Just finished, ran back to the hotel room to watch it.
Yes, I’m very cool.
Slightly different socks, but then again have you met a sock after it’s first wash still with it’s original partner?
I think not.
Btw, I refuse to believe that I’m the only one to give as little shit as I do about my hair that maintenance and up-keeping boils down to the All-In-One soap they so kindly provide for you in the showers at hotels when traveling.
You’ve done the same… you’re not better.
This one.
Cuffed to the wall, it’s so amazing.
I’m feeling euphoric after the show and very happy that it went so well. At least I feel that it went well. There’s always so much more one wants to say. But I didn’t choke. I didn’t boil to death. Actually, maybe my skincare-line is working for me? I didn’t panic. I felt some familiar tears welling up a little bit at one point, but that’s fine. I don’t mind crying, it’s not uncomfortable. Certainly not dangerous. Like blushing, that can cause severe damage. I’ve heard.. Or, felt. Crying is fine though! I love people who cry. Unless you’re as unfortunate to find yourself in an angry-cry situation. That’s horrible and I wish it only on my worst enemies. Which are none.
For now.
Out for lunch soon and enjoying the afternoon in Oslo before heading home. Well done, Viktoria. You did something good. At least me and my mum think I did something good. Pretty sure the other one too. And the little one. And the first one. And that’s all you need, really. The one’s in your life.
Well done Viktoria, I get the impression you put way too much pressure on yourself. Most things are never as bad as they seem when you get down to it. Cheers.
Hei Viktoria.
Takk for at du er så åpen og for at du stilte opp på GMN i dag. Jeg kjente meg så utrolig igjen i deg og forsto etter innslaget at det ikke er min feil at jeg er syk og psykisk syk. Takk for at du fikk meg til å innse det <3
Hilsen Stine
Hei Stine! Så fantastisk å høre <3 Takk for at du skriver til meg. Eig hvem du er!
Im proud too ❤❤❤❤
Thanks Alyssa <3