I scare the shit out of my fiancé this morning screaming from the living room to “Put the thing on!”
I’ve actually heard the album at my parents house already. This did almost nothing for me. But today everyone can hear the record and I guess knowing that does stuff to my insides so that I find myself laughing out loudly like a crazy person whilst tears are running down my still tired looking face, the speakers blasting with “Lucky”, looking at my fiancé as if to search for some sign in his face that confirms that the music makes him too understand something with me that the rest of the world just can’t.
And he does.
Poor man, he’s gone off to his bikram yoga now, couldn’t hold back a tear either and starts laughing with me. WHAT a way to start a day.
Now, everything is connected, I know that. And things have been shit lately, I’m exhausted about it and he must be exhausted, and then this. Not only are we in awe of this little person traveling all over the world working her petite ass off doing things she loves and hates because who cares (a lot of them do actually -she has great people around her but you know money and all), we are impressed by her courageous lyrics, great fucking mood all the fucking time and her voice that goes so deep and gets the message and cry for love through in the loudest and clearest way.
I’ve actually never felt less norwegian. I’m so fucking proud. And I’m not even.. gonna encourage you to buy the fucking record, because you know you’ll be missing out on greatness missing out on AURORA.
Well done, my little one.
Albumet er fantastisk. Jeg stod opp tidlig på en i går, på en fridag (!!), for å kjøpe albumet, helt til jeg kom til Platekompaniet i byen for å høre at dem ikke har fått det inn enda. Oh well. A lawsuit is being filed as we speak! 🌚
Men det av mine all time favorites. Jeg har hatt det på repeat i noen uker nå, og har ikke klart å legge det fra meg. Jeg er så ufattelig stolt. She’s come so far. Men jeg håper du føler deg bedre! Lykke til i New York! Forhåpentligvis kan det hjelpe på tilværelsen å reise litt.
Åh, nei så dårlig!! Bra du ordnet deg til slutt hvertfall. Tusen takk for det Robin, turen var fantastisk!!
God helg! <3