Breakfast of champs

I’ve been finding myself in a rather peculiar state of mind lately.. Feeling thoughtful but without the ability to form any sort of definition around it, unable to create sentences to explain. And I really want to, you know I do. But in order to not get totally lost (like I more often than I’d like to admit do), I’ll wait. And show some pictures from our constitution day instead.

Which we’ve hosted for the last three years and finally decided to from now on make an official tradition of ours. I love hosting. An excuse to clean up the place up. Cooking. Baking. Buying the expensive tomatoes and juices and all the herbs I want without guilt.. That’s all me btw, the (come to think of it) general guilt of being alive -the other one’s happy indulging on a more regular basis. But for the guests of course: only the best. It’s when I truly shine. Being mrs boss lady arranging everything, vision coming to life, providing comfort and warmth for my guests.. I think that’s the only time I had my bridal glow to be honest. Pre-arrangements. I’m a good planner. Solid.

Ok, enough of that.

Over to something less awkward. Components, alterations and results! YES! Everybody loves a good pavlova and is an absolute must on the 17th. Søttende. Why, I don’t know since it origins as far from Norway as possible, but there it is.

Champagne equally important

popped by this guy

drunk by this guy

Everyone wearing this little pin for our great country.

As white as the white is the snow, the red given to the evening sun, the blue from the glaciers we know -Norway in red, white and blue! That’s from our song about the colors in our flag (yes, we have a song about it and yes, I took some liberties in translating it) and can bring tears to the most stoic of stoic Norwegians. I wore my Beckham suit which I let out just under two cm in the area that is my ass the previous day, which I did happily fyi, and obviously did not put a pin in it. Not even for the glaciers.

The day summed up in one faceless picture. Nationally suited up.

One last thing I’d like to share with you is that a flying thing, a bug with provocatively long skinny legs, flew into my apartment last night (because it’s summer in Norway and we’re not prepared therefore airing out our houses at all times) which resulted in me going to bed thirty minutes earlier than expected having to close my bedroom door which I usually leave open when home alone. The other one likes it closed, I don’t.

I couldn’t find it this morning. Still haven’t.

So there’s that. Dealing with that whilst sewing beautiful things to a beautiful little woman.

  8 comments for “Breakfast of champs

  1. Alyssa summers
    23/05/2018 at 15:22

    Constitution day in norway is something im very excited to experience soon. I try to celebrate it here as well, this year i set out 50 mini flags in my yard and wore norwegian flag socks to work and a football jersey to work. (I love reasons to show that norway is great)

  2. Peter
    23/05/2018 at 16:59

    Constitution day looks wonderful and your food is making me hungry. I hope the flying thing was not the same (now geriatric) mosquito that bit my ankles near Stavanger in 1980 (I had to buy some ‘vinnedyke’? (vinegar) to treat my itching wounds (I did smell very strange when visiting Norway)!
    I am sure your thoughts will coalesce soon into something wonderful.
    Remembering a nice old Norwegian man who very touchingly welcomed us to your country (as he noticed our car number plates), I watched a video of Bergen where the UK Union Jack was flying with the Norwegian flag and everybody was having a very good party, down beside the harbour.

  3. Giovana almada
    23/05/2018 at 17:09

    Que lindo a forma como você escreveu

  4. The Better Cat
    23/05/2018 at 21:14

    I think it is wonderful that a country celebrates its birthday; i think it is even more wonderful when a country’s people want to celebrate its birthday.

  5. Unicorn Lord
    24/05/2018 at 01:41

    Still being able to go to sleep without finding a flying thing that you might not want in your house is something that I cannot do. Sleeping is something that, for me, needs the perfect circumstances to take place. I wish you the best of luck finding this flying thing and letting it outside, where it can reunite with its family and live a better, more successful life. Without wandering around the indoors and eventually landing in a glass of water or wine and drowning. Bugs are great, just not floating dead in beverages. Or lying dead on a windowsill. Gross.

  6. Joseph J
    25/05/2018 at 00:18

    So you wear a bunad?

    • Joseph J
      25/05/2018 at 00:20


    • Viktoria
      25/05/2018 at 16:31

      I have one! It’s beautiful. But I want to change some stuff on it. Plus it’s heavy and warm..

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