Last week I tried a new psychologist.
Lol I don’t think so.
This round I want to focus on my social anxiety and panic attacks. And whenever I embark on another journey filled with hope towards an anxiety-free life I get super-sensitive. My anxiety increases and I’m even more self-conscious than I usually am. Spending most of my life in survival mode, painting layers upon layers over bad experiences and fears knowingly that my free space is decreasing – stripping it down and looking at it’s rough raw surface with bad experiences and weaknesses is way morse. So I have very ambivalent feelings towards the whole thing. Seeking help. The cost of going there can be so big. So I really need this to be worth my while.
I walz in there, hesitant -but confident, with my usual guards up and start presenting myself. Few questions in considering my presence and how I got here and I start balling
Why though??? Whenever I’m really faced with questions about how much pain my anxiety is causing me from, say, one to ten and to which extent it affects my everyday life it’s impossible to think of a worthy answer. And my reaction is always the same. Nothing but despair. And the feeling that no one will ever understand how it feels to be so aware of your own challenges yet so incapable of doing anything about it is sometimes unbearable. And very painful when met with anything but utter respect and compassion.
I get so pissed when someone sees that. Especially authority. Then I definitely can’t stop crying. Even when I’d stopped crying, I wasn’t done crying. Probably doing all sorts of facial expressions trying to divert him from the fact that I was, in fact, still crying. It was right there under that trembling lip the whole time till the moment I stepped out of his office. Nay! Till I got home actually! Mustn’t forget the teary way home.
I’m not looking for much in a psychologist really. Listen to my challenges. Then fix them.
Seriously though, respect my pain and occasionally shut up and let me cry it out before I pull myself together for fucks sakes. Try to understand why I am the way I am and why I cope the way I cope. I didn’t get any of this from him. He definitely didn’t get why I was so emotional. He actually laughed at some of the things I said, asking me which study I had this none sense from? And if he could use it in one of his talks? I mean what the fuck, am I being pranked? I don’t like feeling ridiculed. Goddamnit that crying.
Why do half the people who become psychologists even become psychologists? Bet there’s loads of fucked up reasons. But the good ones save lives and I’m searching for my rescue. Ever hopeful, ever open. I’ll just save myself a bit longer for now. Can’t have anyone else with a degree confirm why I don’t trust them in a while, and he actually managed to close the curtains for now. Power to ya!
Here’s an outtake from this photoshoot I had two minutes ago in my hall mirror. It has a concave line in the middle which is equivalent to perfection as far as self image goes.
Had to go all the way up here to look pretty again. Don’t ever forget how pretty I actually am.
Wouldn’t go out all high and mighty though. So I leave you at this handsome fella, bye