Turns out… On meds I’m only an average person. With an averagely amusing life. I’m fucking bored out of my mind. Talked to my husband about it, disappointingly he had nothing helpful to say besides welcoming me to his side. He’s been bored his entire life.
I need to fucking do something soon. Start a band or something. I know someone with a band and she’s never bored. She’s longing to be bored.
I’m not musical, though.. Maybe I could become a sommelier. Just casually. Become a master of the Wines. But then I’d have to drink with (and much less than) the people I would be speaking Wine in front of. And you don’t speak Wine, you drink it. So that’s out.
I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. Guess the reasonable thing would be to try to get used to this new way of life. Hike more. Cook more. Read more. Stuff I already enjoy.
Like work.
Aaah, still got the sense of humor, though. I’m not gonna work more.
Rather be sitting here in this magical lighting blogging about how my self-taught, home schooled sommelier-education is going.
Ok, I’m laughing now. And yes, it’s past eight o’clock. Obviously I’m in my pajamas with that make-up free radiant face we all know so well from the commercials.
Enjoying the work that I’ve have been doing, though. But mostly I’m enjoying planning / dreaming of our honeymoon coming up in a couple of months. We’re not big planners really, took us like two months to plan the whole wedding. But we’ve started thinking about it. We’re thinking about driving.. My only concern with this plan (obviously his plan to start) was the lack of sexy in us arriving Italy by car. Our car. It’s a mitsubishi, something -whatever.
But we were gonna rent one and drive through Italy anyway, though.. So we decided to start looking for a new one. I know, we’re two big brats with shiny ball syndrome. But our car really is a boring car.. There it is’ again! Reasonable. Average. Family. Booooring. Ok family isn’t boring, but having a family-friendly car whilst being childless newly-weds is boring.
I haven’t been this excited about a car since the first time I saw Nicolas Cage riding Eleanor like Angelina in gone in sixty seconds.
God damn.
That is one sexy man in one sexy car.
(say what you will about Nicolas Cage -I love him and think he’s a spectacular actor)
We’re not getting a mustang though. That would be too unreasonable. And we’re not nearly as old to be acting that childish.
Point is. And here it is. Already struggling to listen to myself here.. We’ll just have to try harder. Pack a fucking picnic-basket with home-made whatever you like and invite a friend to the park. Whatever green’s close to you. Hike. Learn something new. Read. Make something, fucking paint! sew, build -whatever. I don’t know.. Learn MMA!
I seriously doubt I’ll do any of those things.
Maybe I’ll just get pregnant.
After the summer.
Ive felt this way a lot lately, i think i know its rooted in my achievements though, im not painting as much as i used to, therefore am not creating – good enough for the people – paintings. Makes me feel lame!. But i know the only way to change is to practice, to get out there and do something!
Pregnant is cool. I cant wait to be a momma.
I hope you find that same feeling im trying to find. I know it will boost motivation in me. And its always nice to have that. Have a lovely week Viktoria! ❤
You too Alyssa! And paint, when you want to 🙂 Sometimes you just have to get started. You’ll find out soon enough if it feels right. You can always just stop. Try again tomorrow. I’ve done that SO many times running! If it feels wrong after just 1km, I turn. Whatever, at least I tried 🙂
Viktoria how can you not love been bored it’s the best thing no responsibility no worries no drama etc😎 I would say try so me weed lol or not
haha, love it! I’m just not made for that. Never liked weed either! Hate naps.
You say that you are bored, although you don’t want to be. But also you know a person who is not bored at all, yet she’s eager for boredom. Hmm, this sentence doesn’t make any sence when I re-read it.
The point is, we always want what we don’t have, and when we get it, it is a matter of course, until we lost it. But I am sure you already know this.
Anyways, I am bored all the time as well. Even worse, I’m too lazy to do something about it.
I know you will find your way out of boredom. Did you consider learning a new language?
Very well written article btw. Cheers!
It does make sence because we’re different people with different needs. I do want to learn another language.. Two actually! But time is a different thing. I don’t have time, I’m busy enough. Just bored.
Yeah I meant my English skills are not big enough to propound an idea like this, but I actually managed somehow 😀 Thanks for reply 🙂
Ta dykker sertifikat. Det er sykt gøy når du er på sånn 10/15 meters dyp! Det som er så fascinerende med det er at du glemmer tid og problemer, alt som går i hode på deg er hvor mye oxygen du har og hvor fascinerende undervanns verden er 😉 anbefaler det på det sterkeste. Men det går dessverre en god del tusen lapper på utstyr og kurs 😟
Godt insj. Liker det. Absolutt noe jeg kunne gjort hadde det ikke vært for at jeg er livredd vann. Eller sjøen. Hai. Basically. Men kanskje jeg burde uansett.. Mannen er jo en kløpper på dette området 😉
Not really sure about this post. I find it quite inappropriate as I think that you are really lucky and actually really rich (or have rich people to support you). You do not seem like a person who has ever had to undereat, undersleep or work too much because of lack of money, so I think you should appreciate what you have.
And probably wait with having children. I’ve read all of the posts on your blog and I think you’re not mature enough to have children
Haha, wow! I like it, judging my way of feeling. Nice.
Viktoria you are the best. And I think no one is in a position to speak about what a person might/and might not have been through. We cant possibly know what is going on inside each others hearts! And frankly, I think it is very brave to speak so honestly about the dirt and shadows and shit that is going on behind the fasades.
There is no one I know better at appreciating the small magical things in life than you Viktoria, and for that I must declare that you are officially magnificent. M A G N I F I C E N T .
love you sis. x
<3 so much love!! So much <3
i love you more than sunishine <3
Love you more than unicorns!
…if this is no luck, i have no further ideas ! 😉
I have to agree with you, I seem to be bored most of the time these days. You get to the age of 63 and you’ve already done most of the exciting things you wanted to do. I get bored these days and I can’t remember why I was bored in the first place, that comes with age unfortunately. Still I alleviate the problem by going on nice holidays, a week in Norway in July, six weeks over Christmas 2017 in Las Vegas (still thinking of what car to hire, a Shelby Mustang is way up the list), visiting my youngest daughter and her family. Then in May next year a trip to Israel. I will also have to figure in a trip to Toronto to visit my eldest daughter at some point. So I really shouldn’t complain about being bored with all these lovely trips on the horizon. Just got to live long enough to go on them, haha.
Nice! But true, we can definitely be busy but bored. Doing stuff is part of the outer, physical world. Bored is inside. And we’re ALL allowed to complain!!! NO shame! haha. Hate when people shame you for feeling the way you’re feeling. Be bored! But do the stuff you’ve got planned – seems awesome!
i think you are already very rich indeed, if i read your words,’cause lets see; what is the most valueable thing in the world? always that what is the rarest and most wanted, okay we could discuss where does this “most wanted” come from, but the rarest thing in the world from multiple points of view is lifetime and its availability. so let’s say everyone who have alot of free time for its own without suffering is very rich ! okay is “to be bored” a real suffer?, may if you are in prison or laying in plaster in a hospital, but if you’re in a western status quo and norway is very rich land with one of the highest standards of living even in europe…so you are a fucking rich babe ! 😉
but you are not aware of it, i take you by the word (2017 is definitely “post-ironic”) …so it is a problem of realising not of beiing… and may if you switch you neurons a femto-meter to left you will see things completely different. so you should not believe everything you think cause it could be nothing else then going the way to skool the same way for 12 years and thinking that this is you town. what i wanne say is irritate your way of thinking and the world will be different and you know what that means the best… so confront your boringness with a meta-view and you realize how rich you are 😉
this could be a good key: “thomas nagel, What Does It All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy” 😉
greetings !
I don’t belive in luck. I just happened to be born here, rest of it is merely choices I made along the way, so not lucky. Again.
Being bipolar, I don’t know if you are or have any experience with it, is a very serious disorder. And when you’ve had it for half your life it does feel like the normal way of living, thinking and feeling. Then you get rid of that. It’s a fucking new way of experiencing life, I assure you. That’s why so many people quit their meds. I don’t know if you’ve read some of the statistics about how bipolar disorder can affect your life, it’s not to be taken lightly. So don’t fucking come here and tell me that I’m lucky. We’re all “lucky” to be alive. Therefore none of us.
I also work very fucking hard and will not take any shaming for the way I live my life. As to seeing things from another perspective, I don’t really care. I am where I in my life, I feel what I’m feeling at this time in my life.
Sorry I said fuck so many times.
you’re welcome 😉
no no no don’t get me wrong here ! im not talking about luck, thats some very different thing. i talk about being rich in having time thats a potential “right of disposal” if you like it comes with being free in decision but even with the question of sense for the time of living and that is rare in this world for most people, thats all. there is no evaluation in it, it is simply an observation and it makes no statements about other things that affected your/our life, how could i ? do not feel attacked cause thats really not intended from my side ! It is more about not being able to see things before our eyes, not because we do not want, but because we have practiced to see the world in a special way: http://tuschel.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/hase_oder_ente1.jpg greetings 😉
I really am sorry I said fuck so many times. I had just woken up and may have overreacted to all the comments, and landed on yours to comment back. I get your point 🙂
hey c’mon, no problem ! i like when people keep it real, and i like your open and direkt way, its a good sign when communication is intense ! 🙂
It is! You’re very good though! It’s easy to get offended over the internet.. Lot of weird people with a lot of opinions. haha! Like Evelyn in my latest post. Classic <3
Probably there are more people in the world who are longing for something than there are people who have already arrived at their dreams. Longing is sort of the natural state. If we were cows or birds it would be different. A little green grass and a bug, that’s not too difficult. Maybe human dreams are too complicated. Fly and rent. Why waste time in between when Italy is so beautiful all on its own.
I would be a giraffe <3
And yes, humans will be humans demise.
Wow this one took off!
I think being bored is a gift; it makes you try harder, get up off your butt and do things.
I’m so easily pleased I can just by the window and watch the rain run down the glass. Or take a walk outside and listen to the trees. I don’t get bored enough and I’ve been unproductive because of it.
What I’m saying is would you have made any of your wonderful outfits or accessories, if you didn’t get bored, or felt like you had itchy fingers that just had to do something?
Sometimes the things we need most are uncomfortable, like a kick up the butt!
True, never thought of it that way. Thank you!
It does force you to do stuff 🙂
I’m always stunned though when someone take everything I write literal. Most of the time I’m being ironic. Obviously I’m not suffering greatly because I’m bored. If you were referring to the feedback when saying that it took off?
Yes I meant the feedback. 🙂 Shame it isn’t wasn’t all welcome.
The internet is a tricky place to write your thoughts; especially because irony/sarcasm doesn’t translate very well in type. It’s like you hear it in your own voice when you put it down and it makes perfect sense, you get the meaning, someone from the outside of your head who doesn’t know your personality, they read something different.
Ah well.
Also how many honeymoons are you gonna have? Get a Mustang dammit! 😀
I am loving the responses to this post!! (Most of them not all of them). Aurora I agree, Viktoria is MAGNIFICENT (as well as AWESOME.AMAZING.AMUSING.BRAVE and COURAGEOUS) We never can truly know what is within anyone and nor should we ever assume to know, although I do enjoy wondering sometimes;). I actually mean we should never make judgements based on our assumptions about others. We must all try to be more understanding and compassionate and caring toward each other. It’s fantastic to connect to others and I think even more amazing to connect with complete strangers. VIktoria I absolutely love this blog (in case you haven’t noticed!!). You are an inspiration and I think, very gifted in being able to express your feelings.
LOVE the new addition to your blurb next to that gorgeous photo of you at the top of the page by the way.