I can’t believe it’s over. Even though I’m fairly ready to grab 2017 by the pussycat, I’m already looking forward to next christmas. But I won’t get too excited, I know it would be a verrry long year.
Here’s a little bit (apparently we only had about 5 people at the party…?!), and I never remember to take pictures when I’m doing.. anything fun really, from how we did New Years eve.
We hosted, because we’re married now and supposed to act like adults, our first New Years eve dinner. The stick-meat. And it was grrreat success. All though I learnt a thing or two for the next.
Again; too busy to photograph the people around the table who definitely made the whole dinner, without my loved ones. Jokes, I made the dinner. The other one.. also. He did actually.
This one, Lisa, was definitely the only one wearing an outfit totally worthy of the occasion.
Not that I didn’t feel like a warrior-queen myself (or the rest of us) in my recently received vintage kimono, but obviously everyone had too much fun to take pictures of the rest of us. Plus Instagram seems to think my blog is about the little one and not me. Joking, it is about her.
No, in all seriousness, though; it is about me. IT’S ALL ABOUT ME! MHEMHMHEE!
But we’ll never know about the rest of us. All we can do is trust my words. We were all fabulous.
But these two in particular.
And after ALL of this photographing I did on my too short of a break that put a stop to me raising (I know you can’t say raising, but what was I supposed to do) my glass topped with champagne, I had a great night. And we all found ourselves dancing, when we were all seeing stars and had no business going that low, to Kanye and into the new year. Filled with more disasters. And one can only hope, more disastrous dancing.
So now I’m just working really hard (in my head at least) to get extremely excited about the year to come. And there are many exciting things ahead. We launch our Fårikål brand, farikal.com, and showpiece collection (designed by myself) inspired by traditional Norwegian craftsmanships. My little one has so much exciting in front of her which I hope to be able to support and be part of as much as possible. We’re going on our honeymoon.. So it shouldn’t be too hard. If it turns out to be I’ll obviously demand a haste-appointment with my psychologist. Since it obviously means I’ve given up on myself and life.
BUT! I doubt it.
And I already had a great start of doing new things. I hate going to the movies and have already been in 2017. Rogue One. Obviously brought wine in thermos (because we’re forced to because Norway is so conservative and won’t serve anything at the movies).
So dis how we do the movies now.
For what it’s worth.. I must say, because my blog tends have an agenda of it’s own and makes me sound like a self-doubting designer / dysfunctional alcoholic. I am not. Just a smidge. Most of the Days of my life, and I know it seems Oh so glamorous ! and fun all the time
I’m mostly in my sweatpants (who am I kidding; pajamas) binge-watching series on Netflix in my candle-lit cave with my husband -scared shitless of what lies ahead, who am I kidding; outside of my very doorstep, like the rest of the world. And like Frodo we all share the same questions and concerns.
How does one go on, when in our hearts we begin to understand there is no going back?
We will take the ring (?) to Mordor. Though we do not know the way.
There is no promise you can make that I can trust.
What about second breakfast..?
An last. But not least:
There is some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for.
Namaste. I have to go be extremely excited about something.
Aurora does a great job at updating her fans on her spcial media and stuff. You also do a wonderful job at updating me and everyonr else who loves you on yours! I come here to read about you. And i love it. ❤
haha, that’s sweet of you <3 thank you for reading Alyssa. In all seriousness though, I'm happy of all of her fans <3
i googled “Meat Sticks Norway” and it showed me pictures of bones. that cant be right, can it?
Oh yes, Stephen.. That’s the one.
Literally laughed out loud
Who gets to eat the meat that was on the bones?? was there ever meat? Have I been missing out all my life by just eating the meat and not enjoying the bones? I have so many questions!
The bones have meat on them, we’re not dogs. All though many of us (I won’t mention names) end up sucking the bones at the end… But the meat is really, REALLY delicious! I like your curiosity though! 🙂
Well yes Aurora brought me here but I keep looking frankly because you’re all pretty fascinating charming looking people. 🙂
Can’t wait to see what Fårikål brings!
Hope you have a great honeymoon.
It was written ironically, I think it’s funny! Of course I don’t care how, I’m just humbled someone reads me <3
Excited to show Fårikål, thank you for your interest!
Irony and sarcasm are very hard to pull off in writing! I’m happy though to read your blog Viktoria, now I understand it. 😛 You have a lot of personality in your writing which I think is really surprising for your second(?) language.
Hopefully a few voices here can give you faith and encouragement in your pursuits! Keep at it. 🙂