This weekend we celebrated the first one, my sister Miranda.
She’s turning 30 and have never looked or felt better. As most of us wish; moving forward to a state of being one’s true self. Happy, balanced.. One’s familiar self, except more intensely, guilt-free, able to explain how you sexually climax to your current partner without shame and with more traits than you ever thought you possessed.
And down the line, forced by the natural moments in time (as we know it -here’s to hoping) we assess ourselves. In our lives and the progress we’re making in that process. At 25, feeling like we’ve already found the holy grail and got our shit together to the extent that we imagine ourselves peaking so hard in life to the point that we’re pushing our perfected selves into an existential crisis. Or at humble 75. And when looking back, at the end of our time here, we all seem to feel the same. We regret the things we didn’t do. What parts of ourselves we didn’t have the courage to take seriously enough to explore and own as part of the total that makes us us. It’s heartbreaking! As much as I think it’s inevitable (because who really lives totally authentic lives anyway), we all try. In our own way, to lessen the possibility of looking back with regret.
And my sister is doing exactly that. Not caring about what others might think, just following her heart. It’s beautiful to watch. And just thinking about how much growing up has changed. It’s crazy how much more open kids are compared to what we were (and we grew up in a liberal home..). They’re going to grow up, if we continue on the path that we’re heading, in a world were we can love who we want, define ourselves how we wish and dress and behave how we prefer.
I’ve been waiting anxiously to blog about this. Because looking to the younger generation relationships and sexuality is not an issue. It’s not courageous -it’s almost desired to the point of exaggerating and exploitation. They yearn to be standing out, owning their sexual identities as whatever label on sexuality came out that day..! Trust me- I still fully think this is a healthy direction. The only direction. We’re finally challenging those who base their views on ancient books written by men, saying Fuck you and let me love
But embarrassing as it is, SO many people see the world as black and white. Gay or straight. They were taught that humans are either homosexuals; from the greek word translating to “same” as well the latin one translating to “sex”, or heterosexuals; hetero- from the greek word translating to “other party” or “another”. Even I was taught this at school. AND I’M 26!!
There are so many terms and definitions atm, all we mortals that don’t have the brain capacity to spend more time and effort than wikipeding the definitions of hetero and homo does can do, really, is accept that love is bigger, more pure and more perfect than we’ll ever understand. So let’s not try with labels and phrases that make you look like a simpleton. If they themselves do not openly define themselves, don’t try help them. Just accept that the person is so lucky, so in tune with their emotional lives that they do not need a definition for it -they just act accordingly. And if you still don’t get it, pack your book of magic and go back to the cave you came from. We’ve evolved way past that shit. And honestly, you’re slowing us the fuck down.
Im a christian and i believe in god and heaven and all those things in between and i learn about the bible and what not. I do agree that the world is evolving (or whatever word you would use for it). And the bible does say that man and women should be together. But i say its all up to people. EVERYONE and anyone can do whatever they please and they can shape their own futures. everyones lives are different. I dont want to get in anyones way nor do i ever plan to. Im living my life the way that i personally think it should be, and i have troubles and constant demons attacking me on certain subjects related to this. Just like other people do with other subjects. But never about anyone elses problems or behaviours. Everyone should just be happy.
Were all going to die anyways. Why not lead positive lives? Your gay? Cool lets party. You’re straight? Cool. Lets party.
We’re all human.
Good for you!
Hope you all are having a good day. 😘
I couldn’t agree more! Love is love, no matter who it’s with!
We need more people like you and your family in the world – it would be such a better place. Peace and love to you ✌💚
Blir så rørt og så stolt av å lese dette innlegget!
Lenge leve kjærligheten <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 Lenge leve, jaaa!