Change the subject Carole

I was recently made aware of a little hashtag going on on Instagram in norwegian from a fairly new friend of mine which translates to ‘change the subject’. And this. is. so. important. Especially at Christmas. Subject being: food, action needed being: stop. giving. it. so. much. attention.

Surely we know by now that the more food we have, the more options, the more focus and prestige there is on and in the food industry in (a lot of) the world -the less healthy we’ve gotten, right? Apart from the obvious benefits of cooking clean, sanitary-wise, we haven’t become any healthier in a really long time. I mean overall health, obviously. I’m not trying to talk you out of the religion you’ve joined, Carole, where broccoli is God and starch Satan. And I’m not stating hard facts here either. But most of us can understand when I say that the abundance of artificially produced options made to satisfy our every craving to such an extent of addiction on the same level of cocaine hasn’t made our overall health any better. For a lot of people. The more emotions we tied to food: rewards and penalties, numbing joy and shame, abundance and restriction.. the more food lost it’s true purpose. Which is to nurture and make your body strong and energized at the same time as bring you joy and satisfaction.

The norm has become so disturbed we don’t even notice it anymore. A mother not eating pancakes with her children whilst poking a grape fruit talking about how bad it would be for her body – that sends a message! That’s confusing for a child!! The excited child who’s been smelling pancakes for an hour, Oh so hungry after soccer practice, hearing that pancakes are bad for you and that mum slaved just for you without herself being able to reap the benefits of her own work.. that’s not a positive experience around what should have been a pretty fucking awesome thursday, Carole. And, hey, I’m not at all saying that you need to eat pancakes if you’re in need of a more balanced meal -make fish then! Make fish for your family, BUT BE happy about it. Talk positive about it. And then you can make pancakes on an occasion where you’re not eating with your kids. For another occasion. Maybe they have a friend over and you’re not joining the party, I don’t know. Just don’t make bad experiences. Pancakes are good. Fish is also.

Around Christmas there’s a lot of heavier dinners and puddings, candy and cookies floating around. And you don’t even have to be a restricting person to experience some indulging and a couple of pounds extra as a result. That’s okay! If you’re really scared about it, eat the fucking fish, bring your own meal, skip the pudding -whatever. People with common sense will respect that. Just don’t make a big deal out of it! Let us, the rest of us, enjoy our cookies and potential love handles.

We have to start minding our own business. I’m sure whatsherface has her reasons for skipping the macaroni and cheese bowl. Maybe she’s allergic. Maybe she’s trying a new diet -maybe she has an issue with macaroni and the very thought of it makes her sick. Let her make and have her choice. You don’t need to point it out.

Talk shit about her once she leaves.

Ok that one’s a bit of a stretch, but we all do it. Even you Carole.

We need to stop talking shit about food.

We have to stop commenting on our own and each other’s bodies.

If you’re not experiencing any severe health challenges and have the energy to function like you can keep up with life, chances are your diet’s fine.

Can we please get over it?

Can we please change the subject?

  3 comments for “Change the subject Carole

  1. Joseph J
    20/12/2018 at 21:33

    Well said! Take that, Carole.
    And have a very Merry Christmas Viktoria.

  2. Peter
    21/12/2018 at 00:52

    Christmas is the time to share all of those lovely foody treats!

    In the UK we have a saying:-

    ‘A turkey is for Christmas day and Boxing day and perhaps a few other days afterwards in sandwiches’.
    We also say ‘A dog is not just for Christmas’.

    So ‘turkey…sandwiches’ , ‘turkey…sandwiches’, think I’ve got it now.

    (Totally, totally unrelated. Sorry. ‘It Takes You Away’ Dr Who episode set in Norway (with Lisa Stokke) features a forest and house by a fjord, sheep, mirrors (complete and broken), red balloon, large white moths, and frogs. Now who did they pinch those proclivities from I wonder)???

    Have a lovely Christmas Viktoria.

  3. 22/12/2018 at 00:36

    Huh, I never really thought about that. Your comment on the mother and grapefruit; so true. I think that’s probably part of why so many people struggle with food, and health, or beauty. We’ve got these expectations, these attitudes.

    You shouldn’t talk with your mouthful anyway so just eat. 😛

    Ultimately we should really just try to say positive things, all the time. Speak, with love in our words.

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