For the first time in my life I’m on a DIET! Whaaaat?!

It’s not a health-thing. At all. It’s a skin-thing. After spending many years, thousands of NOK, three painful laser treatments (which made me so swollen at one point I almost couldn’t open one of my eyes), antibiotics, some acidic-treatment -thing that left some open wounds and my skin burning for hours after application leaving me unable to do anything other than holding ice in a bag to my face (white girl problems, I know. But still, any issue, big or small to others, is as painful and big of a deal as it feels to YOU). SO! I have now started a.. I’m gonna call it Rosaiet! Haha. Diet just doesn’t sit right with me. Anyways. It’s basically just avoiding stuff that triggers flare-ups and worsening the condition overall. Mainly it’s food that release histamine, pungent / sour vegetables, citrus fruits and foods that are hard to digest. Dairy and red meat. And of course, the devil itself. Sugar.

In Italy. Not current state. Just current feels.

Lot of this is easy. Sugar is easily replaced by honey. Red meat I almost never eat anyways. Citrus I’ve always felt to be inflammatory, therefore somewhat avoided. I’ve never drank milk, just almond milk. Used to be soy milk actually, but also supposed to avoid soy. Quite bummed actually, soy yoghurt was a part of my everyday breakfast. But the hardest things are actually vegetables..! Who knew??! And chocolate and wine gum obviously. The hardest thing to give up so far includes the following:

Tomatoes, avocado, egg-plant, onion, carrots, bananas. Who knew, right?! Bananas? Histamine?!!!

Cheese (can still eat goat and -cottage cheese, thank you very much)

Ham and raw stuff that goes with the cheese. As well as figs. Haha. I have to change a lot of things apparently. Gimme the bread.

Spices (e.g. ginger, pepper and cumin, soy sauce and vinegar). Obviously chili, but I’ve avoided this forever and am not that stupid.

Anything containing sugar. Yay.


(most of the stuff I’m avoiding is healthy anyways, okay. So just stop)

Thank the Universe I can indulge in pasta, bread and all starch one can imagine. Just too bad I can’t mix any of it with tomato sauce. And pizza I’ll make myself from now on. Sundays just have to change from now on. I’ll put.. I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. San Marino Pizza on the corner will lose a dedicated sunday-customer.

Current state. Skin really good today actually.

But I’ll have to get creative! And I love focusing on food and cooking in a positive manner. What CAN I eat and HOW can I make it fabulously tasteful? And it’s not like it is for ever. I’ll do this for maybe a couple of months, see what happens, then start including things one by one.

On a different note -newfound respect for people dining out with allergies..! Wow. Tried going to an Italian restaurant without having tomatoes or dairy. She hooked me up with something eventually, but looked as uncomfortable and shocked as I felt. What if one’s allergic to dairy and don’t like tomatoes? Or just a vegan with a fucked up vegetable palette? I almost just asked for plain pasta, melted butter in a cup with a cucumber on the side.

On a positive note I had waffles for dinner yesterday. Which is fun. I can now and simply must now just eat whatever I can of whatever the fuck I can, at ALL times. I am very aware of this not turning into a negative excluding and perfecting of my diet. And so far I’ve actually eaten more “real foods” than I’d normally do. Probably because I never satisfy my real cravings. Like chocolate or ice cream, yoghurt and fruits. Never realized how much fruit I ate..

Things I do ignore though (one must also live and I would actually have to jump out of my kitchen window) includes the following:

White wine and sparkling wine (I avoid red wine, spirits and beer. Luckily cocktails’ve never been my thing. Red’s definitely the worst for rosacea and makes me swell up like a roasted tomato before bursting-point. So I’ve been avoiding that for a while now..)



It also says stress everywhere, which makes me laugh. Like if it was an option any of us would chose to do so.

And that’s it for this post. Happy eating and have a great rest of the week! I’m feeling strong and positive, quite stoked actually to have a whole new focus on my eating.

It’s all about what we CAN do to make our situation better. Not what we CAN’T do! Go, Us!!

Feeling as open and ready for a world full of wonders as these curtains we were forced to experience in the most random hotel I’ve ever been in, look. You’ve guessed it. Not Italy. Germany. Ugliest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

Now, did someone say pancakes for breakfast? I think I did.

  23 comments for “ROSACEA DIET WTF

  1. 06/09/2017 at 13:49

    Hope it works out for you! You can make a pretty nice pizza with pesto, I think that should be ok on the ‘rosaiet’ ;P

    A curtain with buttons? I kind of like it lol, it’s like being up close to Paddington Bear 😀

    • Viktoria
      06/09/2017 at 14:03

      I know right? haha. Ridiculous. Worst thing was the bathroom and everything else was very modern..!
      I thought of that too!! Pesto 😀

      • 06/09/2017 at 16:30

        Show us how your culinary experiments work out! 🙂

  2. Kristine-søss
    06/09/2017 at 17:44

    Så spennende Vicili 🙌 Jeg ble skikkelig inspirert til å finne ut hva jeg bør spise mer av, og hva jeg ned fordel kan unngå 👍🏼🤗 Hudlegen next – klar for diagnosetid!!

    • Kristine-søss
      06/09/2017 at 17:44


      • Viktoria
        07/09/2017 at 06:30

        Ja, men ikke dropp ting om du ikke trenger da! Dette er jo spesifikt for rosacea.. Untatt sukker, sikkert noe annet også 🙂 Men ville ikke hengt meg opp i alt for mye matvaner, det er ikke mening å inspirere til det i hvert fall..!

        • Kristine Søss
          07/09/2017 at 14:45

          Nei selvfølgelig ikke 😘 Jeg vet hva du mener sis! Jeg blir inspirert i å finne ut om noen endringer innvendig kan hjelpe til med det utvendige 😅 Hvis ikke så har jeg iallfall blitt bedre på “dabbing” av fundationen😂 Iallefall litt bedre. Vil alltid være litt håpløs 😉Og Bobby is my new best friend 😘

          • Viktoria
            08/09/2017 at 13:37

            *dabbing for lyf* <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. 06/09/2017 at 20:59

    Awesome! Ive made a decision to start eating better, i hope it goes well for the both of us! 😘

    • Viktoria
      07/09/2017 at 07:56

      It’s not about eating better (for me at least). As long as you feel good, that’s what you should do!

  4. Stella
    06/09/2017 at 21:57

    I am taking serious note of your positive and resilient attitude and applying it to where I am at right now! I am sure too that once you get used to what you can and can’t eat, the results will be awesome. You might discover new and interesting food combinations to share with us 🙂 Those curtains….hmmm…

    • Viktoria
      07/09/2017 at 06:27


  5. Bergenbella
    07/09/2017 at 21:17

    Hi you wonderful person. I came by your blog quit random actually, but I loved it. Have now read the whole thing “cover to cover” Love your clothes and your writing. I especially loved your mint green dress; you must do too? Where is it from? Høyer?😆 Good luck on ur di*t ☺️

    • Viktoria
      08/09/2017 at 13:36

      Thank you Birgitte! 🙂 🙂
      It’s from WHYRED.

  6. t.a.g
    10/09/2017 at 20:52

    this could be a little bit off-topic but somehow… NO ! 😉

  7. Alice
    11/09/2017 at 21:29

    so I read your part about healthy diet and because of your skin disease. I was wondering if you had eczema? I do and I’ve been struggling for years since I was 14 to the point where I was put in hospital. I’ve had antibiotics and so many different creams but stresshe Made it worse day by day an I got deppressed so I was simply wondering if you think I should try a diet too? (also it’s getting better and I’m writing a book about my disgusting past so yaza ♡)

    thank you ,
    Alice (in wonderland)

    • Viktoria
      14/09/2017 at 12:31

      Maybe you can benefit from some changes? I would at least try ask my doctor or dermatologist if they have some suggestions 🙂 I know tomato for instance affect a lot of skin problems..

  8. paulat
    26/10/2017 at 19:40

    I’m white with super sensitive skin that is rosacea prone. The Made from Earth Rosehip Hibiscus Serum clears up any dryness or flakiness extremely quickly, doesn’t cause breakouts and soothes my rosacea. It leaves my skin hydrated and absorbs very quickly.

    My skin has cleared up in a matter of weeks and healed very nicely.

    • Viktoria
      29/10/2017 at 10:42

      Really? Thanks for the advice! 🙂

  9. 17/02/2018 at 12:17

    Diet plays an important role in fighting any disease. We can live a healthy life by having a proper diet, as many problems start with unhealthy food habits. You have described everything very well. Thanks for the informative article.

    • Viktoria
      17/02/2018 at 12:39

      😀 So true. I’ve now found a balance that works for me, found my worst enemies. Thanks for the comment!

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