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I’ve been going through a lot in my head lately which I really wanted to be done with it sooner than I was.. Feeling weak, body and mind. But I know myself by now and I’m not gonna drag this along any longer than it has too by beating myself up about it.
Stumbled upon this one whilst wandering around the house this morning.
This was the first serious job I did for the little one and may be one of my top five best memories I have professionally. I was so roused having my outfit on international TV for such a huge event. Humbled I was able to be there, right there behind her back as she embarked on this daunting journey. The Nobel Peace Prize of 2015. About an hour before she went on stage we realized I’d forgotten to make a loop on her back waist for her in-ear. Which she absolutely needs. It was winter and in the capitol around -10 celsius, so I remembered I was wearing long cotton socks underneath my flared wool trousers. I cut the ribbing on the top of my socks, opened the two seams on each side of the third panel of the dress (so lucky I had panels. So lucky my socks were white) and hand-sewed it back together. Sitting there in that big white bright room backstage surrounded by the band, managers, record company people.. Sweating and shaking so hard. Every stitch a struggle. It was one of the most intense moments I’ve had at work, still to this day.. And we deal with a lot of unpredicted shit behind the scenes, that’s sort of the job. Being on stand-by.
From my Instagram that morning. 6am.
Felt so lucky. Swear I felt like cinderella and that it was I about to go on stage and present myself. It was the first garment since graduating I’d made where I’d really taken my time to do it properly each and every step of the way (minus sock obviously). The design process, the seams, lining, finishings.. A lot of the stage outfits I do for her doesn’t really acquire nor do I have time for French seams, so the satisfaction of this outfit.. I remember I loved the dress when it was finished. Which for a designer can be quite rare. Think I spent a week sewing these moths on by hand.
I like the ‘play on words’ ‘Seams I’m still tired’ rather than ‘Seems I’m still tired’, very appropriate for a designer!
I could dream of a view like that! Maybe one day I will go wandering, book in hand.
Testing ones ingenuity is very rewarding though isn’t it? How beautiful as well.
Peter <3 <3
Hei, Viktoria!
Jeg gratulerer deg (og søstrene dine) med 8 mars! 🙂
I’ve been working for a whole year. (Have fun at a crazy russian). 🙂
“The first 40 years for a boy are the most hard ones.” :)))
the “moth robe” is a real cool idea; somehow holistic in it’s minimalistic manifestation, like freezing time, life in a moment as an image of itself “werden und vergehen”, like this alot ! more art then clothing !
t’s a dress
it’s also a dress… but it’s also an idea, an association, a narrativ, a metaphor, a notation, a dream… “seiend liegt dem mehr inne” can’t translate that in right way 😉
OMG I just realised that’s the dress she wore at the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize Concert. Literally the first time I saw Aurora, I’ve loved her since.