d be pissed off. Haha. No it’s fine, I’m just venting.

    • Viktoria
      15/02/2018 at 11:27

      But I get it, if that gives you satisfaction to call someone out on their behavior. I would just feel like losing. I just gave her a smirk back. She knew what I felt. And probably told her friend I was a bitch haha

      • 15/02/2018 at 18:45

        Yeah part of it is that it’s just satisfying, but also I wonder how many people are just horrid because they get away with it. I wonder if shaking them up a bit will help to change that.

        Ignoring these people is also a perfectly valid and far more peaceful strategy. 🙂

        • Viktoria
          17/02/2018 at 11:07

          Probably no one told them. haha. I’m also hypersensitive, I have to remember that. So she might be ok to others 🙂

  8. Izabela
    13/02/2018 at 15:35

    I don’t understand people, and don’t think I’ll ever do. Are we natural assholes? Anyway, doesn’t make sense, call me crazy, but I dreamt with you last night. You were here, at Florianópolis. Enjoying the beaches. Hope you’re doing great. People not always know they are make other people uncomfortable. Also, I reminded or maybe just unconsciously imagined that you were writing a book. If that is true, CAN NOT WAIT. Hope you’re doing great.

    • Viktoria
      15/02/2018 at 11:29

      I think we’re all assholes on certain things. But working publicly, I really despise it.
      Yes I am! Slowly 🙂
      A beach in a dream with you sounds good. I like it.

  9. Rhodasol
    14/02/2018 at 20:16

    ”I tried not to smirk.

    • Viktoria
      15/02/2018 at 11:32

      Let me guess, you’re either a gym-junkie ooooor you’re just familiar with them?

  10. Sebastian
    19/09/2018 at 03:56

    It’s exactly the same where I live. When I was going there on a regular basis, right before (or rather at the very beginning of) another episode of my disorder, I went there, working the shit out of my body, only feeling relieved, when my muscles told me they can’t go on. The employees were always smirking, dunno why – to me, it always looked like they were thinking “yeah, you douches, do work out, while we’ll tell you how to do it, bc you don’t know shit about working out”. Feeling uncomfortable, being touched by strangers, it was horrible, when they approached and sometimes even touched before talking to me, to correct movements and positions on their training machines. But it’s kinda relieving that those people seem to be the same all over the world. I could imagine, in the US it could even be worse, with a higher amount of extroverted people than in Norway or Germany. 😉

    • Viktoria
      19/09/2018 at 10:23

      So extroverted though! Crazy how a lot of Americans don’t feel the need for personal space..! Frightening for people like us, haha. Sounds horrible being corrected on like that. F those people. Almost squirming thinking about that feeling when someone’s watching you, judging you’re ever move.. But if you gotta go, you gotta go! I’m just so happy when I can work out alone. How I prefer most of my activities hahaha

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