Category: The fashion

To be clear

I’ve been thinking a lot about what this blog really has become lately.. The fact that I’m attempting to gather my shit together in a way that makes sense to more people than myself and a couple of others who can relate because they’re going through something similar, plus not insert commas where they’re not needed and vice versa, and actually write a book about it I’ve been sent down a road where I don’t feel the need to blog at the moment. I’m writing about stuff from the very beginning as well as present which is covering all my needs for blogging, really.. So it’s starting to feel a bit whimsical and superficial, this whole thing. But that’s ok I guess. It is what it is. And I suspect it’ll mean more to me again if I ever finish the book. If it ever makes it to the shelves is a different matter. Of lesser interest.

Anyways. Without a real need to post pictures for any other reason whatsoever than to show my face I fear this is closing dangerously in on an awkwardly backgrounded, mirror selfie-taking, not very up to par fashion-blogwise blog. And will say nothing more than that these photos are from Wednesday when the lighting was good and I was in the midst of the at times very surprisingly stressful at point of near break-down process of finding out what to wear. Hence taking pictures of my options before dining out with the other one. To be clear (I just have to say this to quiet my inner sarcastic thinks-she’s-above-it-all bitch); I have absolutely no aspiration nor desire to be anything close to an influencer/fashionblog. I know my limits. To be clear.

(I actually wore this first outfit last night. On Saturday)

Not that you should care. Just, you know.. fyi. You’re obviously in here for a reason, so I figure there’s always the possibility you actually do care. I don’t wanna know btw. To be clear. I actually prefer not to get much feedback based on looks. I either feel good or bad about myself, trust me when I say that there’s nothing anybody can say to make me feel better or worse.

Unless it’s specific. Like wondering where my top is from. It’s Karen Millen. Skirt I made myself. But you didn’t ask. But I wouldn’t be upset if you did, I love to share. I just want you to know I’m not insecure about my looks, nor am I fishing for compliments.

Wow, that was a lot. But that’s what happens when I’m not writing stuff about anything emotional.. I end up writing to you instead of myself. Which is fine. It’s just not what you’re here for. More importantly it’s not what I’m here for. And I want you to know that I know that. But wait for my book! 😀

I promise tragedy and tears and laughs and connecting. I promise.

I ended up wearing a washed out turquoise dress I haven’t worn in maybe like a year because I felt sorry for it. That’s life.. Sometimes you can’t do what you really want because you have to take care of and pay attention to something neglected. Left behind.

Enjoy your Sunday! I’m paying attention to something left behind, as well as something new.

Change.. love it or hate it.

I relish it.

24th of september shall be a very good day.

Guess what I just did??

I just shot the campaign for my first collection that I’ll be selling!!!!

An old photo to illustrate the exact opposite of what I’m feeling.

I’ve finally found the right time to start my own commercial brand and am opening webshop in 9 days ! Fuck. Yeah.

Since I finished my education in fashion I’ve been so lucky to work with such a creative individual with such a strong signature style. I’ve supported her when she doubted, sewn her up when she unravelled and eaten and swallowed my own words when I’ve asked for her to be anything other than herself. Being part of developing someone else’s personal style is probably one of the most challenging, exciting and sobering things a designer can do. You’re not only creating what you yourself want -you have to put your ego aside and morph your own vision with another person’s. There’s different taste, referanses, aesthetics.. it can be frustrating. Because we don’t really get each other, not fully. My vision for her is not her’s of her self. And that’s the most important lesson I’ve learned through working with her. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter how intricate this detail is if she doesn’t feel like a god damn goddess warrior walking in the room. And I’ve found that the less we judge each others choices concerning how we identify, the more we are. And the more we are -the more potential is released, more creation, more art, more love. There’s nothing more beautiful than someone one hundred per cent comfortable in what they’re wearing. It can bring SO MUCH POWER. -It’s your chosen skin!! Choose to enhance what you are and want to be, without rules or correct answers. Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder in fashion, it’s in confidence.

My sister, my boss lady, my muse and best friend.. she embodies all of that. And she’s one of the strongest, sexiest women I know.

So..! I can’t wait to share this journey with a couple of key pieces I’ve made for her thus far. The journey’s just begun. Hopefully someone else can find a little extra strength through them too<3

9 days !!!

Enough now tho, Christmas: you may enter

Current living room state. I am living in a jungle of fabric and dust. And I don’t even mind I’m so excited these days. Good things and heavenly energy is coming and I am definitely feeling myself and life itself.

Information you’ll definitely never use;

Did you forget or simply was on brink of having a full scale panic attack in that London-summer heat we all know, to ask to note composition of fabric whilst in indian family-owned fabric shop which was mind blowingly large, and are now left unsure if you’re dealing with silk or fucking acetate? Burn it and thee shall see.

Silk becomes ashy and leaves you with a burnt hair smell and expectations of a Phoenix rising from the ashes, while synthetic stuff will curl up in a hard black lump and smell like burnt rubber, no ashes.

There. You’re welcome.

I champagned pretty hard last night (girl needs a break from work even if it’s ever so exciting)

and am now about to indulge in some trash tv. Wish you a happy weekend. May the following months pass quickly so we may all enjoy the best time of the year again. Christmas.

What can letters tell you anyways?

Was going to post this when I got home from London on Monday, but didn’t have time actually to sit down properly. But today I’m taking time. In case anybody wondered what really happened the night of the 5th of august 2018.

I’ve had my share of fuck ups when it comes to traveling by plane, but I usually have some sort of understanding as to how and why it happened. This one’s just.. so unnecessary. Because of my prior fuck ups (one being buzzed with the first one therefore late, other one looking at the arrival time instead of take off.. I think we can all relate to those two), I really made sure I read the receipts thoroughly and carefully. I really did. Especially as I knew I was in a particularly high risk fuck up situation cause I booked two flights, two trips, at one time. Both to London. Both for two people. Both at the same dates – one month apart. I’ve been known to live on the edge. This obviously proved to be too much of a challenge for me, and I can see now for the first time in my life why people have assistants for these kind of things.

I mistook the airports.

Vegard knew it the moment we arrived Gatwick and couldn’t find SAS. Fucking Norwegian.

I stared and stared at my flight detail, GLARED at them to make sure I didn’t get it wrong. I prefer landing at Gatwick and I know my second trip to London its’ arrival and departure at Gatwick, but somehow I missed the fact that this flight had its’ departure from Heathrow.

I’m stunned.

Yes, we arrived at Gatwick, but it really shouldn’t be that hard to see that we departed from a different airport. I’m so surprised to the point in which I’m almost impressed by my excelling level of brain disassociation. A skill I must have picked up somewhere along the way of this mission to survive in a world with so many aggressive impressions. Have I developed some sort of lettering adhd? Or is my brain just too busy? I am an extremely efficient person, that I know. Tell me to have it done by the end of the week -I’ll have it done by tonight. Even if I’m totally overworked -I’ll take on two more tasks just to prove myself I can do it. It’s a great skill, makes me that much more relaxed the days and hours I don’t do anything but take care of myself. Which again restores balance in my grey gardens. But it just doesn’t work in paperwork-world. You have to read the fine-prints and I never do. –Oh, it’s fine..! That’s seriously my motto in life. if I’m not dying or having a panic attack, it’ll be fine..! Will sort itself out. We’ll find a solution. This time that solution cost my poor husband over 1000 pounds. Which, to me is.. I mean, money is money. It comes and goes, ebbs and flows. I could never be devastated over money. But energy-wise.. We were absolutely knackered. So it hit us like those airport doors that supposedly’s meant to open as you approach but not always manage to do as the person in front of you was a little bit too close to you or too hesitant themselves, and I always have high anxiety over. Boom. You’re not coming any further you little bitch.

We got an airport hotel after going back to Victoria station and piccadillyed ourselves to our righteous airport and the flight next day went smoothly. So it was all good. Not as good as the shower I had when I got home, but all. good.

PLUS! I’m that much closer to my project coming to life, so it’s aaaaaaaall good!!!

Sew you later! <3

Yaaay, Birth Daaay

This is how I feel about birthdays. I love them.

It always starts with hot chocolate on the bed followed by breakfast with a movie of my choice. Usually something from the 90’s and my childhood. The 90’s have the best movies. For someone sensitive to colors and loud noise they’ve got the perfect balance. They’re like filmed through a soft lens.

Then we do whatever I wanna do. Because I’m the Queen. This year it was a long run together in the rain, at 1 degree celsius, haha, I’m pushing him around at this point and I love it! I used to have such a different identity. Take pride in such different things. I’m so proud of myself. And I think that’s one of the things I love about putting years behind me.

Then we go out and do what I do even better than getting my ass out in the rain.

Which is eating.

And drinking wine.

I love getting ready for that shit. Preferably with a glass of champagne. This year we did a ten-course meal at Colonialen restaurant. I always tell him -I only want a fantastic meal as a birthday present. It’s expensive enough. He never listens though.

And I wore my mum’s old dress. Yaaay. I don’t know if she wore it as a dress, It’s more like a robe maybe.. Very see-through. Who knows.. Maybe she had a slutty period. Maybe it’s négligé. But I, being so old fashioned and all (…), wore another vintage dress I bought in Nice two years ago underneath it.


As much as I wished I could celebrate my birthday for the entire week (I’ve done that earlier and I’m very much disappointed), I’ve been very good bouncing back to every-day life.

Which is so much brighter now that I have this cactus. I always say that it’s my favorite type of flower, plant -whatever. But I never buy them for myself. I think I think of them as a non-necessary thing. Waste of money. But it really does something, having greens in your home.. So he got me one.

How pretty is it??

Going home to mum’s for the weekend. I’m over being alone.

Nothing like that first date..

He’s finally home!!

I’m usually pretty good at occupying myself when the other one’s gone, I love our life and how we work when we work, and take time off together and do stuff when he’s home. But he’s been working a LOT lately. He’s usually away for a week, then home and free for the next three weeks. Which is fantastic. He’s seldom free for the entire three weeks, but still a lot of downtime and we get to spend a lot of it together. But between the family holiday in october/november, being busy with making the wedding dress and working until Christmas, traveling, sickness and work again after new years -we haven’t found any time for the two of us alone together in months.

So last night was much welcomed and fucking fantastic. To go out for dinner is our absolute favorite thing to do as a couple. Dress up -making an effort, nice food, wine and conversations. So good. So important.

I have this top in black – it’s one of my favorite nowadays, and just got another one in pink. So stoked. Very unusual. For me to wander around in the city buying stuff spontaneously and for no reason is almost unheard of. But this wasn’t pricey to begin with, now on sale, and I went for it. It’s Samsøe & samsøe, one of my favorite brands for everyday wear. Effortless, simple and affordable. Their cuts also almost always agrees with me. Try saying that fast.

Could I look more unenthusiastic for someone drinking champagne wearing pink velvet?

I think not.

Oh! And our neighbors at the table next to us at the restaurant, big group of people, apparently had a bet about us; Was it our first date or had we been together for a long time? We took it as a huge compliment for our relationship. That after having been together for nine years someone can mistake us for being newly fallen in love. How grossly sweet.

Tacos, movie, candy and pajamas tonight. Just as good as last night. None of them good without the other one.

Wombing up!

What a slow day. I’m physically moving at the pace of a slug. My body is so over this year and is sending me very clear signals of distress and ripeness for a Christmas holiday.

But whatever. I’ll just have to move at the pace it allows me to and take my time. And my mind at least wants to work. Which is more than a lot of people can say. I just wish I could get someone else to do the physical part.. Fucking hate sewing. Wouldn’t want to start my holiday now anyways though. Christmas needs to be earned. Not to be washed up straddling a surfboard straight from Bali.

I’m so excited about what I’m creating now, though. A whole little collection for my little one’s album release next year. Which makes me laugh and cry just thinking about what I’ve listened to so far.. So good. But it’s a very conceptual way of working. I get to deep dive into her world, which makes my job (this is the way I would do it for myself) so much easier. It’s more personal. I am making a baby. With my sister.

We’re creating a story, guys. And it’s monumental.

Peek at some of the fabric I’m currently working on. Key in this little collection is different forces of nature. Always nature.

Lot of burning leaves. Melting fabric. Fabric which is basically plastic. It’s shit. And there’s nothing beautiful or natural about it. It actually makes me feel cheap and bad for the environment just holding it. Then again, planet’s got bigger fish to fry and if our orange friend to our west doesn’t start believing in climate change soon af and start making some major changes it all doesn’t really matter. Plus I made vegan burgers yesterday to last me three days, so I reckon I’m doing my part.

Airing out like crazy. The smell of this flowerbed is definitely not helping my sluggishness and is probably contributing to this headache I’ve had since touching Norwegian ground again.

But it looks great.

Friday tomorrow! Yay!

Sanctitude and white on nude

If you’re anything like me, waking up Sunday morning without a hangover will most likely be the closest to sanctitude you’ll ever feel.

Even went for half-marathon long run with the other one yesterday and spent the rest of the evening drinking tea watching I Don’t Feel at Home in This world Anymore. Which, I felt, was partially true since I felt everybody was out socializing while time stood still at our house. Me and the other one stretched out on different sofas, eating Chinese take-away.. Like how you can feel totally alone in this world (in the best possible way) if you wake up really early while it’s still dark and have the opportunity to sit quietly for a while before taking on the day.


I did, however, drink wine on Wednesday

Which might have something to do with it. I mean, if I don’t drink wine in over a week, that’s just.. it’s too much. My skin looks a bit better, my anxiety and physical shape improves, I make better life choices.. I just don’t see the point.

We were in Trondheim up north this week with the little one’s crew to help out and watch her perform in probably the most beautiful cathedrals in Norway, Nidarosdomen. It was the most stunning performance she ever gave in my opinion. Might have been the cathedral. Or the lighting. Might have been the fact that she was wearing a dress I worked really hard on. Or that I haven’t seen her in a while. Or the fact that I’ve gotten a whole new outlook on her after her tour in Brazil. I have such tremendous respect for that little one. So few could do what she does without breaking. And she really does make me wanna be a better person.

I was really beaten though. So I wore what I wear whenever I need a confidence boost. Something androgynous and relaxed -yet provocative. Going bra-less in a see-through oversized shirt. Perfect combo for being untouchable. For me. I’m not saying you’ll feel confident showing some nipple. You probably won’t, really.

But I do.

Put this bad boy on top and you’re a diva.

With balls.

It’s fake. Relax.

The fur.

And the confidence.

FARIKAL -Thank you.

We started out three women with a vision. A task. And a question. A vision of forwarding healthy values we had back in the days regarding respecting and valuing the clothes we wear and produce. A task of learning and presenting Norwegian craftsmanships by incorporating them into contemporary fashion. A question; is it possible? Is it possible to use local materials only and produce in Norway alone? How close to the ‘old ways’ can we get?

The journey has been amazing. We were able to get enough capital to start our business and buy materials for the show-piece collection, thanks to a scholarship. We had our show here in Bergen, our hometown, a huge success (if I may say so myself). It was packed, hot and sweaty and the drinks gone before the last girl walked off the runway. It’s amazing the resources you’ll find in people.

Picture by Stian Servoss

We visited ladies in all corners of the country, factories, created relationships and partnerships and got as close as can be before starting production of a small quantity of garments inspired and commercialized by the showpiece collection. As sad as it is, we realized it couldn’t be done. Not for us at least. Looking at the costs, timeline, efficiency, quality, quantity amongst other things -it was never gonna happen the way we wanted it to. The conclusion had to be that the answer to our question was No.

We knew it was likely. And the natural way to go from here would be to just produce in a foreign country.. Which we honestly thought about. But FARIKAL was never about that. It was never about just creating fashion inspired by Norwegian heritage. It was a project to see what would happen if we tried doing it as close to the old ways as possible, yet modify it to make it possible to produce. Reinvent it. And we just weren’t able to commercialize it enough and at the same time get the quality we wanted for the prize we needed.

But we’ve learned SO much.

I’m so grateful for this experience. And we don’t think of this is as a failure at all. The meaning, scope and relevance of things can change along the way, and that’s ok. And I love that the three of us ventured out fearlessly on this journey together. Besides all the things I’ve learned (I think this goes for the other two as well) FARIKAL has taught me to believe more in myself. And I know now more than ever where I want to go and what I want to do. It is time for me to do my own thing, and them theirs.

So Thank you. To everyone who made this possible. We could never have done it without all of you and we’ll take you with us into our next chapter.

Leave it be, dance and be fucking free

I got the gift of food last night from a friend who appreciates food as much (maybe even more, we’ll find out over a fight one day) as I do and it was wonderful. WONDERFUL! Fine dining at it’s best. If you’re in Bergen and love tiny expensive food, seriously, check it out. You die. A little bit.


Also got this sweater from my mom so it was a very good day indeed yesterday.

I never shop myself. I spend all my money on student-loans, foundation, food, wine and lotion. So every time someone buys me something (usually the other one) I feel sooooo special and I wanna live in it till the day I die.

Woke up at eleven pretty hungover. Many courses means many wines. So many good wines.

So I’m very happy right here today. The bar’s been lowered and this is the best thing there is.

Do both, I say. Wouldn’t want that thigh-gap sneaking up on you either.

So now I’m sitting here looking at my ironing board

feeling drawn to the tv where I put on the show that forces celebrities to dance in skimpy outfits. Hilarious. Brave. Brave as fuck actually.

But as tired as I may be (I’ve been vertical for some time now -getting better) I feel so good. SO good. I’ve been feeling so sad lately. Over my thigh-gap. Haha. But seriously. There used to be a gap in my thighs now it’s a gap in my life.

I’ve been struggling with the fact that I’ve turned into a healthy grown up woman. I’ve never been so far down this road (weight-wice, guys). I’ve always been scared of imagining this point thinking that if I’d imagined it it could become true. I’m terrified of what’s gonna happen if I don’t turn around and start running the other direction soon. The rest of the story I haven’t written? I have no idea what’s gonna happen now? How will it end, which direction must I go , heck -I don’t even know for sure what the plot is anymore??

One thing’s for sure, I’m NEVER saying never ever again EVER in my life.

That’ll never be me.

I’ll never do that.

Because there you are one day.. eating not only every four hours or so but your own words. I seriously thought I’d never weigh over 50 kg again.


I told myself that not only wouldn’t I allow that to happen, but that I was above that. If I thought of it as an impossible act – it would be. The ridiculousness of it all would cause an earthquake before that would even begin to think about maybe happen in the foreseeable future. Like my pride and superior way of thinking – soaring above other human’s primitive needs would shield me from loosing control in any way and actually live my life like a full person. A free person.

I must laugh at how little I’ve weighed over the years and actually thought of myself as fat. As this number to be my limit. My “roof” of numbers showed on a scale. And that I’d never get this fat again and start loosing weight the very next day. I’ve learned my lesson these last few weeks and will probably have to learn it again; just never.. Never say anything to yourself about yourself ever again. Don’t assess yourself, don’t think about what was and what is to be. Just fucking leave yourself alone. Most likely I’ll weigh more than I do today at some point. Just thinking that makes me wanna vomit in my mouth, let alone writing it for others to read. I feel fat now. Hahahahaha, I’m killing myself I’m too funny.

Anyways. I’ll leave myself alone now, let my beautiful, slightly softer body be and enjoy this glorious day with all the glorious assholes I look very much up to at the tv.

I, too, shall dance today..!


What is FARIKAL really about, you say..?

I just quickly want to explain what FARIKAL is about and what our aspirations for the future are.

FARIKAL consists of

Stine Malene Foss Berg : Partner and Graphic Designer.

Iben Berstrøm : Partner and Head of Marketing and Communications.

Viktoria Lutterloh Aksnes : Partner and Fashion Designer.

FARIKAL started with Iben Bergstrøm’s realization of the huge lack of information about Norwegian craft techniques. This quickly resulted in the three of us coming together deciding to change that, little by little.

We’re very patient.

FARIKAL is all about two things:

Preservation and representation through reinvention of Norwegian heritage and crafts. We want to focus on bringing history and character into the products we produce. There are so many beautiful Norwegian crafts yet to discover and make more current, especially for younger generations. FARIKAL wishes to be in the lead of providing that for not only Norwegians but for the rest of the world.

Producing slow sustainable fashion as opposed to the dominating socially and environmentally destructive mass production in the fashion industry we see today and through building closer relationships to producers and buying more local raw-materials we hope to contribute to the movement of increasing our respect for fashion – decreasing our consumption. Making our consumers aware of our product’s history and origin we wish to encourage consumers to shop with more emotions and more appreciation. As we all know our beautiful planet can not keep up with our consumption, so this is and has to be the future way.

We are so proud and excited to find ourselves in the process of producing (right here in Norway..!) THREE garments inspired by our Craft Collection A/W 2017 to be sold at the end of September. We decided to start off small, producing in a very limited quantity and will be selling them in our pop up in Bergen and webshop.

See our first Craft Collection at and subscribe to our newsletter to see what’s going on!

All photos by Øystein Grutle Haara
Model: Eleonor Katarina Bjerkelund
MUA: Miranda Aksnes
Hair: Jonas Jelti - Adam og Eva Bergen

Loose and living!

I’ve always had a thing for oversized clothes. I’ve always felt cool and edgy in loose fitted pants, large sweaters. I love the way fabric falls when it’s not too tight, sudden glimpses of body-shape as you move.. Some say a smile is your best accessory, not sure I agree on that all the time, but I do think that being comfortable in your body and outfit is key to being sexy. Even when I’m wearing fitted clothes I always make sure I can move, breathe and eat in it. Sucking in and pulling down skirts and tops is just never.. just, no.

And when I feel extra.. insecure about myself and my body, I’ll go really oversized. Total savior and I recommend everyone should have at least one outfit like that for dressing up or going out. Also perfect for those bloated days..

I got this (picked out and chose myself obviously) wrap dress for my birthday in january. In Large. It was already oversized, but when I go for it I love going All in when possible! Never fear size labels. Don’t even look at them. Fuck ’em. I have a dress in XL too as a matter of fact. Sizes also vary sooo much. It’s ridiculous how one M equals XS in a different brand. (There are measurements, you know)

These were taken from our honeymoon. I felt so uncomfortable that day. Like an elephant. But the relief of putting this on.. I felt good. Really, really good.

(Note the standard hotel wineglass. A water glass. Because why go through the trouble of asking for a proper one. What am I, royal?)

Except, you know, the shoes. Humidity and high heels just doesn’t work for me. I swear I gain ten sizes.

But sometimes you gotta woman up. Especially when you’re only riding the elevator to dine at the hotel restaurant and going straight to bed at eleven afterwards like a champ.

That glow though. Felt pretty that day. Amazing what fresh air, sun and swimming does to you.

I also love smudging my lipstick. Like you just made out with someone you shouldn’t have in a dark alley. I’ve never been very keen on being one of those women who has to check up on her lips after every bite she consumes. I’m too messy for that.

I don’t know about you, but it’s saturday and I’m going on a double date tonight. And I’m smudging my shit, loosening that belt, eating and sipping’ and laughing my heart out!


My husband, bless him, bought me this Victoria Beckham suit right before we left on our honeymoon. And I’m so proud of it. Never scared of using it though! One shouldn’t be. It’s only fabric put together in a certain, sometimes brilliant, way.

They only feel loved when used.

I think he wanted me to have it because he knows I never agree to go shopping when I’m traveling. Feels unnecessary to me. You’re already in a new country with new food, new smells, languages, customes, cultures and people -why spend your time and money on buying stuff you can buy anywhere? I’ll rather save those money for a day I really need or want something. Use my money on local tastes and sights instead.

Didn’t know I needed this suit, though..

This was our nicest stay by far. A vineyard in Cortona, Tuscany. Il Falconiere. With about 15 rooms or so situated in different small houses.

This. View from our room.

A little stroll amongst the grape trees to get to the restaurant / reception area.

Lazy afternoons by the pool. Our room in the closest buildings.

Ass looking perkier than my face. haha.

There it is.

The pool where they had this phone

I felt like they knew me.

The very essence of me.

This was considered room-service. The guy, poor guy, came sweating up the stairs (not to mention the stroll amongst the grape trees) carrying the damn table to our porch! Set the table and left after bidding us a good night. I sat there like an idiot in my robe, hair dripping from the shower. A little shameful, must admit. Felt filthy rich though.

Had to see the city of Cortona, located not far from the vineyard on the top of a.. mountain? hill? hillock? I don’t know. It was a mighty height (hand gesture in air with fist) in the otherwise flat land.

I just love these! Laundry hanging from everywhere.

Even more so, the DOORS. Swear, every single door in Cortona was beautiful.

The hotel (which we paid one third of the price for, otherwise ridiculous prizing) also had a Michelin restaurant. Of course. Which we’d read previous of arriving was unworthy of the star. It was. The chef was a real bitch, food was ok, it was good..! But if you’re a foodie; not impressing at all. Lack of passion in everyone presenting the different courses too. Which is one of my favorite things about fine dining. It’s an art, sell it to me! Love it, live it! Hearing them talk about the delicious complex dishes, beautifully presented -with great passion! They barely told us the main ingredient. And it rarely had perfect balance.

So that was disappointing. Still worth it. I know, I’m a snob. But food is big in my world. It’s my hobby. An expensive one, so it better be good.

So that’s Cortona! Really beautiful, but three nights was definitely enough if you’re restless like we are.

Cloaked in flowers and thunder!

Wednesday. Midweek. Working intensely these days to be able to take half of Thursday and Friday off. The other two are moving so I was thinking I’d stand around drinking wine watching them carry their stuff around.

The weekend was great, as expected. I put my best foot forward as usual, the sun actually came out and we left the party (fairly) early. By (fairly) early I mean we didn’t stay to see the sun rise. It’s quite a crazy crowd. Who get crazier when they get together. Not that I’m better. Worse, probably.


Felt like I needed an extra confidenceboost and give a big Fuck you to my inner voices, so I went Frida Kahlo on the whole tropical theme.

What a woman. A woman of true grit. Larger than life, living fearlessly honest. With passion and drive, complicated love, open about her demons and aware of herself and the way she wanted to live her life.. Which I can relate to. Admire at the least. How ever composed I try to be at times, I do own the whirlwind of a woman that I really am. Like we heard in a movie once that resonated with the little one as a description of me; a woman cloaked in thunder.

I liked it.

Obviously intended to make hair ornament out of fresh flowers. Then again who has that kind of time. Bought some cheap plastic ones and tried to ignore for the entire evening that bullshit elastic band around my head. What am I, a child?


Maybe it was made for children..? Who cares.

I did, that’s who. But I’m over it now that the whole thing is over.

Ever graceful.

Packed wine according to how much weight I could carry, and off to the party.

(Also brought my self-made freckles because they’re so fucking cute)

Feeling extremely uncomfortable in my own skin these days ( read; fat. Yes, my eating disorder is still happening and is something I deal with and ignore on a daily basis. I am personally convinced I’ll have to for the rest of my life, and get quite agitated when people tell me otherwise), which resulted in me practically gulping down my wine. Because through carefully and at times quite painfully practicing the elimination method I’ve found this is the easiest, and worst, way to survive the present when the present is a bit shite. There’s no meditating the present away. Sorry. No time for mindfulness when you have social anxiety up to your elastic fucking band, possibly made of and for children, and have to meet and greet fifty people you haven’t seen in about nine years.

But I got away with it without any scandals. Other than a few small (I’ll say, but then again I’m cloaked in thunder) charming improprieties, topping the whole thing off with an actual couples dance of swing..! Which I thought was hilarious. I’d never do a dance class myself. No matter how impressed I was. I would just, never. Not even for our wedding we did. Just, no. Great fun though! When drunk. Channeling Frida Kahlo. Sure she’d enjoy it as well.

 I had a great time! Really. And the best of times always comes when newly experienced pain I find. The contrast is exhilarating. Intoxicating.

Happy Wednesday to you, take comfort in that the worst is over and it’s hopefully downhill from here!

Free the nipples, breasts -FREE IT ALL THIS SUMMER!

I actually wrote long ago I didn’t quite get the whole Free the nipple movement. I’ve always felt quite free in the breast- and nipple department, going to the beach topless for example. I stopped wearing a bra around sixteen.. In 2006. I remember people paying attention to it for a second, one person even called me Vici-nipple actually. But when you yourself treat something like a natural thing, not giving people the reaction they hoped to get out of you (never do -hold your ground), they soon lose interest and move on to the next subject.

(I’ve always written Vici btw, since I discovered this pattern of name-calling when I was four. So it’s always been Vici. Not Vicky, or anything else).

So I’ve never actually cared, therefore I didn’t get involved in the movement. I realize now everyone hasn’t been able to walk around so  freely. So Power to it, Free The Nipple!! I always felt I have the right to wear whatever I wanted, show just as much as I felt like. To love my breasts and everything about them. I also, still do, feel a sort of empowerment wearing something that accentuates them in a natural way. Be that something slightly see-through, something really tight, something loose fitted to let my perfectly natural shaped breasts chill the fuck out and breathe freely. You may experience some people having trouble keeping their eyes off of your breasts, with them hanging there freely and all, getting quite uncomfortable, not being able to stop staring at your natural and free nipples.. Something I personally really enjoy. People have been making me uncomfortable since I was sixteen.. Here’s my artillery, staring right back at ’em! But even though turning a head or two -keep at it! If that’s your chests’ and hearts’ desire, toss that bra! I know I’ve never looked back.

Anyways.. here’s a couple of pictures I think are beautiful as hell!

Ok I realize this last one, she is wearing some sort of bra here on her wedding day. But she’s SUCH a role-model and gets another picture. The fabulous, Hanne Gaby Odiele :

At least we know when the week ends and the weekend begins

Stockholm, you’re so beautiful!! The beautiful historic buildings and streets makes me wanna live there. Or at least tear one up and put it in the ground over here.

Like this place. This door.

With a hairdresser in my courtyard.

Not that one needs one when the hotel’s giving barber’s cuts for free. Obviously me and the little one took advantage of this to trim our shaved bits. Not our pits. She went first obviously. I joined her after two breakfast-mimosa’s like a scared child needing someone to hold her hand.

BUT! The barber ended up giving me a full fresh amazing haircut!! I just couldn’t be happier!



No. but I was though. And celebrated with another mimosa before entering the ice cold but sunny and friendly Stockholm.

Luckily had this possy with me.

We don’t really know each other.

And with ma new cut and ma new sunglasses..

I can honestly say I almost felt completely confident.

(I know, so cool and all, but these are the first glasses over like a hundred bucks I’ve ever bought! Jokes, my husband did. What am I, made out of money?)

I know, btw, that’s not the “politically correct” (as you call everyone out on anything they say over there somewhere) way of using the term “jokes”. But I’ll do it anyway. I like it! And it goes great with a little snort á la agent Hart in my head when I write it.

(If you know the reference, you know. Google can’t save you here.)

Here’s another one of me. Expressing how little I care.

They care, on the other hand. About each other <3

What?! Fucking cute.

Then again so are we sometimes.


As my jeans clearly states for themselves.

Oh, and we also saw the great Bob, for the second time. I cried. Mostly for the wrong reasons. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Seriously though can’t wait for spring. As much as love this coat, I can’t fucking wait to get out of it.

I don’t know where I end and it starts anymore..

Laying the groundworks for infinite champagne and cake

Bergen is today providing another perfect excuse to go away for a long weekend with my family.

So fucking stoked.

AND the three of us are divided between two rooms. My husband is joining us for one night due to work. Thank The Universe !

I’m traveling lightly. Airline norwegian is being a fucking bitch again charging all of my money for luggage besides carry-on. So! only carry-on for moi. Which I’m freaking a little bit out about. Not that I’m one of those people who bring entire wardrobe, squeezed in like emergency options together with ten of it’s family members. No. I am not. I just want them to be able to breathe. Because I only bring the really good stuff when I’m going away. Not the shit that’s been lying around three moves ago.

One must definitely not bring garments like this one though. The best of stuffs.

-the most special ones you love so so much, people with children wouldn't even recognize that kind of love

Which I wore last Saturday to this fabulous spot’s Champagne-lunches, Bien Bar.

What’s also fabulous is this interview VG -Min Mote did.

dis one right here

Another fabulous thing that happened last weekend is the little one gave me these shoes.

Wouldn’t have bought them myself, but I like them. She bought them because who has the strength to walk away from a good bargain? Plus she has freakishly small feet. She’s what that best friend in Pretty Woman would call Cinde-fucking-rella.

My feet on the other hand – very normal.

I therefore have quite the high hopes for this weekend.

Calling all forces initiating Process to perfection. We’re talking washing. Scrubbing. Trimming. Cutting. Sculpting. Spackling. Painting.


When I have time I want to feel as ready for anything possible when going on holiday. There’s also the fact that a holiday is also a temporary demise of your temple of a body. So you wanna even things out a bit -prepare a certain quota, if you will. (I’m a control freak, we’ve established this, and I have a problem)

I drink a lot of champagne, okay. I need to start hydrated.


Or not.

Netflix is my best friend as well.


The feeling of anticipation. The anticipation in others to see something you’ve created.

It’s really a privileged feeling.

Obviously one is backstage and don’t see any of it. But you feel it. The laughs outside. The champagne being popped. That hint of crisp air you’ve been craving all day forced under the crack of your backstage door as a result of people pouring in on the other side. The door that, for now, hides the secrets of your inner universe that has been your life for months. Occupying your thoughts and dreams for months.

The involuntary stress that causes you to order your models around like an aggressive male in charge of the navy seals recruitment. Lining them up.. -Go, go, GO!!!

The adrenaline you feel.

Those shoes you want. Aurlandskoen

Followed by the humble, highly awkward moment of a thank you afterwards. I really thought my new Isabel Marant top would elevate my confidence a little bit. At least combined with all the champagne of my prior consumption backstage.

They totally failed me. And left me dying.

With my team Stine Malene Foss Berge and Iben Bergstrøm, <3

Photo: Stian Servoss

I am currently still recovering and don’t expect anything of myself till at least the end of the week.


Got up at six today, not that that’s alarmingly early these days, but I actually got a really good nights sleep.

Probably mostly from exhaustion. But there’s not much I wouldn’t do for a good nights sleep nowadays.. Plus I’m also reading in bed now before dozing off. A great way to go. To sleep.

Reading Victoria.


I am a queen.

Last night I put the last buttons in all ma holes and packed my suitcases for today.

Followed by a rare moment my husband caught on camera.

This face.

It’s unbelievable how much help I’ve gotten from the people in my life. I feel so very lucky. I am lucky. But I feel especially humble today. I’ll either cry or put a wall up.. Either one is fine, equally tiring. The one only postponing the other.

Wish me luck, meet you on the other side! So much love for the uplifting words here and on IG, know that it means so very much to me <3

drop mic, I’m out.

no? too far?



Friday, in two days, TWO SLEEPS: we’re shooting the collection. Then another SEVEN SLEEPS till

FÅRIKÅL Launch Party -AW17 Collection; CLOSER

It’s basically there^^

Lurking in the background

It’s, as anybody who ever created something (be that a masterpiece carefully composed in kindergarten it took forever to dry in the drying-room, or a  beat that’ll kill on the dance floor), terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.


Everyone knows that feeling.

It’s awesome.

And when you reveal that shit; you don’t be afraid..! You stand tall and know that it is Great! Because it’s the only sample in the world there is. And it is you. And you know something and have felt something that no-bo-dy else has.

It is unique.

I seldom regret anything. My body may own a feeling or memory of regret, but in my mind I never allow myself to regret. Something I said about another person when they weren’t listening, a bad outfit, my reckless behavior those nights I drink like a sponge ( I’ve definitely seen a pattern of flashing whilst drunk..), how I used to do my makeup (Wow, that changes quickly -wtf was I thinking?!), some embarrassing post I posted when I started blogging (or, you know, last week..), a bad picture. -Like it or not, It’s all you! Don’t resist it.

And especially about the things we say.. You can’t regret any of that.. Because you wanna be prepared if people decide to confront you. I gather I’m allowed to every opinion I have! Because it’s all based on my emotions and knowledge at the time. You cannot expect people not to be honest and having made an opinion based on the information they’ve gathered? And the people who don’t get that.. maybe they’re not worthy of staying. Fuck ’em.

Like just now, I don’t know if I could use the term gather there. But who cares? I think it sounds great. Fabulous actually. Royal, even.

(That said, never talk in a negative way about the things people didn’t choose. If they were born with it – leave it.)

One thing I wasn’t born with ( smooth transition? ) ; this Fish-leather Choker. I absolutely love it.

Order on demand after launch.

Oh, and last weekend was probably the last party before the launch. So I went all out. In my bra.

The hibernation continues! Backstage photos from the shoot some time in the course of the weekend !