Did you know.. Rosacea is a quite common inflammatory skin disorder and affects five to ten percent of the worlds population? And there is no cure! Just “hot” tips like avoiding cold and hot weather; big changes in temperature. Wind. Fun dietary stuff like spicy food, chocolate and alcohol. No hot baths (temperature changes). No hot beverages for that matter. Definitely a temperature themed list, this. No sweating, long showers ar any kind of contact involving your skin and.. anything really. Including the sun. Mental health issues. Stress.
Living, basically, makes your rosacea worse.
I only avoid one of these so-called triggers. Spicy food. It pretty much makes my face lit up like a Christmas tree just thinking about it.
I can imagine this being a bigger issue with people with fairer, paler skin living up north. And can get really really bad! Have you ever seen those older men with big red lumpy noses? Chances are he’s likely to have rosacea. Really bad rosacea, rhinophyma, but there are different stages. I have stage 1-2 rosacea. And going to that dermatologist for the first time was a huge relief. So check it out if you’re wondering. You can get better and should treat it.
Throwing in a picture that doesn't really show a rosacea outbreak, but still seemed relevant.
I’ve tried laser treatment, antibiotics, various creams and cleansers, beta blockers to slow down heartbeat therefore blushing, soaps; everything in the house (I’m talking vinegar and citrus to clean around the house) that comes in contact with skin and/or airways is without perfume and other stuff we know ain’t good for us. My deodorant has perfume. There. I said it. But that’s it.
BUT! Nothing’s worked. No wonder really, the amount of stress I experience every day. My blushing has become such an issue for me I can’t even imagine walking out the door without a heavy coat of foundation. The thick kind, not this bb/cc cream shit. So no one would guess that I had it. And there’s a direct link I might add, just sprinkle it on the top of the icing of this beautiful flaring cake, between rosacea, depression and social anxiety. Which is awesome.
BUT! AGAIN! I tried another dermatologist a few months ago, and started a new skin line treatment which includes seven fucking steps and practically ruined me financially (can’t put a prize on happiness, ey?). But I have a good feeling about this! Your skin cycle is six weeks, and for optimal results it’ll take five months of treatment every day. I know from experience that everything seems the darkest before light, and I’m currently in that stage where my skin is peeling (like after sunburns etc?), burning like you wouldn’t believe, a couple of welcomed zits made their way the other day, and everything feels.. tight! That’s a good word for it. Tight. And painful. But I’m in good spirits! If I can feel the fresh air on naked skin at the end of this in public without dying of shame I’ll be even happier than my happiest self. And will celebrate by dragging a hot tub out in the cold wind with people watching, with a glass of alcohol and a bar of chocolate after a really intense workout.
The temporary symptoms means something is happening, though! A positive attitude, I believe, is very important here also. Try…try to accept my blushing. I need not be perfect. Perfection involves blushing.
Here’s the products I’m currently using
ZO Medical, by dr. Zein Obagi.
World renowned dermatologist and possible lifesaver. I’m counting on you, Zaobagi. Gogabiz. Zegabo. Zozo.
To all, rosacea victims or not, ALWAYS remember to take care of your skin. Cleanse, moisturize, handle gently and always use sun screen. Basically only psoriasis really benefits from the sun. So protect it. Happy skin – Happy peoples!
Got a similar problem with sun damage to my head I got as a child. I am paying for it in my later years. I’ve had the damaged skin, cut out and burnt off and liberal doses of various creams all to no avail, doesn’t help I have a shortage of hair up there these days and it is visible. It clears for a while then just creeps back again in the end. I think my skin is susceptible to these sorts of things, I had a problem with warts on my hands many years ago. I suppose the moral to the story is take care when out in the sun. I can commiserate with your feelings.
Different problems -we all can relate to skin issues and insecurities. It does something to your confidence, doesn’t it! And yes, respect for the sun. It’s powerful. I also had warts on my hands growing up!! Iced them off, or something. Never had them since, very grateful for that. Hope you’re coping with your skin, best of luck! 🙂
Thanks for your response. Enjoy reading your Blogg.
Good 🙂 haha, I know, had some trouble changing it to English!
Your English is way better than my Norwegian. I will have to practise some more, my wife and I are visiting your beautiful country again, July 2017.
👏 thanks for sharing now i know , your really smart btw 👏
I’ve ended up on a hospital ward twice with my eczema; pretty much in control these days though, thankfully.
People tend to overlook skin conditions, but they can make you so physically and emotionally uncomfortable.
So I really hope this treatment works out for you, seems quite intensive! But you gotta stick it out; nothing as frustrating as waiting for something to work! Best of luck. 🙂
I’m glad to hear that James! And thank you! Here’s hoping 🙂
Hei. Du skriver så bra! Takk for all den gode informasjonen her. Hva slags make up anbefaler du? Synes liksom ingen kremer dekker min rosacea hud når den blomstrer opp. Takk for svaret – når du har tid.
Lykke til videre med alle dine fine talenter 😊
Hilsen Ine.
Hei Ine! 🙂 Jeg bruker Bobby brown sin foundation, Long-wear Even finish. Den selger de hvertfall på Åsane senter, om du holder til i Bergen. Og sikkert flere steder i Oslo (steen og strøm feks). Den er tykk og god og har god dekkevne. Er veldig tørr da, så hør med de om du har tørr hud. Jeg kan bli ganske glinsende av stress utover dagen, så jeg liker den 🙂
Har også likt Dior sin, Forever. Men fant ikke helt rett tone, de pleier ikke ha så mye gult i seg og heller mer mot rosatoner. Og litt gult er bra for oss!
Lykke til, og husk at alle selvsagt er forskjellig. Håper du finner noe som funker for deg! Spør etter prøve først!!! Dra hjem og prøv et par dager før du kjøper!
Tusen takk for at du tok deg tid til å svare så grundig! Jeg la det superstressa Oslo-livet bak meg og flyttet til Snåsa ✌😄Skal sjekke i Trondheim. Bare tre timer dit 😊
My mom had rosacea in past and applied many products for rosacea removal, but it takes times to disappear completely. It will be better to take treatment at right time. Also, We should avoid direct sunlight, stress and junk food and should eat fresh and healthy also include more green vegetables in our food.
Hello! For three years I’ve been having rosacea on my cheeks. For me, it has been really difficult to accept it. A few months ago, I couldn’t even leave my house without makeup. The treatment that is helping me a lot is DermaalMD’s treatment for rosacea.
Fantastic! Same here, wouldn’t leave the house on bad days. So happy you found relief! For me my hero’s been Soolantra, 10mg. A prescription night cream 🙂 It’s a whole new world!