I’ve always had a thing for oversized clothes. I’ve always felt cool and edgy in loose fitted pants, large sweaters. I love the way fabric falls when it’s not too tight, sudden glimpses of body-shape as you move.. Some say a smile is your best accessory, not sure I agree on that all the time, but I do think that being comfortable in your body and outfit is key to being sexy. Even when I’m wearing fitted clothes I always make sure I can move, breathe and eat in it. Sucking in and pulling down skirts and tops is just never.. just, no.
And when I feel extra.. insecure about myself and my body, I’ll go really oversized. Total savior and I recommend everyone should have at least one outfit like that for dressing up or going out. Also perfect for those bloated days..
I got this (picked out and chose myself obviously) wrap dress for my birthday in january. In Large. It was already oversized, but when I go for it I love going All in when possible! Never fear size labels. Don’t even look at them. Fuck ’em. I have a dress in XL too as a matter of fact. Sizes also vary sooo much. It’s ridiculous how one M equals XS in a different brand. (There are measurements, you know)
These were taken from our honeymoon. I felt so uncomfortable that day. Like an elephant. But the relief of putting this on.. I felt good. Really, really good.
(Note the standard hotel wineglass. A water glass. Because why go through the trouble of asking for a proper one. What am I, royal?)
Except, you know, the shoes. Humidity and high heels just doesn’t work for me. I swear I gain ten sizes.
But sometimes you gotta woman up. Especially when you’re only riding the elevator to dine at the hotel restaurant and going straight to bed at eleven afterwards like a champ.
That glow though. Felt pretty that day. Amazing what fresh air, sun and swimming does to you.
I also love smudging my lipstick. Like you just made out with someone you shouldn’t have in a dark alley. I’ve never been very keen on being one of those women who has to check up on her lips after every bite she consumes. I’m too messy for that.
I don’t know about you, but it’s saturday and I’m going on a double date tonight. And I’m smudging my shit, loosening that belt, eating and sipping’ and laughing my heart out!
This is such a lovely post ❤ and a great idea about a larger outfit for those days. I have some large norwegian sweaters i like wearing and they make me feel like im hiding in plain sight(and thats sometimes comforting to me, if you get what i mean)
Have a lovely night ❤
Also, so weird because i had a dream you were in and suddenly woke up. Its 4am, im at work early tomorrow,okay byeee 😘
Yup who cares what we wear not to be rude about your fashion style but like you I agree I actually like wearing loose and ragged clothes even when I have money I don’t wear designer. Too overrated
Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear… or if you’re not feeling it, at least be comfortable! PJs can rival the little black dress and heels IMO. 😛
I used to have a super baggy long sleeve shirt thing, that I wore threadbare in my teens. I should really get back into that grunge look. 😀
Well said Viktoria! Great photos, that gorgeous wrap dress looks so elegant on you and I love the captions, they make me laugh! On a more serious note, often my clothes play such an important part in how I feel and conversely my feelings play such an important part in how I dress! I am sure you can relate to this. Sometimes I can throw clothes on without much thought, other times my feelings (and also the weather ❄️☀️) dictate what I want to wear and I find myself playing around trying on things until I get it right! It’s always been like that for me and I have to laugh because I am sure most people who I see on any given day would not really notice or care what I was wearing..but I care 😉
Not much to say on fashion being a male, I just dress for comfort and at my age fashion isn’t really an issue. Love the photos, especially the feet walking up the wall. Wonder what the hotel management thought of the stiletto marks going up the wall? Still I’m young enough still to appreciate a great pair of legs lol.