Covering up

Aaaah my skin is driving me so crazy! And it’s SUCH a small thing, I’m aware. Such a small thing. A tiny problem in one life out of ALL of the problems in ALL the lives living on this rotating ball we call “our” home. Haha actually watched a documentary-thing yesterday whilst ironing about storing our knowledge and history in some type of new technology. For humans. After we’re all dead. So.. humans further down the line.

Like evolution would be so fucking stupid.

And it’s all in 1’s and 0’s. Obviously. Because if we start all over again we’d probably fuck up as badly as this batch did and end up in 1’s and 0’s.

I think that IF.. and that’s a big if..; the hooman, the species Homo Sapiens, finds their way back to earth they’d do far better than we did. Hopefully we were the first pancake. And we got eaten immediately. Not saved and protected to enjoy later. Just fucked up, broken and eaten.

Anyways, bigger stuff: my skin. I’ve been doing the full routine recommended by my dermatologist for rosacea from ZO skin health for nine months. And six months is what it takes apparently for you to be able to really see if something’s really working. Which I… yeah. I’ll go with it. Whether or not my skin is better underneath the surface, I can’t say. Anti-aging-wise etc. I don’t fucking care now, do I? I’m not scared of wrinkles or sun-spots or whatever -that’s my life showing in my face. That’s fucking beautiful. I’m young with baby skin now and I want to go out without constantly being scared of people hugging me and in doing so accidentally wipe some of my foundation off revealing Rudolf underneath.

And what bothers me the most: people fucking going around parading great success for EVERYONE ! THIS IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYONE !

That’s just great.

How great for you! That your problems were fixed. I feel for you the same way I feel for people who start doing mindfulness and gets cured for whatever alleged mental health illness they popped into for a quick hello. And then make statements about everyone being able to beat whatever illness they’re battling with.

Fuck you. I feel nothing for you.

Parading about like the cat that got the cream about your success, swearing by lifestyle changes, products or medicines right and left. You’re making the rest of us feel inadequate. Unfixable.

There’s also the possibility that my skin’s just naturally gotten worse and would get to this state regardless. There is also a chance that’s the case. But why should I then spend thousands for skin products?

Also. The people thinking you’re still in third grade and fishing for compliments for your obviously superior drawing by flaunting it around being all “ooh, my drawing is so ugly…..” to the person holding this bad boy.

After a certain age you get real problems and stop fucking around with the term. And, please, you people – meet Internet. It’s all over the place. You can do anything with makeup. We won’t need witness protection programs anymore. Just Kardashian kits.

So! As a conclusion..: even though skin issues or mental health issues (sometimes they’re connected) aren’t visible at first glance doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Weekend’s around the corner and I’m doing a very exciting project tomorrow.  Which I’ll be very proud to tell you about later. Love to you!

  12 comments for “Covering up

  1. 19/10/2017 at 13:46

    Oh that’s so annoying! I’m sorry it didn’t work for you Viktoria.

    Everyone parades around with their successes, nobody wants to admit they just got lucky, it’s all hard work and smart choices blah blah.

    There’s a pill you can take for asthma, clears it right up, all you got to do is take a pill every day, bye bye inhalers that give me thrush in my throat. naturally I was one of the one in ten it doesn’t work on ofc!

    In my experience, it’s better to just be happy, save your money, eat the delicious food, get tipsy, get on with living.

    Maybe something else will come up that works in the future eh. <3

    • Viktoria
      19/10/2017 at 17:38

      Aaah, poor thing! I’m so happy I don’t have astma.. I’ve thought about it many times, must be horrible. But yea, as you said, we take what we have and get on with our lives. That said, I still know a lot about rosacea and what does work, haha, so just because one thing is failing doesn’t mean I’m dropping the other ones! But here’s to eat, drink and be merry! 😀

      • 20/10/2017 at 03:52

        Here here!

        Keep fighting shield maiden. 🙂

        • Viktoria
          20/10/2017 at 07:03

          You too James! We all have something to fight, ey? 🙂

  2. Pete from Detroit
    19/10/2017 at 20:36

    Fresh opinions. I really enjoy your opinions and observations on this big old complicated thing we call life. Your #metoo was right on by the way. I was having such a good week with my ptsd . So yesterday I decide a trip to the grocery store was necessary. At the exact moment that I’m walking into the store our airforce decides to fly 3 A fucking 10 attack planes over us about 1200 feet off the ground. Instant panic, mode as I’m crawling out from under someones car I’m explaining to the onlookers that they spent good tax dollars to make me this way. I’m alright now though just had to share with someone who knows what a panic attack feels like. Have a great weekend.

    • Viktoria
      20/10/2017 at 07:02

      Oh 🙁 I wish I was there to give you a hug. It’s admirable how you can talk about it. Have a good weekend Pete!

  3. Stella
    21/10/2017 at 05:33

    Yep, first pancake for sure! Crazy humans!!
    I salute all three of you (Viktoria, James and Pete) for your resilience and ability to articulate yourselves so well. 🙂Pete I also feel for you. My mum was in Europe during the war and came to Australia to start a new life when she was around 20 years old. What she left behind sometimes haunted her. One day when I was a teenager playing Pink Flyod very loud, the air siren at the beginning of one of their songs sent her into a panic attack while her mind was wandering along washing dishes. Next thing you know she came screaming into my room, grabbed my arm and dragged me under our dining room table shouting the V2 bombs were going to explode. I eventually snapped her out of it and there was lots of tears. I found out later it was a flashback memory trigger by the sound of the air sirens, that resulted in a panic attack. Wow. Needless to say I did not play that song around mum after that and I developed a newfound respect for those scarred by war.
    Never stop fighting, enjoy the highs and do your best to get through the lows and know that there are ‘strangers’ out there who care. 🙂

    • Viktoria
      21/10/2017 at 07:12

      Oooh, poor mother of yours.. People have been trough so much.. I is so nice that we can connect like this. And share our stories. Grow, together 🙂 Hugs to you, and your mother.

      • Stella
        24/10/2017 at 07:43

        Yes it seems that we have all been through a lot (we being just about everyone at some stage or another).. when I hear others stories I am thankful for how I am travelling in this world so far! And very happy to share and hear what others have been through or are feeling. Thank you for the hugs! My mum is no longer with us however she would have loved your kind thoughts.

        • Viktoria
          25/10/2017 at 07:03

          <3 <3 <3

    • Pete from Detroit
      21/10/2017 at 14:44

      Yeah Stella a sight a sound a smell anything can be a trigger. The meds don’t really give me that much relife either. What really seems to work makes me a criminal in most states in the U.S.A.

      • Stella
        24/10/2017 at 07:48

        Wow. I never realised but that makes complete sense. You hang in there. Speaking of writing, why don’t you write about your experiences? It is something that everyone needs to know about..seriously. From the little I have read of your comments I can tell you are a good communicator. Start with little notebooks and record everything. That’s step one 🙂

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