Checking in at 2018

It’s been so long! Since I’ve checked in! With myself and the ones around me actually, come to think of it.. My mind has been preoccupied with another person lately. And that’s fine. We all have times when we have to prioritize others than ourselves. I just get very irritable when I don’t know what it is that I’m feeling. And it’s usually something. Causing some sort of anger inside of me. I have a lot of anger.! And the only way to make it go away is to try to understand it. Only way. So it’s so important to check in once in a while. I rarely know what’s going on with myself until I sit down with you.

So, hi. Happy New Year.

New-years for me has always meant one thing. My birthday’s coming up. And I love getting older.

Since turning twentyfive I’ve loved celebrating my birthday. It’s a good excuse to get people I love and need in my life together and pop a lot of champagne. Last year I celebrated with family at a restaurant. This year I’m going out with my man for a night of our own. To catch up on how I’ve been lately. How he’s been. Me first obviously. Cause Christmas is always overwhelming. For all of us.

Me. Overwhelmed on Christmas Eve. Feeling particularly round after a sugary morning followed by a really enjoyable run between the trees.

Food will always be a challenge. I still kind of freeze and go back in time the days leading up to going home for Christmas. I get that feeling that I have to starve myself to get some wiggle room for all the meals ahead. But I am experiensing more and more that it’s no different than any other meals throughout the year. More meat than I’d normally eat, but I don’t have to eat anything I don’t want to. Apparently. I used to think the whole thing was a conspiracy. Where my family and the rest of the world made these rules about all this food I’d be forced to eat for Christmas. To make me fat. The ultimate test and challenge to see how strong I could be. Christmas dinners, Christmas puddings, Christmas cookies..

Oh, the anger. Towards the happiest time of year. What a waste of energy.

I do realize I don’t have to fear Christmas. I really do. No one’s forcing me to eat anything I don’t want to eat. Even though I do get paranoid when I turn down food I don’t want, and someone comments on it. That’s maybe the one thing that stresses me out the most. People commenting on the food all the time. Just leave people be. If they’re eating a lot or too little in your opinion – keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear that over the age of two. Even at two. I still do feel that I have to prove that I’m cool now, that I don’t ‘care’ what I eat. So I do eat more than I would like to sometimes. And it’s fine. One day I’ll be so convinced in my own recovery that I don’t have to fear what other people may think. One day I’ll be more recovered.

And then these days pass. And all is normally challenging again.

And you won’t have to deal with pots this size.

And food that look like this.

I ate more than this for the record. It’s my favorite meal of the entire year. It’s smoked lamb’s meat and it’s heaven.

Look at this ambiance though. Dad always makes the dinner and the three of us set the table. And we drink like one glass of wine. It’s weird, but our tradition has just never involved alcohol. Come Christmas Eve we’re all children again. Candy-eating giggling children waiting for the next Christmas movie. We play playstation too. We’re the best at Christmas.


Right after new-years eve I got the flu from the other one. So I got the wonderful excuse to go back home to mum and lie down on the couch being served yet another pot of the Christmas tea we got in our advent calendar sock (I realized this year that advent calendars wasn’t just a Norwegian thing.! Through the inevitable force of social media: Kim Kardashian’s Instagram).

Me today. Overwhelmed for standing up.

Guess I’ll just sit down with more honey. Fruit. And chocolate. And watch the real housewives of New York. To get that glimpse from the real world.

  16 comments for “Checking in at 2018

  1. Flavia
    06/01/2018 at 13:50

    Own, its so beautiful the meaning of xmas for you and your fam. …wish youwa and fam the best for this new year😘

    • Viktoria
      08/01/2018 at 11:40

      And for you too! <3

  2. Amr
    06/01/2018 at 17:29

    Happy new year Viktoria! As a 20 year-old trying to deal with the countless slings and arrows that life throws at us, I’m happy I found this blog last year because it’s genuinely been extremely relaxing and de-stressing to read, so thank you very much for that – even if it’s just your outlet for expression I’m glad you still share it for everyone to view <3.

    • Viktoria
      08/01/2018 at 11:42

      Happy new year! I’m so glad! That gives me so much drive to keep writing. Thank you!

  3. 06/01/2018 at 18:23

    We sold a lot of advent calenders and accesories at my work ☺️ I hope you did have a good christmas! And im happy youre feeling a sense of control.
    Its so nice to see you here again!
    And ill never getover how cool that staircase is 😍

    • Viktoria
      08/01/2018 at 11:42

      <3 <3 <3

  4. yovani
    06/01/2018 at 19:55

    Man you guys seem to have the best of everything including food also I’ll recommend watching daredevil or the punisher on Netflix when you get the chance 👌

  5. The Better Cat
    07/01/2018 at 14:09

    I do enjoy Christmas. My family have the weirdest Christmas tradition. Dad is off to work. The rest of us walk through a forest to our cousins and stay for about 3 hours. We come home and then don’t do anything. If my dad is at home we would have a brilliant dinner which he made full of weird combinations like fish fingers and custard (more tasty than you think). Then it is Romjul, which my family think is a time to get all the work done before New Years. Of course I have done all that I need before Chrsitams so I am free during those days and just chill.
    Perfect days do exist.

    • Viktoria
      08/01/2018 at 11:44

      When your family thinks is the time to get all the work done before New Years.. I laughed at this! So sad! But so funny! And too true!
      Glad you get to relax though <3 And we also call it romjul..!! The days between Christmas Day and New Years eve?

      • The Better Cat
        08/01/2018 at 19:50

        Yup, i was feeling extra lazy one day and found a norwegian site, thought i couild learn norwegian, that talked about the idea of Romjul and i was interested in it. Decided to make it my tradition.

        • The Better Cat
          08/01/2018 at 20:01

          Although strictly speaking I have no affiliation to Norwegians, I am somewhat similar to a nomad and am looking at what others do to try and invoke it into my life. I got Romjul from the Norwegians, and cycling style from the German. The reason i do this is because answering the question of who i am is so perplexing. I prefer to look at it from a broader view.
          Mum: Why arent you working?
          Me: Its Romjul
          Mum: What is Romkul?
          Me: Its Romjul [i start explaining what it is]
          Mum: Oh cool, wish I was norwegian. NOW GET BACK TO WORK!

          • Viktoria
            09/01/2018 at 16:54

            hahaha. love it! keep expanding! (with that said.. most people do have to work during romjulen 😉 At least some of the days!)

  6. 07/01/2018 at 23:17

    Happy new year Viktoria and the rest of your clan!

    I like advent calenders, think I need one for every month so I can just have a little chocolate and not go mad! 😛

    • Viktoria
      08/01/2018 at 11:46

      I think you should. Happy new year! 🙂

  7. Stella
    08/01/2018 at 10:36

    Hello and lovely that you are checking in again 😀That beautiful decorated Christmas tree looks almost identical to ours! Except ours is not real but funny though, it still drops pine needles like a real one!! Funny too, it is still sitting proudly in our living room…we are too busy to pack it away…but it will be put away…maybe this coming weekend … besides, I love the lights. We also have lots of solar powered fairy star lights outdoors on our fence and in a tree…so beautiful to see them at night. I think we will keep the, there all year round. 🌟

    • Viktoria
      08/01/2018 at 11:46

      We do the same. I love walking, running, driving around in winter. All the lights!! I always end Christmas at my birthday. Haha. 30th of January <3

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