Aicha Bouhlou, you gave me pesto and a whole new look on potatoes.

Look at dis.

So happy.

I’ve never spent more time in the kitchen as I’ve done lately. I’m seriously learning how to make something new almost every day. It’s amazing. I’m so grown up and so very cool.

Even if it’s as simple as pesto. So easy. So elegant. How fucking classy to have friends over serving them fucking home-made hummus and pesto??! I almost can’t even with my new self.

I’ve always had a thing for foods with more ingredients than I’ve got fingers on my hand, though. It’s usually not good for you and you’ll probably die of cancer as a result of it.

On the other hand..! I’ve never beaten myself up about eating sour candy either. I honestly think that as long as you LOVE whatever it is you’re eating – it’s perfectly good for you. if you’re enjoying every bite it’s a healthy relationship. With food.

Your food relationship.

Purest most honest relationship you’ll ever have

I’m so serious it’s not even funny.

BUT! I’ve always tried to make my cookies, sauces and other stuff myself rather than buying the ones at the supermarket, you know? (obviously also buy the shit ones sometimes) But It’s all the numbers and names I can’t pronounce on the back (I can only assume aren’t foods) I try to avoid.

This mayonnaise, though.

That shit would just not happen and I need to call my friend Aicha next time.

But seriously, thank you for this.

This pie-making-session on the other hand.. (not from her cookbook)

How sexy is this?

The rollin’..

the flippin’..

the bubblin’ of the blueberries under the crispy surface made by almost only BUTTER!!!!

I die. Of pride.

Not making a habit out of this btw, don’t worry. Internet has enough pictures of amateur-food and I’m obviously aware of the fact that no-one needs to, nor should know what anyone eats at all times.

If you’re anything like me is variation the center of your diet. If I’ve eaten cheese, prosciutto and Christmas stick-meat for forever I tend to crave salads and vegetables at some point. If I’ve eaten a lot of sweet foods I tend to go savory afterwards. And now I’m obviously in a very curious period where all I wanna do is cook things from scratch and learn EVERYTHING green. The other night I spent four hours making dinner! Haha! I started around six, thinking we’d eat around eight -it was past TEN before we could sit down and die over falafels. The other one was happy though. He’s a nocturnal creature with an appetite that peaks around midnight. Whereas mine does at around one to three in the afternoon.

Anyways. Other one left yesterday and I drank just the perfect amount of wine at a new restaurant opening with my new friend and sommelier I met (and instantly developed what I can only assume is a longterm friendship with) as he served me beautiful food at Colonialen (I know – fooood, wine and MORE FOOOOD).

So today I’m only eating potetkaker with just the perfect amount of butter. I’ve had five so far.


  7 comments for “Aicha Bouhlou, you gave me pesto and a whole new look on potatoes.

  1. 14/09/2017 at 16:02

    Whoa we can leave messeges now? Very cool. I thought i was leaving a comment, oh well 😘
    Cooking is fun!

    • Viktoria
      14/09/2017 at 16:46

      Message? where? 😀

      • 16/09/2017 at 17:55

        Lol idk 😬😂

        • 16/09/2017 at 17:57

          (not really laughing) 😊 if i could send a screenshot i would, maybe ill send sit to your insta

        • Viktoria
          18/09/2017 at 14:26

          aaaah, I found it! haha never knew that before!

  2. 14/09/2017 at 20:48

    Hello Viktoria,

    Your words and beautiful pictures have somehow inspired me to also wanting
    to cook with more passion and also experimentation now.

    Also looking up ‘Christmas stick-meat’ and especially ‘potetkaker’ raised my curiousness for Norwegian cuisine.

    If its not bothering or boring you, can you maybe think of and name like 4-5 mainly Norwegian dishes, that you and/or your sisters enjoy(ed) on a daily basis? So for example like coming home from school comfort food of kids days, grandma/mother specials that come to mind and rather easy to make dishes like the potetkake?

    I’d really like to cook and try that kind of more ordinary food, that you dont directly find on your own research of a unknown cuisine. And feel a little Bergen-?ish? maybe while Im at it 😉

    Or take that idea for another blog about food/cooking if you like. Thanks for reading,
    best wishes Henjer.

  3. 14/09/2017 at 21:11

    That pie looks amazing! Blueberries, mmm. 🙂

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