How beautiful is this morning??!
It was almost 12.00 when i took this. Had drinks with a musician I’m doing some styling for ’til past midnight last night. So the fact that I slept ’til 11 is beyond justifiable.
So grateful I’m in the position that if someone wants to have a meeting with me over coffee, I can say that I’ll meet you over a drink instead. Since I’m totally incapable of meeting people at a café drinking hot beverage, are you fucking kidding me?, this is the only way for me to go. But if I was an accountant or something scary like that, it probably would be.. frowned upon. So. Grateful.
I wore my pajama robe thing out last night.
Because it’s fabulous. And also No Rules.
Obviously wore this jacket as well. Which I’m SO relieved to wear again since a week ago when I accidentally (..) sat in some dog shit and was convinced that there was No fucking way this monster of a jacket was spared from that shit.
It was.
And I’m almost forgiving that dog.
I’m obviously not an animal-person.. Animals are not Viktoria-people. Persons. Individuals.. Animals. And I really do believe that we, who chose NOT to have that shit in our lives, deserve to not have that shit in our shit-free lives, Yes? Your dog is simply doing the only way he knows how to do that shit, you’re the pig human.
Pick your shit up. It’s fucking disgusting.
Regardless! Animal-lover or not, have a great weekend!
I’m heading for the countryside to be with the best-looking hoes I know. My mum and the first one. Little one will join us shortly.
Its 5am roght now and i was sleeping, but i had a nightmare and woke up. Not 5 seconds later you posted. Interesting. Im in a hotel in portland right now since i was going to see aurora perform. I was told that her appendix burst? Oh my goodness!.. I really do see that shes been working so so hard though and i think she deserves a break for a while. Like i said i talked to magnus about getting my stuff to her. I really do hope they make her feel better. So now im just waiting to see if my paintings were handed to a total stranger or if they were given to aurora safely. (i gave them to a venue employee who gave them to her manager). Its a bit like handing your babies off.
Will Aurora be coming home early from tour? ❤
She’ll get the paintings. And she’ll be fine don’t worry
Thanks Viktoria. ❤
Jeg prøøøøver mitt aaaller beste å ikke le sånn suuper høyt av alle de kommentarene du blir bombadert med av en heheduvethvem. Jeg blir helt nummen i huet, hahah.
Den pyjamas-kåpen er forresten helt nydelig. Floral er my shit. Men hahah, hunder er kjempe søte da. Selv om jeg avskyr hundedritt. Jeg føler at alt i livet mitt er litt som hundedritt til tider. For hundedritt suger, og du må mest sannsynlig selv ta intiativ til å ta det bort og gjøre noe med det selv, for ingen andre gidder. Ha en super helg, Viktoria! Kos deg masse!
Dyr er fine å lenge de ikke er borti meg, føler jeg.
Åh, herregud jaaa, er snart redd hundukkeropp på døren her hjemme. Som om jeg ikke vet hva som skjer med min egen søster, haha. Uansett da, skal vel være glad folk bryr seg og sånn…! haha. Riktig så god helg til deg også Robin!! <3
Hahah, I feel, I feel! 🌝