I’m SO good, it’s great, I promise. You’re gonna love it.

Good morning!!!

I LOVE it when I wake up just before the alarm goes off <3 It’s a magical thing and something that I’v been #totallyblessed with all week.

I’m (still) in a really good work-mood. I’ve currently built a wall between myself and the great outside. Which is okey since outside is in a cloud and you can’t see anything.

Which this one’s giving me an attitude about.

That should probably live inside..

I really am horrible at taking care of mah green friends.

But! When one has a fashionshow coming up, three weeks to be exact, one has other priorities. That, plus I’m so occupied with me, myself and I and never aware of anything or anyone but myself.

That’s not entirely true, but a great excuse I tell myself nonetheless. I think the world would be a better place if everyone would focus more on the way they meet the world and less about judging others. I chose to meet the world with great fear and anxiety for instance. So, you know, find your own thing but do it with commitment and awareness.

That was basically the thought of the day. I have nothing else. Have a great day! If you’re being productive and perfect like myself, or just laying on the sofa wishing you’d never woken up. Wherever you find yourself in that range of current states; I salute you -do it with commitment and remember that tomorrow is Friday. After all.

  10 comments for “I’m SO good, it’s great, I promise. You’re gonna love it.

  1. Stella
    16/02/2017 at 20:39

    It’s Friday morning!!! (in Australia) Good morning Viktoria and thank you for your thoughts. I am still reading your posts because I love the way you express yourself. There was a huge thunderstorm with very intense lightning the other evening and it was wonderful to see and smell the rain!! The frogs were singing. They are also happy to see rain! I am happy for you being committed to sewing and designing and I hope that I will get to see your new creations! XO Stella

    • Viktoria
      17/02/2017 at 07:23

      😀 Good morning Friday! And Stella! I do love the moist rainy days sometimes too. But not every day!
      Thank you so much for saying that! That’s the best start of my day <3

  2. 16/02/2017 at 21:41

    Im very happy about you being happy ❤ im currently really wanting to create something. So i will rummage through the garage for anything i can make. If that fails, i will paint. Good night Viktoria

    • Viktoria
      17/02/2017 at 07:24

      Good morning (here) Alyssa! You do that! And if creativity fails, do what you know indeed <3

  3. 17/02/2017 at 10:25

    Den planten ser skikkelig ut som min gamle, da jeg satte den i vinduskarmen og lot vinduet stå åpent i en uke mens jeg var borte på i Januar. Rest in peace, Bush-o. Ville gråte da jeg kom hjem. 70% av plantene mine nå er av plast, nettopp av den grunnen at jeg er for dårlig til å følge med på helsen deres. Jeg klarer så vidt å passe på min egen. Stygge er de også, men de gir farge. Thanks, IKEA. <3

    Før jeg flyttet til Bergen og startet å jobbe kunne jeg våkne før alle alarmer og være lys våken hele tiden. God, how that's changed.

    og FASHION SHOW? whAAT? Så sykt fett! Du kommer til å slay'e det, for sure. Eg har troen!

    • Viktoria
      17/02/2017 at 11:00

      Taaaakk!!! 😀 😀 Kommer med info om pop-up shop etterpå!!

  4. James Croft
    17/02/2017 at 17:43

    Love it, positive mental attitude! That’s what karma is supposed to mean right? You get out of life what you put in.

    Go Viktoria! Hope there’s lots of pictures of the fashion show coming up.

    If you’re not very green fingered, succulents are your friend. 😉

    • Viktoria
      19/02/2017 at 22:59

      😀 I love succulents!!

  5. Martin
    24/02/2017 at 17:43

    Kommer det snart ein ny blogg opp? Begynner og bli lenge siden 😉

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