Celebratory pancake breakfast.
They’re gluten free and full of eggs not gonna lie so I’m not as cool as I look. But I did have four. So, you know.. Pretty cool.
Just got home from this paradise.
Porec is a very small family type of spot. So not my first choice in Croatia. But we travelled with the other one’s family, so it was all good. They stayed half an hour away from us at a family resort. And Croatia is so beautiful anyways and full of delicious food, lush nature and great infrastructure, so wherever you are I guess – you’ll be fine.
Our hotel was great also. Especially since I stayed five days longer than the other one I enjoyed it that much more. Breakfast with a sea-view, beautiful food, quiet.. Adult. I love kids. But until I have my own I don’t need drops of pool in my aperol. Especially not my first one.
I’ve never been traveling much on my own except from my year as an exchange student in South Africa, but highly recommend it. Get a nice hotel if you can though. I found it important to enjoy my surroundings and feel at bit at home and comfortable without needing to go out every night. I’m easily grossed out and a bit uptight in hotels and am at that point in my life where I’d rather travel less often than cheap. But that’s just the the snob in me.
The same snob also brought expensive silk dresses to a place you’ll get sweat stains in you ass crack before your starter arrives. So, can’t always trust your inner snob.
Definitely didn’t need that.
We stayed at the Palazzo. At the very tip of the city. It was actually man-made. The tip. He wanted to build the hotel so badly he built out the entire ground. Pretty snobbish.
Another thing I learnt from being alone on holiday is that you’re quite vulnerable. So I recommend bringing safety nets. Like books and maybe a laptop if you’re tired of museums, sitting at cafés alone with your book and your wine and decide to stay in one night. It’s ok not to be cool and cultural all the time.
Hold back on the flirting also. E.g. smiling. Dangerous game when alone. Making eye contact more than twice accompanied with a smile will apparently most definitely be interpreted as nothing less than an open invitation to your divine quiet zone you’ve created for yourself, your wine and your book.
Unless it’s towards the waiter. To signal that you need another one. Smiling in this case will definitely give you a head’s start and you might even get yours before the German.
Lot of Germans in Croatia..
I also did whatever the fuck I wanted to. Which felt surprisingly odd ’cause usually you’d have conversations with your friends, spitballing ideas before deciding to do that stuff that you really want to do but you’re not entirely confident enough to commit to right away.. I did all of those things. Empowering.
But the rain sounds pretty good now. Back home with my very exciting project. I feel ready. Strong. I feel good. I’m even letting my hair do it’s own thing. Which apparently is this. I’m cool with that.
Two blogs for the price of one (a ‘blogogof’ perhaps? Sounds rude)?
I know the first one was done before your holiday but got wedged in the pipework somewhere.
The big question…..was it very hot?
In the UK even the most ‘dyed-in-the-wool’ sun worshippers have had enough, let alone shade dwellers like me.
So hot!
Just revisited your site after a long absence, love your new hairstyle. Looks like you had a nice trip. I’ve got Swedish trip end of August for a week, Canada for three weeks in September and Iceland for four days at the beginning of December to look forward to.
Nice! 🙂 Enjoy
Wow! Welcome back to the interwebs! Lol.
Very excited to hear that you have a strong project to work on. A vacation, then right into what you love doing. Perfect transition. As a fellow designer I thought I would drop a word of warning in business dealings with other partners ( You may already be aware of this). Never allow any monetary stake holder in your business to have greater than 10% ownership of whatever your doing. I have other designer friends that have been stung by this type of arrangement. I hate to see any other fellow designer get burned by this common play by stake holders. I’m a firm believer in the Go Fund Me kind of financial aid, if you can swing it.
Anyways…..Welcome back! Croatia looks like a fun place to explore! Oh, and stay away from doppelganger care products! Lol! But, you already know this……package designers… know who you are…..listen up! ^_^
Thanks Kirk! Owning everything myself 😉
Welcome back! Seems to be all here too. 🙂
Anything you wanna tell us about this project of yours? 😉
Sooooon! 🙂
Hey Viktoria,
My friend is deciding to create a website, could you tell me how you created yours?
Tusen takk!
WordPress 🙂
Also, was there a reason why your blog was not working before?
a big welcome back from the GERMAN !
apropos hangover; favourite gin this summer ?
and heat does the rest… pissig contest time; this wednesday frankfurt city right next to the e.z.b… 39C and plus minus 30C since may in ruhrgebiet… do I hear any further offers?
” I’m even letting my hair do it’s own thing. Which apparently is this. I’m cool with that. ”
victoria what I wanted to ask you earlier; would you say that the Janteloven is still an active narrative for people who grew up in scandinavia ?
…I must confess, I think it would be totally refreshing to see the drunken uncontrolled snotty victoria in full effect pogo on the dancefloor…i’m not sure if she exist, but i’m missing her ! 😉
Janteloven is in our dna I think. I definitely have a drunken dancer in me..! I go ALL IN on the dance floor. It’s not hot, but feels amazing. I’m the one who’s so sore after a night of dancing I struggle getting up, I’m telling you..
Hei Viktoria. Jeg er ikke norsk, men jeg lærer. Jeg har fulgt bloggen din ganske lenge. Jeg er glad for å se den tilbake igjen. Jeg håper alt er bra og at du fortsetter å skrive. Beklager hvis min norsk er dårlig.
Nei, kjempegod! 😀 Jeg fortsetter å blogge så lenge jeg elsker det! og det gjør jeg!
Wow, the photos look stunning…
I remember going to Porec two years ago, i adored it.
I felt so comfortable there…people take their time, it’s a peaceful place.
Glad you enjoyed it as well.
By the way…i don’t know if you remember me…i have a few questions i’d like to ask you but i’d be more comfortable sharin them in private so i sent you a direct message on instagram..
Would you have enough time to answer them? (Your blog already inspire me a lot through the process of healing)
Thanks Viktoria
Have a beautiful day 🌿🙈✨
Orane (i had commented your post on recovery)
Hey Orane! Of course I remember! 🙂 Ask away!
„Lot of Germans in Croatia..“
Absolutely! To be honest, every time I’m abroad, I try to avoid speaking German, because it happens so fast that other Germans come closer and try to do small talk (I really hate small talk; I kinda „learned“ some basics at some point to seem more assimilated to social stuff, but I really enjoy being with people who don’t get mad at you when you’re just with each other, not saying more than you feel like is a healthy amount at the moment – which, depending of the person you’re with, can of course also be quite a lot :)).
And they’re everywhere…!