Summertime.. and the living might not be easy

Since the sun came out and saved all of Norway’s inhabitants from depression, I’ve actually gotten a little bit of color on my body. This used to be important to me. You know those oils..? I don’t think any elaboration is necessary.

Since my sudden development towards rosacea this obviously had to change. Because the sun is skins enemy and all.  Which is maybe the one silver lining about this shit skin disease. Having to be reasonable in the sun. No spf below 30. Total sunblock 50 in face. If I’m very naughty I’ll settle for in 30 in my face and 15-20 on my legs at the end of summer. Bright sides: I probably won’t end up with skin cancer like wolverine did six times. I will look younger than those H&M swimwear models of 2012, in 2020. And hopefully have skin like a dolphin for the rest of my life.

Point! Being.. I have to fake my face a little. Body and face have to match folks. So go harder on blush and sun powder / lowlight than in wintertime.

And in 2017, when we’re all faking so much, everything seems to be the trend, it’s ok to fake freckles, right?

I do. This year I have a little bit freckles. Not every day. But some days.

That’s the beauty of summer, Spontaneity. Being playful. Take yourself a little less serious. Being outside not having to meet other people’s eyes. ‘Cause your behind the safety of sunglasses. There’s barbecues. Swimming..

But when this isn’t the case, when summer isn’t beautiful, summer can be very harsh. It’s hard not to notice your own lack of excitement over the warmer weather causing other people to be happier and socializing more than usual, when it’s all everyone else ever talks about. Drinking rosé at unreasonable hours. Flirting shamelessly with waiters named Fabrizio.

I’ve had summers like this. Spent behind closed porch doors. Blinds shut. Crying behind sunglasses. No ice cream.

Only relief of everyone being outside playing is that you don’t have to feel bad about not being productive in your little cave. That you have built. With your own two hands. Inside. Well, most of us have some sort of summer holiday and don’t have to be productive work-wise for a period of time, I’m talking more of the “hey, what’d you do today?” -kind of productive. I don’t know what’s going on in the land of the free -they seem to be working all the time? Also in my profession we get to feel bad about not being productive all year round <3

BUT! You can throw this thought away. ‘Cause what all the happy idiots did all day was most likely messing around getting sunburnt, eat, drink and take their clothes off. For various reasons. So fuck that, you just finished a whole fucking series on Netflix! And ice cream isn’t just for eating outside in the sun. C’mon..

I try to find joy in the sun-rays piercing through my window shades the days that I do stay in for various reasons. To work. Or worse…

I find pleasure in the knowledge that I know that there’s so much life growing outside and that I don’t have to worry about other people, they’re occupied enjoying life. Time can stand still for a while.

But I always think about the ones feeling down when I myself am feeling good. And we all know it gets worse when everyone else is happier than usual. Celebrating the life you might not be able to even stand. It’s a horrible place to be in.. What makes it even worse is the isolation. Feeling lonely is not to be taken lightly. Some statistics show that not having social connections can be as harmful as smoking or obesity..! And isolation is so much easier to achieve or experience during the holidays.

So we have to try to see each other. Try to reach out. Maybe think about someone who’s had a rough time leading up towards the holiday. Are they attending social events on Facebook? Has anyone seen this person for a while? Are you taking over the whole Instagram feed with photos of FOOD, WINE, HOLIDAYS, PARTIES, TRIPS, EXHILARATING NEW EXPERIENCES, WINE, FOOD, TANNED RIPPED BODIES, HAPPY COUPLES, FRIENDS. Social media is on steroids during summertime. Is he or she posting anything? And did you remember to invite them?

I know these aren’t really good advises. If someone’s in pain a pool party isn’t going to help much. But sitting inside not being invited or noticed isn’t either. So let’s remember to remember that not everyone is as happy as you and may need a hand <3

  18 comments for “Summertime.. and the living might not be easy

  1. 29/05/2017 at 17:48

    This is so beautiful. They are great advice. And very important. I think its okay to stay in during the summer. And not having to feel obligated to do something is great. Its good to do what you feel your body needs to do, whether that’s going out with friends or staying in binge watching shows. Its good to treat ourselves to whatever we want. Do whatever you want!
    Thank you for reminding me this, a friend came to mind. Im going to contact them.
    I had to put on 50 spf in our 80° weather. And my back is still burned.
    I love your adorable fake freckles.

  2. t.a.g.
    29/05/2017 at 19:33

    take a look how people are dressed in the south, traditional they all wear long clothes to protect the skin from the sun, there is a reason why the natives are making siesta 😉 ..the beautycode of being tanned is a 70ies thing. anyway the real magic comes when the sun goes down… it’s the summer evenings and nights which are great and euphoric, so you are doing it absolutely right ! and i think there is no reason for this protestantic self-punishment of being down for the pain in the world and feeling guilty to be happy, thats paternalistic crap, its an narrative to take control and not to be free !!!

    so you beautiful beautiful girl, enjoy your summer ! 😉

    PS. i really like the second foto, that seems to be a pure you without makeup

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 09:41

      Oh I enjoy summer! Just haven’t all summers. Which can be more painful when everyone else is having a wonderful time.. Important to see who’s not joining us in the sun <3

      • t.a.g.
        30/05/2017 at 11:42

        good to hear 😉 yup that must feels like, be not invited on THE party of the year… a good move to care about the left behinds… and very understandable in connection how rare the sun is in your region, so that it is on the other hand comprehensible that aginst all good sense the lust to linger that shiny gold wins so often.. are you using daylight lamps regulary the rest of the year, and vitamin d pills for mental health ? even in my region i thought about to buy one every grey fall/winter, havent done yet..

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 09:53

      And yes! People used to sun obviously know what they’re doing! haha. That’s why skin cancer so often occur here in the north.. Stupid. And you would imagine it was over once the 70’s were gone. But still so many people sought after it. Probably since it’s seen as being healthy.

  3. Geo
    29/05/2017 at 20:56

    Well only thing I can say as always your blogs are really up to date and 👏 add me on ig if possible yogeo20

  4. Floor
    29/05/2017 at 21:28

    I have no idea what to respond. Just thank you for reminding me the things that matter in life. I know it’s okay to stop time for a little while sometimes, but I often feel useless when I do that. But your words really help me and inspire me. You and your magical little sister always do that. You both give me strength, love, inspiration and energy. I can’t be more grateful. Besides, you look so cute on the pictures, because you are cute. And beautiful (I also love the freckles)! God natt Viktoria ❤

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 09:39

      <3 <3 <3

  5. James Croft
    29/05/2017 at 21:31

    Sure drawing on freckles seems innocent at first, but it leads to ginger braids tied with pretty bows and growing buck teeth. 😉

    The seasons seem pretty strange in Norway, seems you all get tucked away in winter and then have a frenzy of activity come summer. It’s hard to tell if it’s actually because of the weather or you just get lonely, try to compensate for it, remember you actually don’t like social interaction and hangovers after all and go back into hiding.

    Seriously though, encouraging people to reach out to family, friends or neighbours is lovely advice. It’s so easy to become scared and isolated and alone, all it takes is a quick word and a smile to change someone’s day.

    You look adorable in that last photo, like an angry toddler. 😀

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 09:38

      We love being social! I believe it has a lot to do with the weather.. When I lived in SA I was social all the time 🙂

      • 30/05/2017 at 11:36

        I can tell, you throw yourselves into a party! 🙂 Just had a get-together myself, went camping with friends from real life and from on-line. Of course as soon as you pitch a tent the sun turned to thunderstorms! 😀

  6. Stella
    30/05/2017 at 03:15

    Hello! Lovely comments from you all and of course Victoria your post is as always, so thoughtful and awesome! Very sweet to remind us of those not so forntunate than ourselves. We must reach out and make the effort. That’s where magic happens.
    To let time stand still is a skill! Not easy in this fast and often intense world but I think very necessary from time to time.
    Summer is a strange beast just like winter. I do love the feelings that each season evokes and imprints on us. I love that you can spend a summer day indoors and the feeling of summer is there with you – it’s right outside and you can let it in too, or choose not to! 😘

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 09:35


  7. Andy Wait
    30/05/2017 at 10:11

    Can’t add to what you have said already. Apart from the fact I enjoy coming to your site to read your thoughts, seems to cheer me up after reading. The day seems so much brighter after doing so.

    • Viktoria
      30/05/2017 at 11:06

      <3 <3 <3 <3

  8. Stuart
    09/06/2017 at 08:19

    I’m One of those people. I’ve not had so much as a hug in over 8yrs. Total obscurity apart from the usual family get togethers that I actually dread due to my overwhelming feeling of failure in the eyes of those I love. I put on all the right faces to hide all the pain and swallow all my own beliefs that it’s all leading somewhere better, one day. Your helping me break free from my self made prison. Being lonely is one of the most soul destroying feelings, the hole can seem too deep to get out of. You’ve thrown me a rope I intend to climb it. Your sister Aurora has woken something inside me that will never sleep again. You and Aurora seem to share the same mindset as me (thoughts have no gender) and it’s so energising to see you both doing so well, you are both so strong it gives me hope and I believe in myself. THANK YOU BOTH XX

    • Viktoria
      12/06/2017 at 12:10

      <3 Stuart <3 Wish you the very best. Also, try tell somebody you trust if you feel comfortable enough with them. Chances are someone's noticed already and want you to reach out. And if not, you definitely need to talk to someone. If you've been hiding it that well.. Thought about seeing someone professional?

      • Stuart
        16/06/2017 at 13:51

        Your probably right, I have to agree. I do like my own company though, suppose I have to, right?! 🙂 the problem lies in wanting to fight my own battles. It’s silly I know but I’ve always been self reliant. I am broken for sure and maybe it will take a ‘professional’ to fix me. I’m admitting I have a problem at least, that’s the first step I think. Thank you <3

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