Let’s just never remember to learn that shots make us feel like death. Let’s just not.

Omg I just remembered, I threw up yesterday like a loser when I got home.

Hi, I’m Viktoria. I’m sixteen years old. Used to be older, but decided to go back to sixteen.

Such a great year.

going on whatever age this guy is.

Feel more like that anyway.

How cute is he btw? Total perk of living across from an old age home.

Turns out tequila is not my best friend. Even though it always feel like the bestest of best ideas in the moment.. Brilliant even!!

Never stop believing I say.

Never change.

  9 comments for “Let’s just never remember to learn that shots make us feel like death. Let’s just not.

  1. 13/02/2017 at 02:09

    I cant even smell tequila without feeling sick 😬. Havent coherently thrown up from alcohol before. But dont often get the chance since im under age 😅. Weird america. 3 more years! (or ill take a trip up to canada this summer) 😉

    • Viktoria
      13/02/2017 at 07:32

      Ugh, yes everything over 15 per cent is usually sickening..! 🙂 Yes, America is weird like that?? Also weird, when we were in Pittsburgh, one restaurant didn’t serve wine? But you yourself could bring it? I don’t get it. haha

  2. 13/02/2017 at 11:20

    Jacket and sunglasses on POINT, då. 🔥

    Jeg er så glad jeg er avholds. Alle skrekkhistoriene jeg hører på en daglig basis gjør meg selvsikker på valget mitt, haha!

    • Viktoria
      14/02/2017 at 12:27

      haha ser den. Om man ikke har behov eller begynt til nå er det ikke noe grunn 🙂 jeg personlig ville jo aldri vært foruten!

  3. Yovani
    15/02/2017 at 10:00

    Tonight I had one of those night in many long nights were I drank till my eyelids can close by itself by drinking yet I can still manage to write this message : thank you aksnes family including you Victoria and Aurora because you guys have been more than companions to me. And back to you viketoria such a lovely name.! tequila always seems like a friend at the moment but in reality it’s only and abstract and the reality is that tequila is Not a friend it’s man made little by little Im Finding this out but for now I just have to say thank you for comprehending and say thanks to Aurora for me tonight I slowly fall asleep to her songs #AMDGMAAF

  4. Yovani
    15/02/2017 at 10:02

    Btw your blogs are the best maybe you should start a vlog within your busy schedule if possible lol

  5. Yovani
    15/02/2017 at 10:18

    You can say I’m suffering by depression you can say I’m suffering from insomnia you can I’m suffering from loneliness you can say I’m suffering from anxiety but I will just say thanks 🙏🏻

    • Viktoria
      15/02/2017 at 18:26

      We all have those nights..! Hope the day after didn’t hit you too hard 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words!!

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