Category: Philosophy

Close my curtains, I prefer crying in the comfort of my own home!

Last week I tried a new psychologist.

Lol I don’t think so.

This round I want to focus on my social anxiety and panic attacks. And whenever I embark on another journey filled with hope towards an anxiety-free life I get super-sensitive. My anxiety increases and I’m even more self-conscious than I usually am. Spending most of my life in survival mode, painting layers upon layers over bad experiences and fears knowingly that my free space is decreasing – stripping it down and looking at it’s rough raw surface with bad experiences and weaknesses is way morse. So I have very ambivalent feelings towards the whole thing. Seeking help. The cost of going there can be so big. So I really need this to be worth my while.

I walz in there, hesitant -but confident, with my usual guards up and start presenting myself. Few questions in considering my presence and how I got here and I start balling

Why though??? Whenever I’m really faced with questions about how much pain my anxiety is causing me from, say, one to ten and to which extent it affects my everyday life it’s impossible to think of a worthy answer. And my reaction is always the same. Nothing but despair. And the feeling that no one will ever understand how it feels to be so aware of your own challenges yet so incapable of doing anything about it is sometimes unbearable. And very painful when met with anything but utter respect and compassion.

I get so pissed when someone sees that. Especially authority. Then I definitely can’t stop crying. Even when I’d stopped crying, I wasn’t done crying. Probably doing all sorts of facial expressions trying to divert him from the fact that I was, in fact, still crying. It was right there under that trembling lip the whole time till the moment I stepped out of his office. Nay! Till I got home actually! Mustn’t forget the teary way home.

I’m not looking for much in a psychologist really. Listen to my challenges. Then fix them.

Seriously though, respect my pain and occasionally shut up and let me cry it out before I pull myself together for fucks sakes. Try to understand why I am the way I am and why I cope the way I cope. I didn’t get any of this from him. He definitely didn’t get why I was so emotional. He actually laughed at some of the things I said, asking me which study I had this none sense from? And if he could use it in one of his talks? I mean what the fuck, am I being pranked? I don’t like feeling ridiculed. Goddamnit that crying.

Why do half the people who become psychologists even become psychologists? Bet there’s loads of fucked up reasons. But the good ones save lives and I’m searching for my rescue. Ever hopeful, ever open. I’ll just save myself a bit longer for now. Can’t have anyone else with a degree confirm why I don’t trust them in a while, and he actually managed to close the curtains for now. Power to ya!

Here’s an outtake from this photoshoot I had two minutes ago in my hall mirror. It has a concave line in the middle which is equivalent to perfection as far as self image goes.

Had to go all the way up here to look pretty again. Don’t ever forget how pretty I actually am.

Wouldn’t go out all high and mighty though. So I leave you at this handsome fella, bye

To whom it may concern behind the rack of protein shakes. Yes, you. With the attitude.

I’ve set foot in two gym’s in my life. One in my old town when I was around fifteen and briefly tried to work out to get skinnier. I quickly found out I wasn’t one to lift and squeeze all day, I had better things to do, and quit after a year or so to venture out on new paths towards thigh gaps, arms that went in on both sides of the elbow and destruction.

Second gym I’ve seen was the one I went to last winter.  Just down the road from here is a small gym. Went there for a couple of months before the wind softened and ice melted. It’s a dump. Outdated and mostly enjoyable for the senior groups I saw on numerous occasions sitting around a table eating fruit and cookies after sessions in one of the outdated rooms I can imagine. They seemed very happy. It was cute. But the ladies working there were total assholes. Rude and wouldn’t let me wear a sleeveless top. Are you fucking kidding me? Sometimes they didn’t even say Hi. It was mostly five people there and I’d walk right past them entering. I know you see me!

And now this one. The one I joined today due to shitty weather. This is a big new one! Lots of treadmills on the second floor pointing outwards, big windows, all kinds of offers like swimming pool, hot yoga, squash, endless of sessions for everything.. Not that I’ll ever use any of it. I’ll just pay a ridiculous amount of money to use a treadmill overlooking a road and a carpark.

I also had to pay 450 NOK for a session with a personal trainer. Which I politely asked the lady if I could skip since I wouldn’t really be needing it. She smirked and laughed at me while she, in a very condescending manner, said that “No, no -you’ll want to do that, you do. You don’t turn that down” whilst glancing at her partner who smirked back. Smirked!!! It wasn’t even an option! I had to pay money for a session with a personal trainer I have NO interest whatsoever to meet with. I actually thought about asking her if she could make an exception due to mental illness. But decided not to since I don’t owe her an explanation on why I wouldn’t be needing one, it’s my business. But hey, don’t ask me why.. Just assume I think I know everything and feel that I’m too good for your pathetic little trainers, that I’m above that shit. Assume that, go ahead.

I don’t want one ’cause I just wanna run. I just enjoy running and it quiets the voices harassing me every day without running. I don’t wanna be aware of how I run, how to improve it or hear how I can get leaner and stronger arms, I don’t need to.

I’ll just pretend I died and not answer him when he suggests time and date.

I felt totally belittled and stupid for even being there.

Why the FUCK, can someone please tell me, do people working at the gym think they’re better than the rest of us? Why? Do they think they’re the only one’s with knowledge of the human body? Last time I checked it takes a year, A SINGLE teeny-tiny year, to become a personal trainer. You don’t know shit about the human body and mind compared to at least a hundred other occupations. And people, normal people, are at the gym for crying out loud – most of us scared shitless to even be there because of assholes like you. We’re here to work out.. Break a sweat. Pause the lives we lead for others. It’s a beautiful thing putting off time to yourself, focusing on becoming stronger. Cheer us on, please. I wanna see a look on your face that fucking screams “I am so proud of you for deciding to come in here today! Have a GREAT FUCKING WORKOUT!! YOU.. -YOU LEGEND!!!!”

The secret lives we lead

I’ve been uncharacteristically social this week, as in the week when the other one’s working and I’m on my own. And it got me thinking, because I always fear not having enough time for myself. I’m scared of people wearing me out. Because they’ve done that for so many years.

I see it as reclaiming power and a self-preservation thing. But it got me thinking! Time for what? How do I charge? Do you ever think about that, what you do when nobody’s watching? The essence of yourself?

The realness is almost too real to share with the real world. I see myself as one of the lucky ones. I’m in a relationship that allows me to still get alone-time on a regular basis. It has it’s down-sides, but it does keep a loner sane. These are some og the things I do:

No washing of the face in the morning. Besides my eyes, I just let those natural oils give my skin a treat and keep my dirty paws off of it. No make up. Wash and moisturize before sleep.

Eat dinner at two/three o’clock. Four at the latest. I know that a hot meal mid-day is something people around the world refer to as lunch. We don’t. Norwegians eat brødskive med pålegg at lunch. Knekkebrød if you’re healthy. Or if you just prefer it. No shame in anyone’s food game. We save our left-overs or newly prepared hot meals for the occasion that is Dinner. When I choose to eat again (at dinner-time usually, around seven) I call it kveldsmat. Eveningfood. And is normally what Norwegians have for lunch.

I almost never eat meat. It’s expensive and I rarely want it, and I’m happy eating boring food based on basically different sorts of pasta and chickpeas.

I wear pajamas all day every day.

Jokes. I do that when the other one’s home too.

I sleep with my curtains a bit open. I love waking up being reminded it’s a new day and yesterday is the past. Was yesterday good, you start again. Do good, again. Was it bad, today don’t have to be.

I talk to myself. Sometimes to the reality shows that dominates my screen as well while I’m working.

Good morning, me.

I do more housework. Everything is neat. Clean. I throw stuff away. Donate. Sometimes I clean out the other one’s closet. One colorful slogan t shirt at a time.

I drop all work at nine, then I watch crime-series. Currently Broen.

I never skip intro’s. Netflix. And I’m still watching.

Pee with the door open.

I drink less alcohol. Probably because I’m not very social. I’m usually not with people unless there’s alcohol involved. I don’t get why I would meet a friend that I’m kind of close to for a hike. Or coffee. Or anything that’d get my heart rate up. Coffee is best at home.

Have more evening snacks. Or, you know, more kveldsmat. Nibble.

Run more.

Bite my nails more.

I groom more. Foot baths. Pedicures. Hair masks, face masks.

Looking at this it’s quite obvious I’m in a subconsciously state of bettering myself in some way when I’m home alone. Grooming, cleaning, over-analyzing what my body’s telling me at all times, not drinking or doing anything remotely ‘damaging’ that could possibly lead to anxiety. Or being tired or feeling overwhelmed. Not on top of it. Just focusing on my fucking self all the time.

It’s a good thing I get that week+ to do that. But I’m also grateful I have someone to stop me from being constant submissive to my fears. I think I’d be cutting myself off from the rest of the world without, living by myself as a single woman with social challenges working from her own apartment.. And that I’d live life scared to go out without having done my routines perfectly, feeling perfect. My threshold would be so high. Quirks grow as we get older, and the more time we change life from happening because of them.  And loneliness is a very dangerous thing. Getting a cat is nice, but sometimes when I’ve been cooped up in my apartment for a couple of days, taking out the trash or going to buy more honey can be challenging. Even cheese.

So today I joined a gym via the internet. No binding contract membership obviously. Don’t wanna give myself anxiety. But it’s snowing and this wind isn’t doing my rosacea any favors. So the treadmill is calling. I’ll do it for a month or two. At least till it doesn’t look like this anymore.

Point is. I try to do what feels right. But try to make sure I stay in not because I fear the opposite, but because it feels good. Then you go out. You’ll know when. Right before the fear of leaving your controlled environment kicks in. Not earlier than you’ve dared to be yourself with yourself a little bit. Don’t be Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator. Be more like Winona.

Girl, Interrupted.

Education of the mind

Today I just didn’t wanna get out of bed. Took me about 90 minutes. After sleeping till noon. I woke up at noon. Got up 90 minutes later than that.

I just had that feeling. That feeling of worthlessness. Just, pure worthlessness. More than worthlessness it was a question, maybe.. A question that owned the answer meaningless. Why would I get out of bed to face my worthlessness closer and more vividly than I already am lying down here. At least down here tears can easily be absorbed and I won’t have to look at myself. Down here it’s dark. I am cocooned. Laying down here makes for some sort of weightlessness. Like floating in a pool. Like a photo I have seen taken from above of a woman, floating around in a pool. I won’t have to feel my surroundings laying here, no clothes digging into my skin -not even the harshness of the air outside of my covers. Let alone daylight that will highlight my every inadequacy. Why would I get out of bed and face a question that I already know the answer to? That I can’t. Why try to create when I know that the defeat of not being able to will harm my delicate creative mind much more and for a longer extent of time than the pleasure of finally creating it will persist? A moment of pleasure until a morning like this comes again, when all that is conquered and created previous to that morning is, again, lost to my frail feeling of self-worth.

My husband made me coffee. I asked him to drink it here with me, in bed. -He did.

He went out to make some phonecalls, answer some emails I assume, then came back not long after. Slowly peeked inside my door. The door that is the extension of my pool which is my bed. He asks if I would like to climb out and come watch an episode of The Crown with him.

And right then and there I remembered vaguely that I am in control of my next move. I could descend into my pool of tears and weightlessness and stay there scared of what could be on the surface -in the daylight, over my threshold and extension of my pool that was my bed. Or I could really feel what it was that he was asking me to do. Drink a second cup of coffee while watching The Crown. -I felt that I could.

And when I could do that, the worthlessness slowly started to diminish. If I could make breakfast too, that’d be another thing. -I could.

Oatmeal, a second cup of coffee and 58 minutes, 43 seconds of The Crown. And I felt better.

Some days are bright days in disguise. Like my day today. You’ll know when it’s right to stay in bed. But on a day like this, I actually ended up having a very good day. Sketched for hours, loads of ideas. The best day I’ve had in a while, actually. And I think it’s got to do with two things in particular.

One. He knew. I had someone who knew what I needed to be given. A choice. A choice that wouldn’t have any effect on my self-image whatsoever. Because in a world where being worthy of love, admiration and praise is only granted if you achieve a certain amount of tasks, obstacles or chores; the choice of not doing so must conclude with you not being worthy of such affection. And that’s not nice. That’s very harsh, and a world I don’t want to be part of. So if you can greet the first choice of achievement with a ‘Yes’, you’ve already started your ascend. And given a huge favor.

Two. I knew. I knew that if I told myself enough times, I would come to believe it. I would. Because I know I have. In the past. I would, again, believe the truth that is that I don’t have to do anything, that Me getting through the day is Enough. I knew that to teach my mind to throw away these negative thoughts and fears that disassociates my mind from my body would be the greatest gift I could give myself. Listening to my body, reach the right conclusions, find the good truths.. Truths that say that we are all enough. So I spent a lot of time doing that. So that on a day like today I can turn my mind over to play for my team.

Give yourself a chance, on a morning like mine. Don’t set yourself up so that you’re able to fail on your first actual task of the day. Today he made that task a positive one for me. And maybe it saved me from drowning today. Because our bodies are not lazy. When listened to, encouraged and taken care of, it wants to. Work. Fix. Make better. Create. Same goes for our minds. Our minds are not just stupid nor just brilliant, it’s both. Most importantly it is not necessarily the reality. When guided and given memories and options based on good experiences our minds can do incredible things. It can rise to be better to you than anyone else will ever be. Teach it. You can’t outrun it. Nor should you blindly obey it. Teach it!

Treat yo self

Went to the doctor yesterday, apparently the previous guy quit. But hey, just another guy gets to see my vagina right? Life smiles to me.

But I like him! He got me sessions with this psychologist he knows (since I didn’t really vibe with my previous one), and gave me pills for my hives. Notice I can still call them my hives. Any longer I would have been it’s body. The hives’s. Because it’s all over my entire upper body. And it feels as great as it looks. Fucking burns.

But still have skin and am able to move around freely. So still stoked about that. Even though have now skin like turtle.

I’ve always wondered, when writing that something is something else’s, let’s say a house. Do you say it’s the houses’ or house’s, or something else? Because the last one is something that the house is. Isn’t it?

Had to work out at home. Because running in this slushy snow ain’t happening. So that’s a bummer. But am able to move and not weak or in wheelchair. So again not such a bummer after all.

Had to fill out a form to decide what type of a psychologist I needed, no surprises there, but it got me thinking after seeing how high my scores were on anxiety related issues. I’m so used to having anxiety and consider my life so much better now than earlier, I don’t think I even recognize how much energy I use on it. I always just assume it’s other stuff that makes me so exhausted.

So, to which extent does it really affect my everyday life? Minutes earlier, in the waiting room, I was sweating, unable to sit still, biting nails, grinding teeth, blushing -I actually cried a little in front of the rest of the people waiting.. I figured at the doctors you can do anything. You’re obviously there because something’s wrong with you.

Look at this cup the little one gave me for Christmas. Is it evergood? I think it is.

I’m scared I’m going to meet someone I know at the grocery store, will the cashier talk to me? (please don’t let it be a man and he starts flirting with me) Will my card work? (instantly reminded of work and question self-worth and importance in this world) Will I slip in the snow on my way home, exposed to all the cars driving by? Will I meet a neighbor in the hallway when I’m walking up those four floors to get to my apartment? It doesn’t matter how many times I check, I always run to the mirror the moment I get in to see if my foundation didn’t rub off somewhere along the way, my fly’s open, my skirt caught in my pantyhose, my hair like Miranda in sex and city’s (season one), if I look fat or something else. If I look bad or stupid in any way. (I do also feel beautiful, strong and great at times, just not to discredit myself entirely)

Look at this Christmas-hairclip. I’m beautiful.

These ‘little’ things that pushes me to be this person I don’t necessarily like. A person with her eyes fixed to the ground running through life scared to stop.

A person who forgets her rights because she doesn’t feel she has the right to be here.

Cancelling appointments more often than she goes through with them. (I think a lot of us do that btw, making appointments when feeling confident – dying when the day actually arrives). It’s never a good feeling. Because you feel weak or depressed, that’s why you can’t go through it in the first place (your lunch or whatever), and end up even weaker and more depressed after sending that heavy message that you’re again cancelling and will not be able to make it.

A person who lashes out, most of all to her loved ones.

Such a bummer.

I don’t want to be that. I’m not that. I get tired from it. And feel defeated, over and over again. But it is better than earlier, it really is. And I wanna continue that journey, get even better. I live once and wanna be GREAT. Get rid of that anger. And I don’t think that’s a selfish or narcissistic thing to do, choosing to work on and focus on yourself. Earlier they all just got over it. Lots of people people still do. But they hit a wall at some point. They have to take time off from work. They get pains in their body from stress due to something going on with them that they’re unaware of. They lash out. They get divorced. They drink. Take painkillers. They feel guilty.  They project their feelings of inadequacy onto others. They don’t recognize love, nor able to keep fulfilling relationships with others. They’re desperate. They take their own lives.

So work on it. Never settle. Like maybelline, you’re worth it.

Bree Van de Kamp for a day. A day I shall cherish for the many months to come and go until the next time we meet

Today’s really been one of those days when cleaning just. feels. SO. great.

It started innocently enough; me getting home after an extended weekend at my parents house due to flu, eight in the morning, acknowledging as I walk through the front door this new wooden serving board I just got that needed oiling.. It all starts very sexy. Long story short I ended up doing every piece of wood that crossed my path (…), plus my kitchen counter top. And it felt great. And it didn’t stop there. You know that shit you almost never do, but once in a while they’ll come to you in, like a whisper in the wind from your lady ancestors –old instincts kicking in and you suddenly find yourself doing things in the most jeopardizing positions physically you can imagine, things you never knew were actual things people did when you were younger? You would never do these things unless you really wanted to. These chores are only achievable when your body wants them done and your mind and spirit agrees. And the stars align and the  fourth night moon of the first month of.. ok, stopping.

These days are gifts. Rare gifts.

 And at the end of these days you ask yourself why you don’t do this every week? Or month, even (even though you know the answer). Because it feels so good. Vacuuming and cleaning and turning of the mattresses.. Airing out the duvets and pillows until they’re as cool as the frost on the ground.. Beating the sofa cushions to death outside.. Scrubbing of the shower tiles.. So many tiles. Cleaning of the cupboards -washing away every sugar grain, deleting every last piece of evidence with it that your husband ate porridge that one time..

You get the picture.

I also washed a lot of clothes, like four washes. It was piling up there, so I’m not parading this one around too much. I’ve now got sheets hanging off of every door in the apartment and can’t close a single door.

But there’s nothing quite like that feeling.. I’ve also been on my first run today btw, since the flu officially left this temple that is my body, and washed my hair for the first time in six days. Which must be some sort of personal record. Besides the times I’ve been physically unable to do so. Obviously been washing my body during these days of abstinence. But I’m all about being as natural and sparing and caring of my nordic skin as can be from whatever I can spare it from! But I’m not gross. I just know that our bodies are supposed to produce oils. For protection. So let’s not get frantic about washing too much and give it a chance. This does not apply to certain areas. One must always wash certain areas.

Circling back to my point: I feel Clean. Mrs. Clean here, in Clean Town. And there really is nothing like that feeling. Can’t wait for that feeling when I slip into my clean bed, bouncy mattress with my new fresh crisp washed and aired christmas-linen my parents gave me for Christmas. Spoiler, it’s red.

I even ironed them before I put them on. I’m equally ashamed and excited about that.

I even put on this towel-for-your-hair-thing my sister-in-law gave to me years ago. And it just dawned on me.. It’s fucking fabulous..! I mean?

It attaches in the front. There is a button. And a, like a hook? Yea, it’s this whole thing, construction thing, in the front. Fabulous.

I just got that sense of middle eastern wealth immediately as I noticed my new Missoni towel in the background that I’d just hung up to air-dry my body (natural, caring and sparing of the skin, remember?). I even embodied this whole new persona, like:

Hey Zayed, darling; why aren’t the camels ready?

Why didn’t I just marry a rich sheikh?

Ok, maybe I do know the answer to that. Being a bipolar feministic woman of the 21st century and all.. But still! A camel and a magic carpet feat. someone pouring me tea with a side of date would be nice.

Anyways. Earned some Netflix-time before I’m off on my magic Christmas carpet. Tomorrow I work.


Ok, I seriously noticed just now that I’m using these coasters.

Air it out

I painted one of the living room walls. I like it. White can be so depressing.

The other one helped. But I’m a better painter than him. I make it even, take my time. So I painted the second and third coat by myself. I love tasks like that. Just-do-tasks, no need to think. I’ve been doing a lot of escaping thoughts lately. I’ve been feeling as dark as my new wall on my inside and have no intention of indulging it. Can I say that? Indulging? Indulging in it? To indulge in something?

Anyways. Been running a lot, alone and with the other one. Which feels great. Except the expected minor closing of the throat episodes that forces me to slow down. I don’t think it comes from panic or being out of breath. It’s sadness. It’s suppressed tears. And they make me so very tired. How exhausting life can be. How exhausting to keep going sometimes. Keep running. Keep getting out of bed. Putting on your face. Caring about all sorts of stuff. Seems like all I’m enjoying these days is writing. My book. I’m writing every episode of my life that comes to me down. To be filled out later. I don’t really have any ambition or hope for it. I’ve just wanted to write it since I was eighteen and committed to a psychiatric hospital. I remember very well just when I decided that I would write it all down one day. The book may just turn out as a pity-party and totally uninteresting to read. Which is fine. I am, at my core though, a positive person with a positive outlook on the future. Even now, today. Because I know it’ll pass. Everything passes, life responds to you and change itself for you all the time.

Maybe this is true or maybe I just have to air out my living room. The chemicals from the paint may have gotten to my head and I’m all blur now.

I think I’ll go to my sister now. After this selfie in this very special lighting that I’m so very blessed with that enhances all of my little facial lumps and bumps <3

I can always go to my sisters, and I’m so happy that is the case. I feel so sad for the ones as dark inside as my freshly painted with chemicals wall without anywhere safe to go. I have three tips for you.

1. Don’t fear it. Cry, be in pain -it’s not gonna hurt you more than what you’re feeling right now. 2. Write it down. Or say it out loud, take your dark feeling and break it down, let it out into the room, confront it, embrace it. Bad feelings diminish when taken apart, they hate daylight. 3. Air it out. Open the window, get some air. Better yet, go outside. The leaves are beautiful this time of year.

I’m off now. There’s a glass of wine somewhere with my name on it.

After this one.

Soundtrack of the day: Moby – Natural Blues. LOUD.


Internet always goes off the wall when celebrities give speeches or stand up together to bring awareness to an issue. Either it’s feminism, racism, terrorism, sexuality or sexism. Which is SO important obviously. Only weird thing is, for me, and what makes me personally never join the circus is that there’s always a crazy storm –everyone’s talking about it, but then it seldom really changes anything..? At least I feel that way. Not that they should ever ever stop obviously, don’t get me wrong. In a dream-world we would always have these topics at the top of our heads. But that’s impossible and would definitely keep us from living our lives happily. So it’s important to make noise when something so relatable and big happens. But those media-storms always makes me fear that people stop taking it seriously. Because people get sick of hearing it. Sick of Instagram flooded with hashtags, je suie Charlie’s and #Pray for’s.

I know I do.

I also know, I’m quite the cynic. So feel free to not pay attention to anything I’m saying. But! Point is: this hashtag actually made me hashtag myself.

Because this has affected my life in a huge manner. Even my hashtag on Instagram left almost only comments on my looks and not how sad it is that #metoo. And it’s so sweet of you to compliment me, I love a good compliment, but.. Read my point please 🙂 This movement, if you will, is about exposing the scale of sexual assault and harassment and started with some women speaking up about being assaulted by the pig of a man and movie produser Harvey Weinstein. Classic story of abuse from a person that has a lot of power and ranks high on the social status “score-list” (or whatever I should call it). This is an especially shocking story because so many people were affected by it, is was so well known but never spoken about.

Again, classic story.

Even this guy’s a victim of sexual harassment in the work place. He’s even gotten so used to it he doesn’t even take himself seriously anymore! How can he expect anyone else to?

It’s a vicious circle I tell ya.

So much of my social anxiety was created by men and how they approach me. I’ve always been made very aware of how they view me physically and it has left me overly conscious and very hard on myself regarding how I look. The anticipation, the excruciating embarrassing wait as I notice him judging my appearance before some disgusting comment or touch that I feel I’m obligated to laugh off as something I secretly am flattered about and want to hear. I often start blushing from discomfort before it’s even made. Aaaand, fyi, I’m saving your ass from an awkward situation by not creating a scene, as everyone else clearly sees that this is inappropriate for this setting. Which makes the whole situation so much worse.

I’ve gotten so used to feeling without power or influence in these situations. And I’m so angry that it’s become a part of my identity. How I measure myself. It makes me wonder.. if I look like shit one day, will you point that out loud as well? Can you respect me in a tight dress? Are you even fucking listening? If I set boundaries and get mad at you will you still want me as a friend, am I no longer “cool”? Will I still be a part of the team? This workplace?

I know it might seem I’m only insecure or paranoid. But I’ve been proven right so many times. I’ve now started pitying these men. What they’re missing out on; Innovative, FUNNY, resourceful and kind women. Because I promise you, we hate you and wouldn’t want to spend one minute more with you than we have to. Let alone waste our treasures with you.

I don’t always do things because it makes me look desirable you know. And you’ve made me seek that.

So, I jump on this particular hashtag-wagon to say that I understand the magnitude of this and stand by all (mostly women) who’s been shaped and affected in a negative way by how they’ve been treated by the opposite sex in the wrong place at the wrong time (in the appropriate setting everyone appreciates a compliment). Be that if you’ve been sexually approached at work, catcalled, made uncomfortable, lost self-respect and dignity, felt degraded, forced sexually or just plainly felt that your main attribute was your looks.

Here’s a photo to make me look less of a victim, and to say that I look down on you and I will eventually end up more powerful than you.

What’s in a name? Or a word?

Celebrated my friend’s birthday on Monday. I wore my birth name’s design. Victoria.

(obviously never forget that I was born Victoria A. She Victoria B.)

Did you know that? I don’t see why you would, but I was Victoria until kindergarten. For about two or three years of my life I was officially a c.

A cunt.

Let’s just let that linger a bit.

Oh my god, I’m laughing so hard of myself. At myself. With myself. And all of the above. Because that’s just ridiculous. I still am one.

Ok, I’m done now I swear. On my Victoria Beckham suit.

Anyways, my parents apparently changed it at the age of two or three to Viktoria..! Because everyone just assumed that this Norwegian brown eyed girl was called the Norwegian equivalent to the English name, Victoria. They just saw life as much easier if they’d just change it..! That easy, haha, they changed it. I mean, what a hassle am I right? Explaining to everyone that you’re a c…

Little did they know I wouldn’t have much explainin’ to do as I got older. People would know straight away I was a c.

Seriously, no more cunt-jokes. And don’t you dare get surprised by me using it. It’s been made an ugly word for a non-ugly thing. Maybe one of the few things everyone need in life. I mean, where would any of us be without them? We wouldn’t..! Sure, the world, I mean the planet and all the animals, plants and fishiies sharing it’s surface would’ve been better off without them.

But, still. We’d be fucked. At the same time as we couldn’t. Not without life. And c’s.

We shouldn’t go make it ugly by being offended by using it. It’s a beautiful thing. Let’s take it back and make it beautiful.

For us.

Just us.

Here’s a grapefruit.

And I do love my new name.

I don’t want to leave you, you know?

I don’t fear sadness. Felt a lot of that lately. Sadness for what my social anxiety does to my life. I hate saying those words, let alone write them.

Social anxiety..

We all have it! To some degree. We all care.. Are aware of ourselves in the company of others.

I’ve just been very owned by mine lately. Couple of episodes and I’m suddenly caught in a downward spiral without an emergency exit in sight. So I end up doing what I always do. I make one. And that’s a lonely lonely way out. And it makes me very sad. It makes me sad that I can’t be for you what I so wish to be. I want to smile to you, give you some of my warmth. I want to think good thoughts about you. About us. As I behind all my ugly ones know you have for me. I’m sorry my mind is telling me you think I’m disgusting. My friend. I want to be interested in your life. I want to remember what you said and ask you new questions. I want to want to be around you. Not to hate you. You see, I do. Temporarily. Not afterwards. Not when I’ve made my great escape and done exactly what I didn’t want to do.

To leave you.

Now I’m only sad and alone. No victory or relief. Just sad for leaving you. Leaving you with one question hanging in the air. Did you do something wrong?

You didn’t.

All I want is to go back to you. But the brief moment following me leaving you released so much emotions that there is no way back to something resembling a situation where we are both humans with dignity, equals. And I can’t have that. The bubble burst and it feels like I just climaxed on built up fear and tension. Bit of hate. Quickly followed by sadness and tears. It won and I let it drag me away from a situation I know I would’ve survived if I endured it long enough. I’ve won that battle before. And even though painful, so much more painful giving in. Now just more in my heart because I’ve also let it affect you. My friend. Now a little tainted.

So I avoid you. And it really is the last thing I want.

Besides this, this week of defeat, I did have some friends over Friday to celebrate Tom Petty. It was so nice.

That’s the secret to being social when broken by anxiety; your turf, your rules. Plus plenty of time –days if you have- before and after.

And a little bit of wine.

I feel it in my bones that fall is here, winter around the corner. Dark after three, no one can see, woll socks and fuzzy legs. I’m so ready for this.

Leave it be, dance and be fucking free

I got the gift of food last night from a friend who appreciates food as much (maybe even more, we’ll find out over a fight one day) as I do and it was wonderful. WONDERFUL! Fine dining at it’s best. If you’re in Bergen and love tiny expensive food, seriously, check it out. You die. A little bit.


Also got this sweater from my mom so it was a very good day indeed yesterday.

I never shop myself. I spend all my money on student-loans, foundation, food, wine and lotion. So every time someone buys me something (usually the other one) I feel sooooo special and I wanna live in it till the day I die.

Woke up at eleven pretty hungover. Many courses means many wines. So many good wines.

So I’m very happy right here today. The bar’s been lowered and this is the best thing there is.

Do both, I say. Wouldn’t want that thigh-gap sneaking up on you either.

So now I’m sitting here looking at my ironing board

feeling drawn to the tv where I put on the show that forces celebrities to dance in skimpy outfits. Hilarious. Brave. Brave as fuck actually.

But as tired as I may be (I’ve been vertical for some time now -getting better) I feel so good. SO good. I’ve been feeling so sad lately. Over my thigh-gap. Haha. But seriously. There used to be a gap in my thighs now it’s a gap in my life.

I’ve been struggling with the fact that I’ve turned into a healthy grown up woman. I’ve never been so far down this road (weight-wice, guys). I’ve always been scared of imagining this point thinking that if I’d imagined it it could become true. I’m terrified of what’s gonna happen if I don’t turn around and start running the other direction soon. The rest of the story I haven’t written? I have no idea what’s gonna happen now? How will it end, which direction must I go , heck -I don’t even know for sure what the plot is anymore??

One thing’s for sure, I’m NEVER saying never ever again EVER in my life.

That’ll never be me.

I’ll never do that.

Because there you are one day.. eating not only every four hours or so but your own words. I seriously thought I’d never weigh over 50 kg again.


I told myself that not only wouldn’t I allow that to happen, but that I was above that. If I thought of it as an impossible act – it would be. The ridiculousness of it all would cause an earthquake before that would even begin to think about maybe happen in the foreseeable future. Like my pride and superior way of thinking – soaring above other human’s primitive needs would shield me from loosing control in any way and actually live my life like a full person. A free person.

I must laugh at how little I’ve weighed over the years and actually thought of myself as fat. As this number to be my limit. My “roof” of numbers showed on a scale. And that I’d never get this fat again and start loosing weight the very next day. I’ve learned my lesson these last few weeks and will probably have to learn it again; just never.. Never say anything to yourself about yourself ever again. Don’t assess yourself, don’t think about what was and what is to be. Just fucking leave yourself alone. Most likely I’ll weigh more than I do today at some point. Just thinking that makes me wanna vomit in my mouth, let alone writing it for others to read. I feel fat now. Hahahahaha, I’m killing myself I’m too funny.

Anyways. I’ll leave myself alone now, let my beautiful, slightly softer body be and enjoy this glorious day with all the glorious assholes I look very much up to at the tv.

I, too, shall dance today..!


Nothing and everything

I am exhausted today. Feeling particularly exhausted in my bed looking out the narrow crack in my dark and heavy curtains over my second cup of coffee listening to cheers of children. Children who don’t necessarily know what they’re cheering for, I imagine. But their teachers are cheering even louder, why wouldn’t they? Long pauses followed by new waves of excitement and cowbells. Like the tide they’re rolling in as new bikes approach with cars and motorcycles as their companions. It’s such a beautiful sound. Wet pavement making this sound that almost sounds like what your mouth and tongue does when you barely open and close it rapidly.

Debating in my head whether I should peel myself off the bed, put some clothes on and start the million things I put off yesterday and swore to myself I’d do first thing, or just sleep till dark. I’m passively in this debate for a long time. Two hours gone. Three. The cheering as well. The silence so loud I can’t focus on anything, really. So I again turn to you. My friend, my hero, person who’s sick of me, my voice and sometimes (seems like) my only reason. A single tear of gratitude rolls down my cheek, to you. Surprisingly overwhelmed by gratitude for you for letting me talk to you and you for listening. I feel so much love for people today. My chest actually knots itself and it almost hurts to think of all the beautiful people. In this really difficult, beautiful thing that is life. So many stories inside all of these people and so much to learn. Tears are uncontrollable now and I think I just found the conclusion of my debate. I’m gonna get up and try, because that’s what we do.

Breakfast, no question about it. Crying over breakfast. Vacuuming. Crying like a toddler when cord gets caught up beneath the door to my living room. Fucking piece of shit cord. I’m gonna step on you, cord, tug you like a cross fitter tosses them big ropes if you don’t come fucking here right now..! A moment of telling myself to get my shit together, reminding myself of all the other shit, worse shit, going on in the world. A chuckle followed by new tears. Feeling ridiculous, wondering about all the other people feeling just as small and ridiculous as I at this very moment. I pass the mirror and see my tired eyes, realizing I actually don’t care. Refreshing.

Mom and the first one wants to take me out to the movies tonight. A joyful tear now accompanied by a smile, knowing that this day shall pass too. We’re all right.

Sunday-Monday-Election-Day! Yay!

Me and the other one went out on a much-needed date last night, and it was the best date EVER!!!!

So important.

Because boredom is always around the corner if you don’t make an effort. And I find we don’t talk about stuff at home..?! Like adult stuff. Intellectual stuff. Such as celebrity gossip and the costs of fossil fuels. It’s so weird. We go on about our lives, we’re in the apartment at the same time all the time, but not together, right? Obviously would go crazy if we were up in each others shit all the time, but sitting down talking.. I think that went out the window as soon as the television reached the average household.

Anyways. Today it’s Election Day and we have a GREAT night ahead. I’m not particularly involved in politics and have occasionally been one of those shits who didn’t vote

I know.. Shit.

But today I made my way down and voted. The other one holding my hand. Feeling very grown up and patriotic (also just watched Suffragette and am therefore having mixed emotions of women empowerment, guilt, and a bit of shame).

I do think it’s the cynic in me telling me it doesn’t matter what I do, though. World’s going to shits anyways, what I do, what Norway does, doesn’t really matter..? I don’t know. But it feels good! Caring, taking part in the hopes of a better future. Obviously can’t have that kind of negative attitude anymore and this is me now.

This attitude. Leaning up against the wall. No shits given.. Disgusting.

So here I’ll be for the rest of the evening. Sitting on red. Surrounded by green. Wearing blue.

And also, since I’m slowly turning into a responsible grown-up (at the very least definitely planning to over the next thirty years), I have been more involved in this election. We all need to. Especially after the whole situation our friends in the west are finding themselves in. Yikes.

I’m also making blueberry pie for the occasion. Because pie is the easiest cake-like thing to make without dairy. So I’m pretty stoked about that. So stoked I didn’t even shower. My hair can now stand on it’s own.

Only thing left to say now is Godt Valg!

Dwelling willingly

I’ve moved back to the country for the week. Seems I was only visiting our own place for the weekend and felt my stomach drop by the thought of staying. The other one’s headed out for work today and’ll be gone all week and I seem to start leaking any fucking moment left on my own. So it seemed like a good idea.

All of my family is home. Which is so rare for many families. Not ours. And it’s a blessing and a curse. We all get into each other’s business. We all postpone whatever’s weighing us down on the great Outside. We only want to spend time together. That’s why it’s so hard for us to be alone I think. We’re so used to us being there and we’re so dependent on each other. When we’re together we feel stronger and happier, than we actually are even! Not that I don’t think I’m my true self when I’m with them, but it sure is a different self who greets the world. A smaller self.

I know I’d struggle alone these days. And am always pulled towards destruction. When dealt with stuff through destructive ways for so long -that’s the only way I’ve achieved control amongst all this mess. Plus it’s so much easier. Being happy takes a lot more work during these periods. I feel I’ve been ignorant and greedy for too long. I also think my dosage’s too low.. I don’t think one’s supposed to feel like this. Maybe I’ve done that willingly.

Anyway, the others will be up soon and I don’t want to dwell here any longer. Slap on a smile, fix that leak, and face this beautiful rainy day.

Here’s some more photos from the shoot with Julie Pike, for the A New Type Of Imprint copy.

My self-worth lies in my accomplishment ! #laughingandsobbingsimultaneously

As a full-grown human being I too suffer from bad conscience. I am not doing enough and what I am doing isn’t nearly good enough. Somehow we’ve made this into a female-thing, it isn’t. We just tend to talk about these things more. Like right now I’m supposed to be creative and passionate, but I’ve been staring at my toile (that’s a fabric sketch, a draft if you will, in the sewing world) for the last two hours trying to will it into becoming something ground-breakingly fabulous.

It isn’t.

On top of that I bought cheap honey, because they were out of the good stuff (no other reason), and I’m very serious about my honey as I am convinced it has healing powers and has an anti-inflammatory effect on life itself, and it really doesn’t taste the same. My breakfast was just not the same. And it’s not helping the situation. I feel like karma has struck again and the universe is telling me that at this very moment. I don’t deserve the good stuff.

I always believe I will be deserving when I’m working really hard on something. When I was at the end of my education for instance I thought to myself: When I finish this.. No one can say I’m no good. I will have proved to myself and everybody else that I’m a hard worker and that I am worthy of everything. (’cause it was a lot of work..!) When I’m done with this project, this collection, this garment, this obstacle.. I’ll KNOW, everyone will know that I’m confident in who I am and in my work.

I’m not. I’m never. I’m always terrified of the next move, whole world watching and ready to judge while I’m falling flat on my face. We’re never done, are we?

I’ve never met anyone who’s been done. Done proving their worth through accomplishments. Why is this ok? I get it, that we have to feel the lack of something to be able to push ourselves towards something more. If we were all content we wouldn’t move forward. Thing is though, I don’t personally feel the need to move forward. I’m not in any physical danger, at least not regularly. I feel relative comfort in life, I’m not scared of lacking anything -water, food, warmth, I’m able to get where I need to be when I need to, I have love and family, I am needed, I make a difference… I don’t need groundbreaking changes to feel happy in life, I really don’t. I admire those who do. The strivers. Always aiming higher. But I also think it’s ok to not be one of those persons. The stress and guilt that I’m experiencing, I believe, comes from others misjudging me for being lazy. Or stupid. Not contributing enough. Contentment being judged as a negative thing. And it’s really not. I think it’s seriously underrated.

A good movement is how social media is starting to rebel about this. Showing pictures of their cellulites #Goodenough. Food and drinks and vacations #You’reworthit! I do this myself in brief moments, mostly induced by cava surrounded by great people who dismiss all of my insecurities. But I am, and I know so many of the hashtaggers are as well, still not convinced when I’m left to myself. And they always do, these hashtaggers, come back with posts with texts on the subject of them too having doubts and feeling worthless sometimes.

I really feel that a lot of it comes down to the fact that we’re still shaming each other. People will always judge you from their own strong suits. And when that’s something you don’t excel at – then you’re worse than they are. If one person does crossfit five times a week, that person will judge someone of not making an effort or taking care of themselves if they’re only going for one 30 minute walk a week. Whilst that person may be completely happy with that! That person may save lives for a living. The crossfitter, who is she saving, huh??! Not even her own back!!

So, you know, measuring each other from our own stands makes no sense.

We should be allowed to be content with what we do do. Or, I mean, we are allowed. I just know I’m feeling like I’m constantly being reminded about the things I don’t do, I myself are comparing and am being being compared to what others are  doing. She did this and she’s doing great, why don’t you..? What is your next goal? What are you doing now? I know what you did yesterday, but shouldn’t you focus on what’s tomorrow..?

So tiering. Anyway. I think I need to step away from my toile and go back to the drawing board.

Went for a run. Always makes me feel stronger when I’m feeling weak. And I need to feel strong. Because I believe, I know I am GREAT at a lot of things. And that I am doing really well! I may not be feeling it today, but hey, I went for a run and made fabulous pancakes afterwards. Killer pancakes actually since they broke my favorite frying pancakes pan.

I’m OK. And so are you. Cry your tears, but know that it’s ok to be wherever you are. You’re already good.

Core issues without sit ups

Sitting here eating a big slice of half-frozen cake from constitution day. I like frozen cake. Especially when it’s not fresh out of the oven. Obviously that’s the best.

Experienced some external triggers, or whatever you’d call it, lately. I don’t mean usual every-day challenges, like how people for instance, always trigger my social anxiety. Or food my eating disorder, that’s a given. But one of those core triggers. Not as much an action or physical happening, more of a feeling. Or a memory of a feeling. We all have that something in our past that might have pushed us into all of this to begin with. Into a certain direction. Something resulting in something negative, an insecurity becoming a big part of your life thus far, attempting to make up for it. Hide it. Maybe you’re still maintaining your wound, not ready to close it up. Maybe you don’t know how to, don’t know if you deserve to. Maybe it’s too sore to close. We’re all in a process and will be throughout our lives dealing with the big core issue(s) we were dealt early on. None of us without them.

I haven’t felt like this in quite some time. My previous psychologist wanted to tap into it a couple of times, but it’s always easier to talk about the consequences. The everyday struggles. It all seems so simplified when going back to the roots. I’ve made it all so much more complicated along the way..

I know it didn’t all start for me with this trigger, I believe a lot of it was latent in me (to me?), and that I showed GREAT potential, alone, from the very start!

But it might have been that last straw.. I know many of my issues started earlier. But I know this particular trigger didn’t help. And ended up, at the very least, being the Star of the maintenance team. I know it made it impossible to stop.

So it’s very interesting to tap into these emotions again. To remember a time when it could’ve turned out different. If someone would’ve noticed. If I’d removed myself from my environment and habits earlier. I can feel my destructive ways, who’s been such lovely friends (..) in need before, calling. I won’t go there though, the need to be above that shit is so strong at this point. The need to be strong. Done fading away. A casualty. Physically weak and defeated.

I feel sad, though. I feel different. And overall tired and vulnerable. Very sad. Not angry. There is also a sense of calm in there, too. I’m reminded of my younger self and when everything was at it’s most difficult. Feels like some sort of past threshold. I feel a genuine curiosity and am forced to ask myself how did that become this? How has it come this far and this dominating in my life?

I actually don’t wanna run from this. Not gonna confront it too much either. Let’s see if I can deal with it this time. If not it’s two options. Me getting worse, or me removing myself from my trigger. I know which one. And I really do feel the need to and relevance in concentrating on taking care of myself. Even though my heart is telling me to punish.

Never ending story, this. Broken record. One Krone for every time I’ve written the phrases “I’m tired”, or “I need to take care of myself”.. I would at least be able to afford that dress that I want.. So sorry to repeat that again. But I really am tired. And it feels very good to write it to you.

The difficult acceptance

I’ve been longing for this morning. This morning to myself. After a long time of waking up and starting the day straight away. Hotel breakfasts, waterfront runs, packing of backpacks and heading out to the beach or out to pretend I care about steps that are Spanish.

A moment alone.

I can’t stand birds. I hate the way they sound. Crows and seagulls.. Have you noticed that if you have one outside your window, you can’t focus on anything. Nothing. Sleep. Write, read or watch. Simply unbearable. Not to mention the seagulls just after having babies. Attacking everyone crossing their paths. Crossing roads, now..! They have the roads, now..!?!! Now every time I see a little leaf or object crossing the road I fucking run the opposite direction causing huge delays and repercussions in my usually Oh, so uncomplicated life.


Anyway. In our neighborhood there are three. Seagull.. families or whatever. Can’t walk anywhere. Can’t run. Fucking hate birds. But on this particular morning it feels good not to run. Even though I kinda want to, because I normally feel better afterwards, getting some hatred out. Release some of dem good hormones. But sometimes you just have to be in it. To evolve, you know. I’m not going to run today. I’m gonna have this morning to myself while the other one’s asleep. Blame the seagulls for the inconvenience resulting in me not being able to run. It’s nice sometimes not to have to decide for yourself when you don’t know what you want. So here I sit. Condemning the feeling my gut is giving me after having breakfast and coffee. It tasted good. Feels horrible. Focusing on trusting my body to take care of this, this content and this feeling. Because I’m not running away from it in my thoughts or otherwise today. No cheer pep in my step rushing the other one to get the most out of the day.. I’m just sitting here feeling it.

Other one’s up now. I can hear him in the bathroom, peeing. I envy him. Wish I could pee that much. Make all the volume in my stomach go away. If I can’t run from it, it could at least do me the favor and leave me for once. Don’t seagulls throw up their food into their babies mouths?

I hate seagulls.

I get a moment of pleasure to hear him making himself fried eggs. He eats that every morning. Two fried eggs on toast. Lots of butter. We share that. Love of butter. But sometimes he waits, an hour, two -three..! And I envy him, hate him a little, because I’m never allowed to wait that long to have breakfast.

I’m happy today though. Tired but happy. Calm. Happy with the decision the seagulls made for me. To sit tight. I’m gonna prepare a fantastic dinner tonight. That’s for sure.

So, when does the punishment begin?

I asked my husband if he thought I was enjoying life a little too much. Our honeymoon in Italy was two weeks of total and utter heaven on earth. I’ll tell you all about that later. But now I’ve gone and rewarded myself further more by going to Oslo to see my friend. And live like a princess in my uncle and aunts apartment.

I’m being too kind to myself. Rulebook’s out the window and the shit’s hit the fan.

Here to illustrate is a picture of both.

And I’m hushing up that voice that wants to get his airtime. To punish me and restore order in my life. I’ve been flying too high for too long and need to get back down again.

I get that you’re thinking that you can’t be on holiday, in the clouds forever. I know. And it’s really sad. (Exception being you becoming a surfing instructor and moving to Bali permanently). But I’m not talking about that. You can be happy and work at the same time, you don’t need champagne and pools to be happy, obviously. Makes it a bit easier, but.. you know. I’m talking about the reward-system. I’ve lived on a reward-system for as long as I can remember, I don’t know if I’m able not to. We learn that we need to work hard to be able to earn and deserve the things that we want. And we do work for those reasons! Most of us. The rest of you need to get up off your asses and do something. Wash your car. I don’t care.

But, in all seriousness, we’re not meant to punish ourselves for being kind to ourselves and allowing ourselves to receive the good things in life. I heard someone, someone older (you know how they feel like they can tell you all kinds of shit because they’ve lived longer than you, lived through World War II and know everything), say that we’re not here to be happy. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. You’re here to work. Bring new life to this world. Work hard, follow the rules, then life will be ok. Good, even. You’re not here for a reason. Just to.. what, get through it? Not here to find ourselves, our purpose and be special..?

I don’t feel that way. We obviously need to work, but the point is to be happy and make the absolute most of it. We deserve that.

I also know that we are just specks of dust. Present for an extremely short amount of time. Most of us won’t have a long-term impact on the planet. And those who do most likely don’t hate whatever it is that they were doing. They had to do it. They were born to do it. Their purpose was already written and within, and they wanted to do it. But most of us aren’t really all that important. To time and space, universe and humanity. Time and space don’t depend on you, therefore don’t care how you lead your life. If you followed whatever series of “rules” we made up. If you allowed yourselves to be happy or not. Only gave or only took. You’re not that big a deal.

So I, again and again, have to remind myself that no one cares if I’ve earned to be happy. More importantly, I shouldn’t. Be selfish! I’m so tired of obsessing over measuring myself and my life to allow myself to receive good things. W’e’re worth good things. And I’m really trying to fight, maybe I’ll wrestle like the gorgeous ladies of wrestling.., that voice in my head right now that’s telling me to make up for the damages I’ve done to my mind and body by being too happy lately. -The peace in my mind that means I’ve been enjoying far too long. Telling me I don’t deserve stuff before I’ve been really “good”, in pain. The not planning of, not making the puzzle and the mathematic pieces on how good and how bad I’ve been. The extra work not being done. The pile of laundry left. The pizzas consumed. The red wine with it. I actually freak out about the lack of alone-time because among all these people that I love , maybe I just can’t hear myself think. How am I really feeling about myself? How big is the damage? How much am I gonna hate myself when left on my own after this?

I don’t want to deal with this right now. Because I truly believe that we are here to be happy. Life is actually a gift. We are just here to live until you die. How and when and where is up to you. You can actually do anything with your life, you have that power. Just try to be happy. People can judge, let them. Everything else comes second. I tell my friends this! I always have. I need to tell myself this and really mean it. I know hanging out with my friends feels good. They don’t judge me like I judge myself. They can be my inner voice for a little longer. I’ll deal with The Voice a little later.


 Luckily my husband is only two days away when I get back home. Those two days I’ll work hard. I swear. But I will eat more pizza too. I swear.

When you’re happy and you know it

Had an amazing trip to Oslo with the two second biggest loves of my lives. Did the Norwegian morning show (which I absolutely love and adore. God, I’m famous..) God Morgen Norge. HUGE milestone for me and very humbling. Especially me and the first one, because we don’t do much really. Other than what we can do and are educated to do, to soften the extreme world the little one has entered. She doesn’t really need us, but I think we make her life a little less scary. And a little bit more of a viking warrior queen on a quest to save the souls of those looking to be saved !

Wow, I really hope you read that in the sarcastic way I’m doing in my head. Feel free to add a cliché hand gesture to go with it.

Also did another interview after the morning show. Which I wasn’t mentally prepared for, so I took it out on the guy doing the interview. He was really sweet and not to be blamed. I’m lucky just to be interviewed, you know?? Viktoria??!

He forgave me though. This thunder of a woman.

Obviously talked about my favorite subjects. IN the world. Anxiety and mental health issues. And my sisters.

Even as I’m speaking about anxiety I rarely allow myself to accept my anxiety.. You know what I mean? As I’m talking about not fearing it I’m battling a storm on my inside to hide the fact that it’s happening right now..? How strange.

But this was actually a bit different. Maybe the morning show warmed me up. But no fucks were given after that. I was just myself and actually felt calm during this interview.. Maybe because I actually said what I meant. I don’t know, but I was relaxed.

Dis made me happy.

Oh, and I broke my phone and we missed our flight back home.

But that’s a different story.

Now I’m about to start packing for ITALY!!!! Leaving on Saturday, got my shit waxed today and feel ready for everything that comes my way! I’m so very much in love and love my life. I feel lucky. And I don’t believe in luck. So that’s lucky.

Cloaked in flowers and thunder!

Wednesday. Midweek. Working intensely these days to be able to take half of Thursday and Friday off. The other two are moving so I was thinking I’d stand around drinking wine watching them carry their stuff around.

The weekend was great, as expected. I put my best foot forward as usual, the sun actually came out and we left the party (fairly) early. By (fairly) early I mean we didn’t stay to see the sun rise. It’s quite a crazy crowd. Who get crazier when they get together. Not that I’m better. Worse, probably.


Felt like I needed an extra confidenceboost and give a big Fuck you to my inner voices, so I went Frida Kahlo on the whole tropical theme.

What a woman. A woman of true grit. Larger than life, living fearlessly honest. With passion and drive, complicated love, open about her demons and aware of herself and the way she wanted to live her life.. Which I can relate to. Admire at the least. How ever composed I try to be at times, I do own the whirlwind of a woman that I really am. Like we heard in a movie once that resonated with the little one as a description of me; a woman cloaked in thunder.

I liked it.

Obviously intended to make hair ornament out of fresh flowers. Then again who has that kind of time. Bought some cheap plastic ones and tried to ignore for the entire evening that bullshit elastic band around my head. What am I, a child?


Maybe it was made for children..? Who cares.

I did, that’s who. But I’m over it now that the whole thing is over.

Ever graceful.

Packed wine according to how much weight I could carry, and off to the party.

(Also brought my self-made freckles because they’re so fucking cute)

Feeling extremely uncomfortable in my own skin these days ( read; fat. Yes, my eating disorder is still happening and is something I deal with and ignore on a daily basis. I am personally convinced I’ll have to for the rest of my life, and get quite agitated when people tell me otherwise), which resulted in me practically gulping down my wine. Because through carefully and at times quite painfully practicing the elimination method I’ve found this is the easiest, and worst, way to survive the present when the present is a bit shite. There’s no meditating the present away. Sorry. No time for mindfulness when you have social anxiety up to your elastic fucking band, possibly made of and for children, and have to meet and greet fifty people you haven’t seen in about nine years.

But I got away with it without any scandals. Other than a few small (I’ll say, but then again I’m cloaked in thunder) charming improprieties, topping the whole thing off with an actual couples dance of swing..! Which I thought was hilarious. I’d never do a dance class myself. No matter how impressed I was. I would just, never. Not even for our wedding we did. Just, no. Great fun though! When drunk. Channeling Frida Kahlo. Sure she’d enjoy it as well.

 I had a great time! Really. And the best of times always comes when newly experienced pain I find. The contrast is exhilarating. Intoxicating.

Happy Wednesday to you, take comfort in that the worst is over and it’s hopefully downhill from here!