I very recently, today actually, got a compliment on Instagram (poor girl, nay -young woman…, this is NOT directed at you, so many people do this, and it was wrapped up in a compliment. Which I’m grateful for <3). The comment said ‘babies’. Which was obviously meant as a complimentary remark stating that I was cute. Which she told me afterwards when I questioned it.
This was sweet of her. She saw a picture, liked it and -even bothered to take the time of her day to comment on a picture of me. I love that! Don’t get me wrong.
(Very scared now, can you tell? Of being perceived as an ungrateful bitch? Which I probably would have preferred actually over cute baby..
My problem is ‘babies’. This is not meant as ‘babe’ as you would call, I guess, a hot person..?, or that hideous name kids call each other nowadays, ‘bae’.
Now these are all gross things to call a grown human being, but you would never use these terms to describe a baby. ‘Babies’ is clearly coming from the description one would use of those small ones. You know, what we enter the world as? What we were (not anymore) when we know nothing and need attention, love, being taken care of, looked after, provided for and shielded at all times. When we were babies.
Now, if you’re reading this, girl who wrote that -this is, again, not aimed at you. This is a society issue. Now, personally, I have never called someone ‘baby’ (…..), but I am guilty of using the term ‘cute’ to describe a grown-ass woman.
We’re grown ups. We go through great pain and grow even more up (as already grown-up women) when growing and birthing these new ones. These babies. That’s a lot of growth. We’ve worked very hard to get to that point. We’ve been educated all of our lives, from merely living. Studying, many of us. I don’t wanna be viewed as someone who pouts her lips and cries whenever my needs aren’t met. Someone beneath, smaller and more delicate than. Not to mention the sexualization we know happens of the ones underneath, emancipated, subservient in the industry and in society.
I don’t wanna be fucking cute. Nor forever-young! I don’t need to have baby-skin or sleep like a baby, because I’m NOT A BABY ANYMORE!! YOU BEAUTY INDUSTRY, YOU ! Do you know how many hours a baby sleeps a day?! I am a hard-working woman, I don’t have time or wish for that, I have ideas and shit and responsibilities to take care of. I love every year that I age, I wanna look it, feel it and be seen as it. I did that. I lived that. I earned that. I’m a woman.
I’m a warrior of life. And life is really tough! Hard enough as it is, I don’t need to walk around with people looking at me as a cute baby? How the fuck am I going to survive and be taken serious throughout this shit?!
You can call my outfits cute, I don’t really care what you call my actions or whatever.. But let’s not demean each other by calling each other what puts us lower than we really are. In work or socially, age, looks, bodies, brains -all of it.
To all women and men: today I salute the years we’ve worked for! And to the years yet to come -don’t spoil them!! We’re not babies anymore.