Free the nipples, breasts -FREE IT ALL THIS SUMMER!

I actually wrote long ago I didn’t quite get the whole Free the nipple movement. I’ve always felt quite free in the breast- and nipple department, going to the beach topless for example. I stopped wearing a bra around sixteen.. In 2006. I remember people paying attention to it for a second, one person even called me Vici-nipple actually. But when you yourself treat something like a natural thing, not giving people the reaction they hoped to get out of you (never do -hold your ground), they soon lose interest and move on to the next subject.

(I’ve always written Vici btw, since I discovered this pattern of name-calling when I was four. So it’s always been Vici. Not Vicky, or anything else).

So I’ve never actually cared, therefore I didn’t get involved in the movement. I realize now everyone hasn’t been able to walk around so  freely. So Power to it, Free The Nipple!! I always felt I have the right to wear whatever I wanted, show just as much as I felt like. To love my breasts and everything about them. I also, still do, feel a sort of empowerment wearing something that accentuates them in a natural way. Be that something slightly see-through, something really tight, something loose fitted to let my perfectly natural shaped breasts chill the fuck out and breathe freely. You may experience some people having trouble keeping their eyes off of your breasts, with them hanging there freely and all, getting quite uncomfortable, not being able to stop staring at your natural and free nipples.. Something I personally really enjoy. People have been making me uncomfortable since I was sixteen.. Here’s my artillery, staring right back at ’em! But even though turning a head or two -keep at it! If that’s your chests’ and hearts’ desire, toss that bra! I know I’ve never looked back.

Anyways.. here’s a couple of pictures I think are beautiful as hell!

Ok I realize this last one, she is wearing some sort of bra here on her wedding day. But she’s SUCH a role-model and gets another picture. The fabulous, Hanne Gaby Odiele :

  11 comments for “Free the nipples, breasts -FREE IT ALL THIS SUMMER!

  1. Stella
    25/05/2017 at 11:25

    Oh YES!!! Totally with you on this one… ‘breathe freely!!! 🦋Before I was 26 I never wore a bra (didn’t have anything to fit even the smallest size so didn’t bother!) When I finally felt like wearing bras I found pretty lace ones and ones that made me feel feminine – ‘clothes’ for my breasts! It was like a whole new obsession to explore! Funny things really. I still don’t have much to put in them and only wear them when I feel like it and mostly still don’t bother. We should be able to go bra less if we want and not feel ‘exposed’ for wanting to. Good on you for staring back Vici!! 😜😘

    • Viktoria
      25/05/2017 at 11:37

      Yay, us! 😀 And thank whoever started this trend, for the bras without the underwire..!

  2. Floor
    25/05/2017 at 14:03

    Jaaaa, finally someone who thinks the same about this. I never felt the need to wear a bra, but society makes us feel like we have no choice. I stopped wearing bras about a year ago (I wore them quite a long time, even though I am only fifteen now…) and it makes me feel so beautiful and free. I hope more girls and women will be able to feel themselves this way and embrace their beautiful breast, nipples and bodies. I love you, Vici ❤

    • Viktoria
      29/05/2017 at 09:29

      So much love back at you, Floor! Nothing better to start my day with, than reading another woman’s words about feeling beautiful and free <3 Makes me want to say the same thing about myself! #womenpower

  3. Andy Wait
    26/05/2017 at 10:10

    My wife would have agreed with you a few years back, but having had a couple of children put paid to that. As she will freely admit they have never been the same since. On a lighter note since losing one and a half stone, my man boobs have disappeared, thank goodness.

    • Viktoria
      29/05/2017 at 09:32

      Life, eh? Up and down and around it goes..! Will probably need support later in life myself. But, as your wife, let’s enjoy the beauty of the free boob as long as we can! And the lack of man boobs! All though there’s nothing wrong with man boobs. Or wearing bras.
      haha, my oh my I’m politically correct today.

  4. 26/05/2017 at 18:58

    im all for this. I love going braless but i usually always use adhesive bra/ nipple stickers. (which are difficult to get a lot of where i am) lol! i would love to go without, i think my mother would give me shit all day though because it might be considered scandalous. she’d say something like “are you wanting all the sleezey guys to be looking at your boobs?”. These pictures are all extremely beautiful, it depends what id wear i guess! maybe some day ill be comfortable to go completely without! it sounds really intriguing and exciting to do to me. Like a sense of control over own body.

    • Viktoria
      29/05/2017 at 09:35

      I understand everything about this Alyssa! It’s all about comfort <3 I'm just happy to hear you don't think you need a push up bra that digs into your skin and leaves marks on your beautiful skin. I always bring nipple stickers too! You just never know. Sometimes it feels too much and attention-seeking (which it definitely shouldn't be..!!). But slowly that'll change, I think 🙂
      One day Alyssa! Maybe we'll march braless together!

  5. 30/05/2017 at 00:46

    I’ve had a few discussions with people who are generally not very open-minded and a bit prudish to be honest; they seem to be shocked at the idea of a woman going topless or wearing something light and revealing. I often have to say to them, breasts aren’t genitals you know, they’re not shameful. Don’t even get me started on the kind of men that take that as some sort of invitation! They can’t have been raised right. Bras are a choice, they’re not censorship, if you need support or you’re uncomfortable without then wear one, otherwise if you choose not to you shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed. Some people try very hard to get offended and angry at silly things, it’s beyond me.

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 09:34


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