Friday, in two days, TWO SLEEPS: we’re shooting the collection. Then another SEVEN SLEEPS till
FÅRIKÅL Launch Party -AW17 Collection; CLOSER
It’s basically there^^
Lurking in the background
It’s, as anybody who ever created something (be that a masterpiece carefully composed in kindergarten it took forever to dry in the drying-room, or a beat that’ll kill on the dance floor), terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
Everyone knows that feeling.
It’s awesome.
And when you reveal that shit; you don’t be afraid..! You stand tall and know that it is Great! Because it’s the only sample in the world there is. And it is you. And you know something and have felt something that no-bo-dy else has.
It is unique.
I seldom regret anything. My body may own a feeling or memory of regret, but in my mind I never allow myself to regret. Something I said about another person when they weren’t listening, a bad outfit, my reckless behavior those nights I drink like a sponge ( I’ve definitely seen a pattern of flashing whilst drunk..), how I used to do my makeup (Wow, that changes quickly -wtf was I thinking?!), some embarrassing post I posted when I started blogging (or, you know, last week..), a bad picture. -Like it or not, It’s all you! Don’t resist it.
And especially about the things we say.. You can’t regret any of that.. Because you wanna be prepared if people decide to confront you. I gather I’m allowed to every opinion I have! Because it’s all based on my emotions and knowledge at the time. You cannot expect people not to be honest and having made an opinion based on the information they’ve gathered? And the people who don’t get that.. maybe they’re not worthy of staying. Fuck ’em.
Like just now, I don’t know if I could use the term gather there. But who cares? I think it sounds great. Fabulous actually. Royal, even.
(That said, never talk in a negative way about the things people didn’t choose. If they were born with it – leave it.)
One thing I wasn’t born with ( smooth transition? ) ; this Fish-leather Choker. I absolutely love it.
Order on demand after launch.
Oh, and last weekend was probably the last party before the launch. So I went all out. In my bra.
The hibernation continues! Backstage photos from the shoot some time in the course of the weekend !
Can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on!
Also that is a space age looking bra. 😀
Nice look in the bottom pic. Quite awesome.
Thank you!
mye suksess og god resonans ! 😉
That choker is awesome too! Also looking forwards to seeing your designs!!!
Have a wonderful time! ❤
Det du skriver om er veldig veldig bra, jeg håper du vet hvilken fantastisk person du er, og hvor mye jeg ser opp til deg. Jeg er en ungdom og som de fleste andre ungdommer aner jeg ikke hvem jeg er eller hvem jeg vil bli. Jeg kler meg etter det mine foreldre syntes jeg bør ta på meg, og føler meg like teit vær dag. Jeg husker i ett intervju med deg i os og fusa posten forklarte du at du hadde lyst til å åpne en butikk, hvor alle kunne komme inn å føle seg god nok. Dette hadde vert den beste butikken i verden, og jeg hadde kommet der vær dag. Takk for at du oppdaterer bloggen din, det betyr ekstremt mye for meg.
<3 Maren <3 Så utrolig kjekt å høre. Det får meg til å føle meg fantastisk. Og den butikken er absolutt noe jeg ønsker en dag. Alle har vi en stil inni oss som matcher de vi er. Vi trenger bare litt hjelp av og til til å finne den :)
jeg skal prøve å komme på launch på fredag om ikke angsten tar meg. helt utrolig spent på å få se hva du har jobbet med og laget, either way! gratulerer gratulerer gratulerer! dette blir nok helt fantastisk.