Bree Van de Kamp for a day. A day I shall cherish for the many months to come and go until the next time we meet

Today’s really been one of those days when cleaning just. feels. SO. great.

It started innocently enough; me getting home after an extended weekend at my parents house due to flu, eight in the morning, acknowledging as I walk through the front door this new wooden serving board I just got that needed oiling.. It all starts very sexy. Long story short I ended up doing every piece of wood that crossed my path (…), plus my kitchen counter top. And it felt great. And it didn’t stop there. You know that shit you almost never do, but once in a while they’ll come to you in, like a whisper in the wind from your lady ancestors –old instincts kicking in and you suddenly find yourself doing things in the most jeopardizing positions physically you can imagine, things you never knew were actual things people did when you were younger? You would never do these things unless you really wanted to. These chores are only achievable when your body wants them done and your mind and spirit agrees. And the stars align and the  fourth night moon of the first month of.. ok, stopping.

These days are gifts. Rare gifts.

 And at the end of these days you ask yourself why you don’t do this every week? Or month, even (even though you know the answer). Because it feels so good. Vacuuming and cleaning and turning of the mattresses.. Airing out the duvets and pillows until they’re as cool as the frost on the ground.. Beating the sofa cushions to death outside.. Scrubbing of the shower tiles.. So many tiles. Cleaning of the cupboards -washing away every sugar grain, deleting every last piece of evidence with it that your husband ate porridge that one time..

You get the picture.

I also washed a lot of clothes, like four washes. It was piling up there, so I’m not parading this one around too much. I’ve now got sheets hanging off of every door in the apartment and can’t close a single door.

But there’s nothing quite like that feeling.. I’ve also been on my first run today btw, since the flu officially left this temple that is my body, and washed my hair for the first time in six days. Which must be some sort of personal record. Besides the times I’ve been physically unable to do so. Obviously been washing my body during these days of abstinence. But I’m all about being as natural and sparing and caring of my nordic skin as can be from whatever I can spare it from! But I’m not gross. I just know that our bodies are supposed to produce oils. For protection. So let’s not get frantic about washing too much and give it a chance. This does not apply to certain areas. One must always wash certain areas.

Circling back to my point: I feel Clean. Mrs. Clean here, in Clean Town. And there really is nothing like that feeling. Can’t wait for that feeling when I slip into my clean bed, bouncy mattress with my new fresh crisp washed and aired christmas-linen my parents gave me for Christmas. Spoiler, it’s red.

I even ironed them before I put them on. I’m equally ashamed and excited about that.

I even put on this towel-for-your-hair-thing my sister-in-law gave to me years ago. And it just dawned on me.. It’s fucking fabulous..! I mean?

It attaches in the front. There is a button. And a, like a hook? Yea, it’s this whole thing, construction thing, in the front. Fabulous.

I just got that sense of middle eastern wealth immediately as I noticed my new Missoni towel in the background that I’d just hung up to air-dry my body (natural, caring and sparing of the skin, remember?). I even embodied this whole new persona, like:

Hey Zayed, darling; why aren’t the camels ready?

Why didn’t I just marry a rich sheikh?

Ok, maybe I do know the answer to that. Being a bipolar feministic woman of the 21st century and all.. But still! A camel and a magic carpet feat. someone pouring me tea with a side of date would be nice.

Anyways. Earned some Netflix-time before I’m off on my magic Christmas carpet. Tomorrow I work.


Ok, I seriously noticed just now that I’m using these coasters.

  20 comments for “Bree Van de Kamp for a day. A day I shall cherish for the many months to come and go until the next time we meet

  1. Alyssa Summers
    10/01/2018 at 01:12

    My lady ancestors like to whisper to me at 2am.
    It is such a great feeling though,
    Enjoy!! ❤️

  2. 10/01/2018 at 01:54

    I feel like that maybe once a year, truly you are blessed! 😛

    Saying that I will be doing my washing tomorrow… I like the red; my duvet cover is reversible red and black. Suits my moods.

    Those coasters are magical, I want them! I’ve just developed a taste for Yogi Tea (Christmas gift from mum) and they would go perfectly. 🙂

    Well I hope enjoy your crisp and clean new universe while it lasts… what are you watching on Netflix out of interest?

  3. Flavia
    10/01/2018 at 02:31

    I love cleaning with music…it gaves me strength 😊 here in brazil we shower at least 3 times a day…its too diferent than other places

    • Viktoria
      10/01/2018 at 11:13

      Whaaat?? I mean, washing your body once a day -that I do. But three?? What, because of the heat? I’ve been to some pretty hot places without showering that often!

      • The Better Cat
        10/01/2018 at 19:00

        You would be surprised! In London, i shower once every 4/5 days (3 if i have been doing more running than i am supposed to. However, in Sri Lanka you shower 2 times in a day if you are lazy, and if you work ( construction) you have to shower at every break!

      • Flavia
        17/01/2018 at 13:21

        Yes…its because its hot too but some people say its our indian heritage…I dont k ow for sure…hahahaha… I told you its very different from others places😁😁😁😁

        • Viktoria
          17/01/2018 at 14:32


  4. Hussein
    10/01/2018 at 08:20

    After a big cleaning , a warm shower make to feeling good 👌🏼 have a nice day.

  5. Pete from Detroit
    10/01/2018 at 11:19

    Totally off topic but I’m saying a silent prayer that our president doesn’t make a total fool out of himself when he meets your prime minister today. I pray that the rest of the world knows that the majority of Americans aren’t like that. We’re a young country compared to most of the world and regardless of how strong we’ve become I think we’re still children. I’m glad you’re feeling better Viktoria.

    • Viktoria
      10/01/2018 at 11:26

      Pray no more, we know. Nobody listens to that idiot. We even make fun of him in our news.

      • yovani
        11/01/2018 at 07:48

        Sorry don’t wanna bud my nose in but can I just say I really don’t like when people make fun of others that’s including trump although he iis cockys me of the stuff he says is true as an American and being Hispanic ivs seen first hand the things he talks about regarding about immigration etc although most of us aren’t like that the bad does out weigh the good at least now a days including weather haven’t said that I don’t believe in politics 😁 sorry for the rant

        • Viktoria
          11/01/2018 at 18:20

          Oh, I think we can make fun of Trump. In order to not bring down the whole country, we can make fun of Trump and say that he is definitely his own type of species.

    • Viktoria
      10/01/2018 at 11:27

      And thank you! Feels so good!

      • Pete from Detroit
        10/01/2018 at 21:25

        Good to know. Some friends of mine went to Paris for the holidays and felt like they had to apologize for being american. I love Paris but parisiannes can be, well Mama always says if you don’t have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut.

  6. The Better Cat
    10/01/2018 at 19:06

    There are days when i feel extra pro active, for no reason. I don’t do half the things that you do because things like pillows is only something i do if people are coming over. However, i do end to decorate my house. I had a really good room, but then my dad renovated it and told me i can’t put any of the ideas i had on the wallpapers… still he did do all of the work.
    Me: Mum, can you stop putting your keys here?”
    Mum: Why?
    Mum: Why the hell is there that snowflake on there?
    Me: Mum! Why would you swipe it off!?

    • Viktoria
      11/01/2018 at 18:21

      Haha, my sister is a lot like that. Every thing has its place.

  7. Stella
    11/01/2018 at 20:13

    🙂 you sound like you are feeling really good. All the energy and humour! Usually whenever I am ready to be very creative I go into a cleaning frenzy. As you say, mind and body in agreement and the stars aligned….When everything around me is in order, I feel ready to take on the world. It’s a wonderful feeling. Enjoy!! XO

    • Viktoria
      16/01/2018 at 23:07


  8. Tom
    15/01/2018 at 23:46

    I almost never clean and Netflix time is ALWAYS earned. It’s the life of a lazy person.

    • Viktoria
      16/01/2018 at 23:07

      If you’re happy you’re doing perfectly!

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