A touch of summer!
All though I am a summer-opponent and self proclaimed winter queen, I must say I do appreciate the sun once here. Walking outside with bare feet, dress on, ass out.. Makes you feel sensual.
It’s nice. I like nice. Carefree with the blissful fact that you can put your sunglasses on and never look anyone you don’t want to in the eye. My tits are down here. Please. People can be so insensitive.
As it arrived it went away in a couple of days obviously. But was enough to get me excited. I shall greet this summer with high hopes and great enthusiasm.
I mostly stayed in working though, but I still love just getting those rays of sun through the blinds.
Unless it’s over 25 degrees. Fuck that, I’m out. Nothing to do than play outside. Have to shave my legs soon on a regular basis. But that’s life. It gives and you take. It takes and you give.
That’s all.
…it was just flying up to me… have a nice weekend !!!