Old photo, fitting vibe

Doing an appearance on the morning show me and my sister did a couple of months ago tomorrow. In the hotel room now trying to go to sleep. I never think these things through ahead. There’s always something that I’m anxious about in my life. I started crying at the airport today over breakfast and fought a minor panic attack on the bus on the way to my friend for a glass of wine. For instance. If I was to think everything through ahead I’d never leave the apartment. There’s always a feeling in my stomach, chest, somewhere, that I have to brace myself. Life in general and the people in it will attack me. But I always try to ignore it. Don’t listen to it. I’m scared of blushing. Blacking out. Appearing stupid. Panicking -maybe I’ll have to get up and leave mid-interview (I know for a fact I’ll do some of those things tomorrow). So why start now? I feel so sick riding the bus on a bad day, so this.. At least people can sympathize. They can relate. Being on live television is scary. Riding the bus on the other hand, that separates you from a lot of people. Having coffee at a café, not everyone gets that that can feel like you’re feeling you’re dying.

Anyways. I have to get some sleep. I have some stuttering and blushing to do tomorrow and am very busy and important.

I’m also very grateful and excited. Very.

  2 comments for “Old photo, fitting vibe

  1. Stella
    21/08/2017 at 21:19

    Or fitting photo, old vibe? (I can feel your anxiety looking at the photo and want to give you a big hug!!) I am very excited for you too (and your sister). Hope you had a good sleep. I am sure that in true Vicktoria style you will shine ⭐️

  2. 22/08/2017 at 05:47

    ❤ im happy for you and supporting you from afar! Hopefully it will go by swiftly. With me when im nervous its like my brain gets blurry and after its over i forget all the details. But i do hope youre left feeling good after. ❤

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