Good morning!
I just made pancakes and bacon in my silk robe. So I’m feeling quite unstoppable today. It’s Saturday, it’s not raining (!) and we’ve got a 30th birthday tonight.
I have a feeling it is gonna be a good day.
That said, we’re going to a birthday with a tropical theme. Ironically it’s ten degrees outside. But it’s all good! We get to pull that viking gene out of our.. wherever it’s been hiding, and are going all in for the occasion. I’ll take pictures. It’ll be great. You’ll love it. It’ll be huge. The Mexicans paid for it. My costume. Because I said so.
Thinking a lot lately about how we all feel the need to max out in all different kinds of stuff. Right? I mean, looking at Instagram, it’s no longer interesting nor worth following if they’re into health and exercising without having abs turning the corner way earlier than the rest of the body. We’re not allowed to be feminists and dress sexy or show skin or be stay at home mums. We can’t be wise without being totally holy and rise above all human instincts. We can’t be intellectual and not know that Austria is landlocked. We can’t have respect for nature and animals and still own a vintage fur. We’re not supposed to lose our shit occasionally when we’re viewed as kind calm souls. And if you’re seen as pretty or “perfect”, people go crazy with praise when a pimple or the occasional stomach roll is showed. Oh, how brave. -You’re just like us!!
No kidding.
The trolls are also everywhere. Of course. Lurking. Waiting silently in the background. Waiting for something they see as an “error” to the image you’ve created or choose to portray.. The fake you you’ve been plotting so carefully for others to believe in. I’m gonna get you you little shit.
We assign each other all kinds of abilities and have these unreachable expectations we’re all about to fail at some point.
Now, I get that this happened when we decided to put ourselves out there. Made these profiles and sites of how we wish to portray ourselves. We painted ourselves unrecognizable with makeup to cover up the dirty lies that lies behind it. You fake, you..
And there’s always been judgement. We need our judgement to assess people and situations to avoid getting hurt. But it’s definitely gone to far. You can be healthy and still be categorized as “overweight”. You can be unhealthy and look “perfect”. Very much so actually. You can be as kind as a saint and still say the F-word when you see fit. You don’t have to point it out and feel the need to correct them. We’re only human and chances are they are all aware of that. Because behind that profile all the emotions and insecurities you yourself possess exist. We should all shed some labels and know that we’re all the same.
At least most of us.
As always I’m too impatient to double check this post, plus I have to pack for my tropical party. I don’t write perfectly correct and sometimes I’m stupid. I’m well aware of that. But I’m am good at something, I do it perfectly actually -you do too, and that’s being human.
Have a GREAT weekend, you flawed hooooman, you! You’re awesome!!!!
Perfection… imperfection… humanity…
Being who you want to be, faking who you wish to be and expressing yourself in a way that shows the world your personality. It’s all different for every human being, but you’re right. We’re also all the same. We all know the feeling of sadness and joy. We all know fear, insecurity and anger. Sometimes we do things from which we don’t know why. And faking things is a part of that too. We can’t ignore it, because everyone fakes something sometimes. You try to fix your hair before taking a picture, you clean your house before someone visits you and you don’t want a person to see anything that leads to imperfection. But it’s all bullshit. And that word is a word too. It’s a word that you are allowed to use when you are with some people, but when you’re with others, you won’t use it at all. That is strange, how your personality changes because of people. But it happens. And I think we don’t have one single personality. We have different sides and faces that we can identify ourselves with. And because I’m a vegan, doesn’t mean that I am not allowed to kill a mosquito. People decide our rules way too fast.
Not a single person on this earth is perfect. And the imperfection makes us beautiful and interesting. Thank you again, Vici, for inspiring me in so many ways.
Viktoria, you inspired me to do and write this.
And I got so much love in return. Everyone is so lovely and beautiful. Thank you so much! I hope that you are having a wonderful day and that the party was amazing yesterday. Much love and happiness <3
True. I’m so humbled and happy I can inspire you! 😀
Thank you for sharing 😘 lets celebrate our hoomaness. Lol.
Have a good time at the party ❤
Good morning Viktoria or should I say good afternoon here now. Ooooh burnt crispy bacon and pancakes with maple syrup, to die for. As for Instagram and all the rest, can’t be bothered, the only thing I do on a limited basis is Facebook, even then I delete the days posts. Really can’t be bothered with the hassle and the negative vibes I see on these sites. Life too short.
TBH I’m guilty when it comes to maxing out on Auroras music, I have collection per se Hope you have a great day today.
That’s all right though, just don’t get tired of it!
Whose, yours? Doesn’t matter, happy birthday! Pass it on please. 🙂
I have a philosophy, might not be unique or original but it’s what I’ve learned from stumbling through life, and dear god I am miles away from having the answers, a million more from being exactly what I want to be but I have been watching and listening all this time, and I see the souls who are seeking the truth as well, Vik and your little one. Imperfections are exactly what makes us beautiful, the asymmetry of the way your hair falls, the chaos of freckles, odd coloured eyes, a little tummy or innies, outies, whatever. Even our personalities, our quirks, the random things we hate or the strange things we love. Everything that makes us a little more unique and special, is wonderful.
And life, throws things at us that we think of as being negative; like pain, or sadness, being bored and getting old. All challenges to overcome, and learn from. We’re always changing, making mistakes, figuring our shit out…
I don’t know where this idea of perfection came from, like truth everyone has their own version, no one should strive for it. Wouldn’t life be dull if we were all the same version of the ideal. Screw that noise, let’s be weird! Let’s be different. Somewhere out there, someone will notice that one off combination that makes you, ‘you’ and they’ll love it.
Also it’s ‘lose’ not ‘loose’ 😉
Thanks! I always thought it was loose.. I see now that’s more relevant for me during a fitting..! Love it when I learn something new. I also wrote asses, when I meant to say the equivalent of to evaluate, assess.. haha
Ha! Common mistake though, only pointed it out as a joke (the trolls are waiting for you to slip up) 😛 I wonder though if British humour comes from English being tricky like that. Suppose all languages have stuff like that… Don’t worry about it though, your writing and English are great, better than some people I know!
LOVE British humor!